Nothing is agreed until everything’s is agreed is the new despite / because of brexit
What's the new 'we hold all the cards' or 'the German carmakers will make sure we get a good deal'?
Seems like the German carmakers have delivered so far ..
They've made the UK agree to terms that mean it can never leave the single market and customs union? Seems like a good deal for them...
No they have not. If you're referring to the "regulatory alignment" passage that only applies in the absence of a trade deal.
I'm afraid you haven't understood what has been agreed. The 'last resort' is now the default, unless and until there is a political solution for Northern Ireland.
I am afraid you have not understood what has been agreed. Article 5 specifically says there is a caveat to the whole agreement.
"Under the caveat that nothing is agreed until everything is agreed, the joint commitments set out below in this joint report shall be reflected in the Withdrawal Agreement in full detail."
The last resort is that there is no agreement. Under those circumstances nothing is agreed.
Yep, the wholly destructive cliff edge is still there. But it is fading into the distance.
@BBCNormanS: Hmm...showdown looms. Tory "mutineers" adamant will not blink over support for "meaningful vote" on brexit
Yawn - so much build up on this one that, as I've noted before, I assumed the government had already given in on the point in advance. They might lose, and out of hundreds of amendments might lose more. Big deal.
Mr. Eagles, sounds like someone banging on about their Yorkshire credentials when they're a member of Lancashire Cricket Club.
At the time, I lived and worked in Manchester, I liked going to the t20 after work, and I've stated many many times, the primary reason was Lancashire members used to get priority access to England matches at Old Trafford.
What is this limp, cringing shite? We're Conservatives, not thought policing Labour commissars. We should be weaponising the battle against political correctness the way the Republicans have so effectively in the US. Let's propose a bill to make free speech absolute, with the only exception being direct incitement to violence - it costs no money, but opens up a large and productive front in a culture war that's being lost because we're not bothering to fight it.
This isn't a question of free speech. Taking an extreme example. it is perfectly good and proper that people should be allowed to publish Mein Kampf. It is not good and proper for a Conservative MP to go around repeating Meim Kampf as policy.
Did Anne Marie Morris articulate a theory of racial superiority based on her inherited characteristics? If she did, she should be dismissed from the party, never to return. If she used an outdated expression, she should be asked to apologise for being rude.
Her "offence" was the latter, and some people are treating it as if it were the former. Balls to that!
Just a view from a (not that it matters, not that anyone can tell on the internet) non-white Conservative.
I have to admit one of the amusing things about dating a Corbynista.
They'll rail against the rich, Tories, bankers, public schoolboys and flaunt their women of the people credentials.
But they don't mind spending their money and staying in 4*/5* hotels.
Edit - For bonus value, they'll rail about the above whilst quaffing the £200 a bottle champagne you've got them.
Yep, sounds about right for young hard left. Similar to the way rioting anti-capitalists like to capture all the footage of their exploits on the very latest iPhone.
This isn't a question of free speech. Taking an extreme example. it is perfectly good and proper that people should be allowed to publish Mein Kampf. It is not good and proper for a Conservative MP to go around repeating Meim Kampf as policy.
True, but these shifting verbal sands can be treacherous, what with words which used to be utterly forbidden in polite society now being common, and words which used to be common now being utterly forbidden. I try to keep up, but I'm puzzled as to whether 'cowboy builder' is still OK, or whether it's now regarded as offensive to the American ranching community, and if not, why not.
A few years ago , we all had to go on a diversity course and were adviced not to use the term nitty-gritty.Which seemed strange to me as I had heard it on many occasions on the BBC.
........and then after persuading all those Tory marginals to vote Marxist, that nice Mr.Corbyn is going to jolly well sort out the country forever. No one will ever be poor again, the NHS will have all the money it wants, everyone will have a huge pay rise, student tuition fees will be abolished as will all existing debts, the trains will run on time, everything will be nationalised, workers will be given the right to strike every day of the week, the homeless will live in shiny new houses, and everyone will be so so happy because no one except the few will pay higher taxes, and the UK will be a happy clappy land with pictures of Jeremy all over the walls, and everyone will sing "Oh! Jeremy Corbyn!"
Well that part might not be true, but I'm certainly not ruling out him
Stop press****Corbynista news (all else is fake). ***Labour might be 2 points behind today, Labour might only have won a similar number of seats as Gordon Brown in 2010, it might be true that no opposition has ever formed a government without being at least 15 points ahead in the polls between elections, but just you wait till the next elections when all those Tories in marginal seats decide that what they really want is for an economically illiterate Marxist who thinks Castro is a hero, and Venezuela the very model of good economic practice should become prime minister.
All power to you, stevef - I hope you're right. But I'm afraid that political gravity will drag the Tories down by the next election even with a totally unqualified Corbyn as the alternative. If the 2017 result had happened in 2020, it might have been seen as a triumph - May riding out the Brexit storm with a 1992-style surprise victory. But the events of the next 4.5 years are on balance more likely to piss voters off than to win them over...
History shows that voters tend to cling to nurse when the alternative is something worse. I dont think May will be around in 2022 anyway. The Tories will choose someone more voter friendly, and will have ruthlessly learned the lessons of 2017.................The voters were very pissed off at the end of the Thatcher period in 1990. The Tories were way behind, people were rioting over the poll tax.............but they clenched their teeth and voted for Major in 1992. People were pissed off with the Tories in 1957 after Suez, but in 1959 they won a landslide under Macmillan. If Andy Burnham or Emily Thornberry were Labour leader, the Tories would be doomed, but voters in the Tory marginals in 2022 are not going to be so pissed off that they want a walking talking disaster like Corbyn as PM.
Mr. 86, ha. A jump, a leap, a spike, a huge upsurge, an increase by the smallest measurable margin. Kamal Ahmed, the BBC's economics editor, is not great. During the EU campaign he asked Carney whether he could guarantee there wouldn't be a recession if we voted to leave.
Anyway, I can't hang around here chatting to you crazy kids. I have work to do.
This isn't a question of free speech. Taking an extreme example. it is perfectly good and proper that people should be allowed to publish Mein Kampf. It is not good and proper for a Conservative MP to go around repeating Meim Kampf as policy.
True, but these shifting verbal sands can be treacherous, what with words which used to be utterly forbidden in polite society now being common, and words which used to be common now being utterly forbidden. I try to keep up, but I'm puzzled as to whether 'cowboy builder' is still OK, or whether it's now regarded as offensive to the American ranching community, and if not, why not.
A few years ago , we all had to go on a diversity course and were adviced not to use the term nitty-gritty.Which seemed strange to me as I had heard it on many occasions on the BBC.
I have to admit one of the amusing things about dating a Corbynista.
They'll rail against the rich, Tories, bankers, public schoolboys and flaunt their women of the people credentials.
But they don't mind spending their money and staying in 4*/5* hotels.
Edit - For bonus value, they'll rail about the above whilst quaffing the £200 a bottle champagne you've got them.
They’ll also have attended said public schools, live in a flat paid for by mummy and daddy and have employment which reflects what they think they should be and not what they are.
What is this limp, cringing shite? We're Conservatives, not thought policing Labour commissars. We should be weaponising the battle against political correctness the way the Republicans have so effectively in the US. Let's propose a bill to make free speech absolute, with the only exception being direct incitement to violence - it costs no money, but opens up a large and productive front in a culture war that's being lost because we're not bothering to fight it.
This isn't a question of free speech. Taking an extreme example. it is perfectly good and proper that people should be allowed to publish Mein Kampf. It is not good and proper for a Conservative MP to go around repeating Meim Kampf as policy.
Did Anne Marie Morris articulate a theory of racial superiority based on her inherited characteristics? If she did, she should be dismissed from the party, never to return. If she used an outdated expression, she should be asked to apologise for being rude.
Her "offence" was the latter, and some people are treating it as if it were the former. Balls to that!
Just a view from a (not that it matters, not that anyone can tell on the internet) non-white Conservative.
Mr. Eagles, sounds like someone banging on about their Yorkshire credentials when they're a member of Lancashire Cricket Club.
At the time, I lived and worked in Manchester, I liked going to the t20 after work, and I've stated many many times, the primary reason was Lancashire members used to get priority access to England matches at Old Trafford.
Mr. Eagles, sounds like someone banging on about their Yorkshire credentials when they're a member of Lancashire Cricket Club.
At the time, I lived and worked in Manchester, I liked going to the t20 after work, and I've stated many many times, the primary reason was Lancashire members used to get priority access to England matches at Old Trafford.
This is brilliant. Who are you calling a Corbynista; HYUFD, TSE, or MD?
In a little over 2 years I've gone from being accused of being the mouthpiece of CCHQ to a Corbynista.
When you joined the cult, did you at least get a free t-shirt?
I kinda got a girlfriend.
Lordy, you and SeanT. Are these mad lefties really that good?
Socialist women love Tory men.
And, shall we say, it creates a useful dynamic behind closed doors.
My partner was fairly leftist (at least in Swiss terms, she voted SP) when we met 7 years ago. She intends to vote conservative in the next election now that she is a citizen.
Mr. F, how did Labour did for leads in the 2015-2017 Parliament?
Labour led a few times with YouGov by 3% during the run up to the referendum, when the Tories were tearing themselves apart over the referendum.
YouGov were the only pollster to pick up any Labour leads.
and then went on to lose the general election with roughly a similar number of seats under Gordon Brown in 2010. Only by being at least 15 points ahead now would it look as if Labour was likely to capture enough Tory marginals to be able to form a government after the next election. But Labour today is 2 points behind,
Your constant spinning is tiring.
Corbyn oversaw a near 10% increase in Labour's vote, a swing from the Tories, and probably only needing a sub 1% next time to form the next government,
Labour's share of the vote was only fractionally lower than Blair's in 2001.
And of course the most accurate pollster at the last election has Labour 8% ahead.
Even Survation does not give Corbyn a poll lead big enough for a working majority and was taken pre May's EU agreement bounce
If you are tired, then go to sleep. But its not spin, but factual to point out that the increase in the Labour vote was the result -mainly -of piling up votes in seats that Labour already held. Its not the percentage of the vote that matters, its the number of seats that a party wins. Corbyn piled up votes in seats that was already Labour, but failed spectacularly to win many Tory marginals. His tally of seats was similar to that won by Gordon Brown who only got 29% in 2010. But of course to Corbynistas like you, all is spin unless it agrees with the Corbynista viewpoint.
Yougov was predicting a hung parliament long before Survation during the election. (but chickened out at the last moment). Yougov is now using the same methodology it used when it predicted a hung parliament, and now finds Labour behind in the polls.
You are going to be so very disappointed on election night. And I am a mainstream John Smith/Harold Wilson Labour supporter.
As a former Tory town council candidate and university Conservative Association chairman first time I have ever been called a Corbynista!
A few years ago , we all had to go on a diversity course and were adviced not to use the term nitty-gritty.Which seemed strange to me as I had heard it on many occasions on the BBC.
What the hell is wrong with 'nitty-gritty'? If there is anything wrong with it, it's an excellent illustration of the fact that the use of a phrase as a figure of speech isn't a reference to the original metaphor, any more than 'the fly in the ointment' is about entomology.
A few years ago , we all had to go on a diversity course and were adviced not to use the term nitty-gritty.Which seemed strange to me as I had heard it on many occasions on the BBC.
What the hell is wrong with 'nitty-gritty'? If there is anything wrong with it, it's an excellent illustration of the fact that the use of a phrase as a figure of speech isn't a reference to the original metaphor, any more than 'the fly in the ointment' is about entomology.
A few years ago , we all had to go on a diversity course and were adviced not to use the term nitty-gritty.Which seemed strange to me as I had heard it on many occasions on the BBC.
What the hell is wrong with 'nitty-gritty'? If there is anything wrong with it, it's an excellent illustration of the fact that the use of a phrase as a figure of speech isn't a reference to the original metaphor, any more than 'the fly in the ointment' is about entomology.
We were told because it came from the slave trade.No one on the course was aware of that.
ORIGIN 2: one theory is that "nitty-gritty" refers to the debris left in the bottom of a slave ships at the end of a voyage. Hence, use of the term is highly contentious and has been banned by the police.
USAGE: ignorant of this, Home Office minister John Denham used the term during a speech to the Police Federation Conference on Tuesday. "[T]hey don't normally get into that nitty-gritty," he said, only to find himself being challenged by a delegate who said officers were banned from using it because of race relations laws. Officers later said it was just an example of how the English language had been turned into a minefield of political correctness.
This Tory MP was clearly stupid to use the expression in question, but it's also abundantly clear no slight was intended to anyone. She was discussing financial regulation I believe! She's apologised, served her sentence. Time to move on.
It's a million miles away from the institutional anti-Semitism now infesting Labour.
A few years ago , we all had to go on a diversity course and were adviced not to use the term nitty-gritty.Which seemed strange to me as I had heard it on many occasions on the BBC.
What the hell is wrong with 'nitty-gritty'? If there is anything wrong with it, it's an excellent illustration of the fact that the use of a phrase as a figure of speech isn't a reference to the original metaphor, any more than 'the fly in the ointment' is about entomology.
We were told because it came from the slave trade.No one on the course was aware of that.
Yeah, well since the earliest recorded use of it seems to be from the 1930s, that seems unlikely. But more to the point, who cares? The phrase now has precisely zero connection to the slave trade, and not a single person on this earth who ever uses the phrase is making a reference to the slave trade, any more than someone using the phrase 'baptism of fire' is referring to early Christian martyrs.
A few years ago , we all had to go on a diversity course and were adviced not to use the term nitty-gritty.Which seemed strange to me as I had heard it on many occasions on the BBC.
What the hell is wrong with 'nitty-gritty'? If there is anything wrong with it, it's an excellent illustration of the fact that the use of a phrase as a figure of speech isn't a reference to the original metaphor, any more than 'the fly in the ointment' is about entomology.
We were told because it came from the slave trade.No one on the course was aware of that.
Yeah, well since the earliest recorded use of it seems to be from the 1930s, that seems unlikely. But more to the point, who cares? The phrase now has precisely zero connection to the slave trade, and not a single person on this earth who ever uses the phrase is making a reference to the slave trade, any more that someone using the phrase 'baptism of fire' is referring to early Christian martyrs.
Totally agree Richard.However we were adviced not to use it.My employer was adamant even when many made the same points as yourself.As I said earlier was surprised as I heard it used many times on the BBC.
A few years ago , we all had to go on a diversity course and were adviced not to use the term nitty-gritty.Which seemed strange to me as I had heard it on many occasions on the BBC.
What the hell is wrong with 'nitty-gritty'? If there is anything wrong with it, it's an excellent illustration of the fact that the use of a phrase as a figure of speech isn't a reference to the original metaphor, any more than 'the fly in the ointment' is about entomology.
Something to do with slave ships.
First I've ever heard about it.
Is brainstorming ok now? It's the first example I can think of a word supposedly being offensive, as when I was at school we had to stop using the expression when making what was then referred to as a mind map.
A few years ago , we all had to go on a diversity course and were adviced not to use the term nitty-gritty.Which seemed strange to me as I had heard it on many occasions on the BBC.
What the hell is wrong with 'nitty-gritty'? If there is anything wrong with it, it's an excellent illustration of the fact that the use of a phrase as a figure of speech isn't a reference to the original metaphor, any more than 'the fly in the ointment' is about entomology.
Something to do with slave ships.
First I've ever heard about it.
Is brainstorming ok now? It's the first example I can think of a word supposedly being offensive, as when I was at school we had to stop using the expression when making what was then referred to as a mind map.
Brian storming implies brain. Mind map doesn’t. I can see that would be offensive to the marginally bright.
A few years ago , we all had to go on a diversity course and were adviced not to use the term nitty-gritty.Which seemed strange to me as I had heard it on many occasions on the BBC.
What the hell is wrong with 'nitty-gritty'? If there is anything wrong with it, it's an excellent illustration of the fact that the use of a phrase as a figure of speech isn't a reference to the original metaphor, any more than 'the fly in the ointment' is about entomology.
We were told because it came from the slave trade.No one on the course was aware of that.
Yeah, well since the earliest recorded use of it seems to be from the 1930s, that seems unlikely. But more to the point, who cares? The phrase now has precisely zero connection to the slave trade, and not a single person on this earth who ever uses the phrase is making a reference to the slave trade, any more than someone using the phrase 'baptism of fire' is referring to early Christian martyrs.
If possible or actual offence is supposed to be the basis on which speech is allowed, then there are a few foundational texts of major religions which will need to be banned.
This mania for policing language is utterly childish. We are losing the art of distinguishing between insults deliberately targeted at individuals or groups of them - plain bad manners, which may in some cases lead onto incitement to violence - and the use of phrases which have passed into general use, untethered from their origins.
This desire to be shielded from offence is being used by some as a sword to prevent any frank discussion of difficult matters.
And since when does anyone have a right not to be offended anyway? Is public life now meant to be conducted as if we are all two year olds?
A few years ago , we all had to go on a diversity course and were adviced not to use the term nitty-gritty.Which seemed strange to me as I had heard it on many occasions on the BBC.
What the hell is wrong with 'nitty-gritty'? If there is anything wrong with it, it's an excellent illustration of the fact that the use of a phrase as a figure of speech isn't a reference to the original metaphor, any more than 'the fly in the ointment' is about entomology.
Something to do with slave ships.
First I've ever heard about it.
Is brainstorming ok now? It's the first example I can think of a word supposedly being offensive, as when I was at school we had to stop using the expression when making what was then referred to as a mind map.
Brian storming implies brain. Mind map doesn’t. I can see that would be offensive to the marginally bright.
It was supposedly because brainstorming was offensive to epileptics. We were genuinely told this when I was at secondary school, so less than 20 years ago.
ORIGIN 2: one theory is that "nitty-gritty" refers to the debris left in the bottom of a slave ships at the end of a voyage. Hence, use of the term is highly contentious and has been banned by the police.
USAGE: ignorant of this, Home Office minister John Denham used the term during a speech to the Police Federation Conference on Tuesday. "[T]hey don't normally get into that nitty-gritty," he said, only to find himself being challenged by a delegate who said officers were banned from using it because of race relations laws. Officers later said it was just an example of how the English language had been turned into a minefield of political correctness.
I generally go with the idea that if a word is going to be offensive to people and it is reasonable that they would be offended then I should not use it. Obviously both the 'N' and 'K' words fall into that category. There is really no circumstance they could be used by me without the intent to cause offence.
Where I get angry is when people are accused of racism or bigotry for using a perfectly reasonable word but some people are too fecking ignorant to know what it means.
The case of David Howard, aide to the Mayor of Washington, and his use of the word niggardly is a good example of this. Having to resign your post because some people are just thick is really not a good way to run things.
ORIGIN 2: one theory is that "nitty-gritty" refers to the debris left in the bottom of a slave ships at the end of a voyage. Hence, use of the term is highly contentious and has been banned by the police.
USAGE: ignorant of this, Home Office minister John Denham used the term during a speech to the Police Federation Conference on Tuesday. "[T]hey don't normally get into that nitty-gritty," he said, only to find himself being challenged by a delegate who said officers were banned from using it because of race relations laws. Officers later said it was just an example of how the English language had been turned into a minefield of political correctness.
I generally go with the idea that if a word is going to be offensive to people and it is reasonable that they would be offended then I should not use it. Obviously both the 'N' and 'K' words fall into that category.
Where I get angry is when people are accused of racism or bigotry for using a perfectly reasonable word but some people are too fecking ignorant to know what it means.
The case of David Howard, aide to the Mayor of Washington, and his use of the word niggardly is a good example of this. Having to resign your post because some people are just thick is really not a good way to run things.
Agreed. The key word in your first paragraph is 'reasonable'.
A few years ago , we all had to go on a diversity course and were adviced not to use the term nitty-gritty.Which seemed strange to me as I had heard it on many occasions on the BBC.
What the hell is wrong with 'nitty-gritty'? If there is anything wrong with it, it's an excellent illustration of the fact that the use of a phrase as a figure of speech isn't a reference to the original metaphor, any more than 'the fly in the ointment' is about entomology.
We were told because it came from the slave trade.No one on the course was aware of that.
Yeah, well since the earliest recorded use of it seems to be from the 1930s, that seems unlikely. But more to the point, who cares? The phrase now has precisely zero connection to the slave trade, and not a single person on this earth who ever uses the phrase is making a reference to the slave trade, any more than someone using the phrase 'baptism of fire' is referring to early Christian martyrs.
If possible or actual offence is supposed to be the basis on which speech is allowed, then there are a few foundational texts of major religions which will need to be banned.
This mania for policing language is utterly childish. We are losing the art of distinguishing between insults deliberately targeted at individuals or groups of them - plain bad manners, which may in some cases lead onto incitement to violence - and the use of phrases which have passed into general use, untethered from their origins.
This desire to be shielded from offence is being used by some as a sword to prevent any frank discussion of difficult matters.
And since when does anyone have a right not to be offended anyway? Is public life now meant to be conducted as if we are all two year olds?
For some people that is the goal - the right to not be offended is a fundamental to some. But I'm with you on that.
A few years ago , we all had to go on a diversity course and were adviced not to use the term nitty-gritty.Which seemed strange to me as I had heard it on many occasions on the BBC.
What the hell is wrong with 'nitty-gritty'? If there is anything wrong with it, it's an excellent illustration of the fact that the use of a phrase as a figure of speech isn't a reference to the original metaphor, any more than 'the fly in the ointment' is about entomology.
Something to do with slave ships.
First I've ever heard about it.
Is brainstorming ok now? It's the first example I can think of a word supposedly being offensive, as when I was at school we had to stop using the expression when making what was then referred to as a mind map.
Brian storming implies brain. Mind map doesn’t. I can see that would be offensive to the marginally bright.
It was supposedly because brainstorming was offensive to epileptics. We were genuinely told this when I was at secondary school, so less than 20 years ago.
Some people specialise in finding offence where there isn’t any. I generally assume that they’re frustrated virgins and you’re their metaphorical Kleenex.
What's the PB collective view on the word 'gora'? Is it offensive? Should it be banned? Should I have just said 'the G word'?
Never heard of it.
Now the Irish 'Begorrah' is quite another thing!
He's gora lot of bottle to use the G word.
Never heard of it either. Mind you if you rearrange the letters and add in a t and an e you get toerag, and they're a fussy mob. So you're far too close to the line clearly.
In what was news to me (or at least I don't recall hearing it before), according to the guides on my China trip they refer to westerners as Big Noses over there, or used to.
In what was news to me (or at least I don't recall hearing it before), according to the guides on my China trip they refer to westerners as Big Noses over there, or used to.
I'm not sure if that's better or worse than white devils (the traditional term).
In what was news to me (or at least I don't recall hearing it before), according to the guides on my China trip they refer to westerners as Big Noses over there, or used to.
I'm not sure if that's better or worse than white devils (the traditional term).
I had heard that one, and part of me wondered if the guides were sparing our feelings by substituting big noses for that and thinking it was better.
After a state supreme court verdict today the votes will be destroyed after the vote count, zero ability to perform a manual recount.
This from the state where the people.who over see elections don't think I should be easy to vote and who formulated voting procedures to make it hard for Black's to vote.
It is just over two weeks since my operation and a week since I was readmitted over issues which are happily resolved but my wife, daughter and myself have all contracted this dreadful coughing bug that is very debilitating. However, hopefully day by day I will recover my strength.
However, dipping in from time to time I have to say everything is predictably tedious with the hard line Europhiles just as extreme as any Brexiteer but all reported with great zeal by our broadcast media where it is all the UK's fault
It amazes me that labour are not our of sight, let alone behind in the recent polls, but I wish everyone would just grow up and let the negotiations develop. At least TM is the grown up in the room
Paging @Morris_Dancer - BBC Six O'Clock News reporting a 0.1 pp jump in inflation.
Shocking bias from the pro-Brexit BBC.
It is in fact a 3.33% monthly increase in inflation.
Are you going all Nixon on us?
You should see my enemies list.
1) Anyone who likes pineapple on pizza
2) Anyone who doesn't think AV is the greatest voting system known to man
3) Thinks Die Hard is a Christmas movie
1) OK, but infinitely worse is putting pineapple in curries/biryani.
2) AV referendum 2011: No 68%, Yes 32%. Just sayin'.
3) Die Hard IS a Christmas movie. Has Vaughn Monroe singing "Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!" at the end.
The film turned Willis into an action star, and became a metonym for an action film in which a lone hero fights overwhelming odds, and has been named one of the best action and Christmas-themed films ever made. [...] As the film has a Christmas setting, the score also features sleigh bells in some cues, as well as the Christmas pop standard "Winter Wonderland"... [N]ear the film's beginning, limousine driver Argyle plays the rap song "Christmas in Hollis", performed by Run–D.M.C.... The end credits of the film begin with the Christmas song "Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!" (performed by Vaughn Monroe)
Paging @Morris_Dancer - BBC Six O'Clock News reporting a 0.1 pp jump in inflation.
Shocking bias from the pro-Brexit BBC.
It is in fact a 3.33% monthly increase in inflation.
Are you going all Nixon on us?
You should see my enemies list.
1) Anyone who likes pineapple on pizza
2) Anyone who doesn't think AV is the greatest voting system known to man
3) Thinks Die Hard is a Christmas movie
1) OK, but infinitely worse is putting pineapple in curries/biryani.
2) AV referendum 2011: No 68%, Yes 32%. Just sayin'.
3) Die Hard IS a Christmas movie. Has Vaughn Monroe singing "Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!" at the end.
The film turned Willis into an action star, and became a metonym for an action film in which a lone hero fights overwhelming odds, and has been named one of the best action and Christmas-themed films ever made. [...] As the film has a Christmas setting, the score also features sleigh bells in some cues, as well as the Christmas pop standard "Winter Wonderland"... [N]ear the film's beginning, limousine driver Argyle plays the rap song "Christmas in Hollis", performed by Run–D.M.C.... The end credits of the film begin with the Christmas song "Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!" (performed by Vaughn Monroe)
I know I shouldn't laugh, but the key witness to the latest Trump sexual harassment case has been named as Ray Charles. I can't believe that someone isn't trolling the media. Ray Charles.
@AlbertoNardelli: Wording in EU27 draft guidelines have been tightened:
1) paragraph on transition now makes specific reference to ECJ: 'All existing Union regulatory, budgetary, supervisory, judiciary & enforcement instruments & structures will also apply, *including the competence of the ECJ*'
It is just over two weeks since my operation and a week since I was readmitted over issues which are happily resolved but my wife, daughter and myself have all contracted this dreadful coughing bug that is very debilitating. However, hopefully day by day I will recover my strength.
However, dipping in from time to time I have to say everything is predictably tedious with the hard line Europhiles just as extreme as any Brexiteer but all reported with great zeal by our broadcast media where it is all the UK's fault
It amazes me that labour are not our of sight, let alone behind in the recent polls, but I wish everyone would just grow up and let the negotiations develop. At least TM is the grown up in the room
Get well soon Big G , I was unable to post when you had Op, get a few whiskys down your throat, you can add a bit of honey and lemon if you like.
I went to live in Italy with the shame of liking pineapple on pizza hanging over me. Then I saw them combine peach, Parma ham, gobs of balsamic and throw bread into the main eating mix (not just as the scarpetta) and I was cured.
Pineapple on bog is more than fine, pineapple on good pizza is not.
It is just over two weeks since my operation and a week since I was readmitted over issues which are happily resolved but my wife, daughter and myself have all contracted this dreadful coughing bug that is very debilitating. However, hopefully day by day I will recover my strength.
However, dipping in from time to time I have to say everything is predictably tedious with the hard line Europhiles just as extreme as any Brexiteer but all reported with great zeal by our broadcast media where it is all the UK's fault
It amazes me that labour are not our of sight, let alone behind in the recent polls, but I wish everyone would just grow up and let the negotiations develop. At least TM is the grown up in the room
Get well soon Big G , I was unable to post when you had Op, get a few whiskys down your throat, you can add a bit of honey and lemon if you like.
It is just over two weeks since my operation and a week since I was readmitted over issues which are happily resolved but my wife, daughter and myself have all contracted this dreadful coughing bug that is very debilitating. However, hopefully day by day I will recover my strength.
However, dipping in from time to time I have to say everything is predictably tedious with the hard line Europhiles just as extreme as any Brexiteer but all reported with great zeal by our broadcast media where it is all the UK's fault
It amazes me that labour are not our of sight, let alone behind in the recent polls, but I wish everyone would just grow up and let the negotiations develop. At least TM is the grown up in the room
Get well soon Big G , I was unable to post when you had Op, get a few whiskys down your throat, you can add a bit of honey and lemon if you like.
Thanks Malc - just a touch of brandy has helped a wee bit but this bug seems everywhere. Three of my nieces in the North of Scotland have all gone down with it and their bairns.
Still Xmas will soon be here and then Hogmanay with a toast for good health to one and all
I went to live in Italy with the shame of liking pineapple on pizza hanging over me. Then I saw them combine peach, Parma ham, gobs of balsamic and throw bread into the main eating mix (not just as the scarpetta) and I was cured.
Pineapple on bog is more than fine, pineapple on good pizza is not.
Hm, I wonder what my chances of finding pineapple pizza at a Michelin-starred restaurant are?
It is just over two weeks since my operation and a week since I was readmitted over issues which are happily resolved but my wife, daughter and myself have all contracted this dreadful coughing bug that is very debilitating. However, hopefully day by day I will recover my strength.
Hope you all get well soon - certainly in time for Christmas!
A few years ago , we all had to go on a diversity course and were adviced not to use the term nitty-gritty.Which seemed strange to me as I had heard it on many occasions on the BBC.
What the hell is wrong with 'nitty-gritty'? If there is anything wrong with it, it's an excellent illustration of the fact that the use of a phrase as a figure of speech isn't a reference to the original metaphor, any more than 'the fly in the ointment' is about entomology.
We were told because it came from the slave trade.No one on the course was aware of that.
Yeah, well since the earliest recorded use of it seems to be from the 1930s, that seems unlikely. But more to the point, who cares? The phrase now has precisely zero connection to the slave trade, and not a single person on this earth who ever uses the phrase is making a reference to the slave trade, any more than someone using the phrase 'baptism of fire' is referring to early Christian martyrs.
If possible or actual offence is supposed to be the basis on which speech is allowed, then there are a few foundational texts of major religions which will need to be banned.
This mania for policing language is utterly childish. We are losing the art of distinguishing between insults deliberately targeted at individuals or groups of them - plain bad manners, which may in some cases lead onto incitement to violence - and the use of phrases which have passed into general use, untethered from their origins.
This desire to be shielded from offence is being used by some as a sword to prevent any frank discussion of difficult matters.
And since when does anyone have a right not to be offended anyway? Is public life now meant to be conducted as if we are all two year olds?
For some people that is the goal - the right to not be offended is a fundamental to some. But I'm with you on that.
Well if people want to behave like two year olds and be shielded from anything remotely offensive - though an adult can of course choose not to take offence - that's fine by me. But I see no reason why I should pay any attention to them, any more than I pay attention to a screaming toddler in a supermarket. Being an adult means realising that the world does not revolve around your ego and your needs and desires.
It is ironic that in a world where diversity is so much praised so many people want to be shielded from any view which is not the same as their own.
It is just over two weeks since my operation and a week since I was readmitted over issues which are happily resolved but my wife, daughter and myself have all contracted this dreadful coughing bug that is very debilitating. However, hopefully day by day I will recover my strength.
Hope you all get well soon - certainly in time for Christmas!
Thanks so much - we should recover in another week or so and to be fair my family will spoil me rotten
What is the basis for saying that Die Hard isn't a Christmas movie?
For the following reasons, which isn't an exhaustive list
1) Lack of snow, even The Empire Strikes Back had more snow than Die Hard
2) No mention of God, Jesus, Joseph & Mary, Angels, or Santa in the film
3) No extolling the beliefs that underpin Christmas
4) It was released in July, that's not when a Christmas film is released
Die Hard IS a Christmas movie. Has Vaughn Monroe singing "Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!" at the end.
The film turned Willis into an action star, and became a metonym for an action film in which a lone hero fights overwhelming odds, and has been named one of the best action and Christmas-themed films ever made. [...] As the film has a Christmas setting, the score also features sleigh bells in some cues, as well as the Christmas pop standard "Winter Wonderland"... [N]ear the film's beginning, limousine driver Argyle plays the rap song "Christmas in Hollis", performed by Run–D.M.C.... The end credits of the film begin with the Christmas song "Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!" (performed by Vaughn Monroe)
Paging @Morris_Dancer - BBC Six O'Clock News reporting a 0.1 pp jump in inflation.
Shocking bias from the pro-Brexit BBC.
It is in fact a 3.33% monthly increase in inflation.
Are you going all Nixon on us?
You should see my enemies list.
1) Anyone who likes pineapple on pizza
2) Anyone who doesn't think AV is the greatest voting system known to man
3) Thinks Die Hard is a Christmas movie
1) OK, but infinitely worse is putting pineapple in curries/biryani.
2) AV referendum 2011: No 68%, Yes 32%. Just sayin'.
3) Die Hard IS a Christmas movie. Has Vaughn Monroe singing "Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!" at the end.
The film turned Willis into an action star, and became a metonym for an action film in which a lone hero fights overwhelming odds, and has been named one of the best action and Christmas-themed films ever made. [...] As the film has a Christmas setting, the score also features sleigh bells in some cues, as well as the Christmas pop standard "Winter Wonderland"... [N]ear the film's beginning, limousine driver Argyle plays the rap song "Christmas in Hollis", performed by Run–D.M.C.... The end credits of the film begin with the Christmas song "Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!" (performed by Vaughn Monroe)
Pineapple - to my mind works well with cheese as a snack to have with wine - probably cheap cheese, and certainly only cheap wine, but it does work. - oddly does work on pizza with ham. A very specific one-off combination - pineapple curry, explicitly that, is interesting. Doesn't work in other curries at all. I'm a big Biryani fan (if you know a great Biryani in London do tell), and as such regard that prospect as awful. I haven't tried it though. - best eaten on a beach where its just finished growing - pineapple fritters are ok too - I can't imagine that anyone in the world still makes them, but tinned pineapple rings in batter. They make a great pudding after you spam fritters main course.
(PS Sorry about my failure to indent - not worked out how)
What is the basis for saying that Die Hard isn't a Christmas movie?
For the following reasons, which isn't an exhaustive list
1) Lack of snow, even The Empire Strikes Back had more snow than Die Hard
2) No mention of God, Jesus, Joseph & Mary, Angels, or Santa in the film
3) No extolling the beliefs that underpin Christmas
4) It was released in July, that's not when a Christmas film is released
"POWELL One Adam Ten to 6421. We had a wild goose chase on that 436. Everything's okay here. Over. (waiting, loosening his tie, he murmurs) 'Oh, the weather outside is frightful, but the...the uh, dum, de dum's delightful...' DISPATCHER'S VOICE Roger, One Adam Ten. We thought it was a crank call anyway. Clear to code eight. POWELL Roger. (putting the car into gear) '...let it snow, let it snow, let it snow -- ' Suddenly Marco's body CRASHES onto the hood of his car. POWELL (terrified) -- Jesus H. Christ!"
It's virtually a fecking Nativity play.
Oh and the McClane family home is in SANTA Monica. I rest my case.
Her "offence" was the latter, and some people are treating it as if it were the former. Balls to that!
Just a view from a (not that it matters, not that anyone can tell on the internet) non-white Conservative.
Anyway, I can't hang around here chatting to you crazy kids. I have work to do.
It is in fact a 3.33% monthly increase in inflation.
Forgot the art history degree....
1) Anyone who likes pineapple on pizza
2) Anyone who doesn't think AV is the greatest voting system known to man
3) Thinks Die Hard is a Christmas movie
And, shall we say, it creates a useful dynamic behind closed doors.
USAGE: ignorant of this, Home Office minister John Denham used the term during a speech to the Police Federation Conference on Tuesday. "[T]hey don't normally get into that nitty-gritty," he said, only to find himself being challenged by a delegate who said officers were banned from using it because of race relations laws. Officers later said it was just an example of how the English language had been turned into a minefield of political correctness.
It's a million miles away from the institutional anti-Semitism now infesting Labour.
I am fully aware of the five Ks, but that has to do with Sikhism rather than Judaism.
Clearly some PBers have greater success than others when it comes to locating photographs of scantily clad Tory MPs...
Is brainstorming ok now? It's the first example I can think of a word supposedly being offensive, as when I was at school we had to stop using the expression when making what was then referred to as a mind map.
If possible or actual offence is supposed to be the basis on which speech is allowed, then there are a few foundational texts of major religions which will need to be banned.
This mania for policing language is utterly childish. We are losing the art of distinguishing between insults deliberately targeted at individuals or groups of them - plain bad manners, which may in some cases lead onto incitement to violence - and the use of phrases which have passed into general use, untethered from their origins.
This desire to be shielded from offence is being used by some as a sword to prevent any frank discussion of difficult matters.
And since when does anyone have a right not to be offended anyway? Is public life now meant to be conducted as if we are all two year olds?
The number of dates in human history that have had that expenditure split can surelyt be counted on the fingers of one hand !
Where I get angry is when people are accused of racism or bigotry for using a perfectly reasonable word but some people are too fecking ignorant to know what it means.
The case of David Howard, aide to the Mayor of Washington, and his use of the word niggardly is a good example of this. Having to resign your post because some people are just thick is really not a good way to run things.
Now the Irish 'Begorrah' is quite another thing!
Never heard of it either. Mind you if you rearrange the letters and add in a t and an e you get toerag, and they're a fussy mob. So you're far too close to the line clearly.
Gori is the term for a white woman.
But as someone with gora children, I've never used it as a derogatory term.
Cannot be unseen.
Is that a euphemism or sexual idiom?
After a state supreme court verdict today the votes will be destroyed after the vote count, zero ability to perform a manual recount.
This from the state where the people.who over see elections don't think I should be easy to vote and who formulated voting procedures to make it hard for Black's to vote.
However, dipping in from time to time I have to say everything is predictably tedious with the hard line Europhiles just as extreme as any Brexiteer but all reported with great zeal by our broadcast media where it is all the UK's fault
It amazes me that labour are not our of sight, let alone behind in the recent polls, but I wish everyone would just grow up and let the negotiations develop. At least TM is the grown up in the room
2) AV referendum 2011: No 68%, Yes 32%. Just sayin'.
3) Die Hard IS a Christmas movie. Has Vaughn Monroe singing "Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!" at the end.
The film turned Willis into an action star, and became a metonym for an action film in which a lone hero fights overwhelming odds, and has been named one of the best action and Christmas-themed films ever made.
As the film has a Christmas setting, the score also features sleigh bells in some cues, as well as the Christmas pop standard "Winter Wonderland"... [N]ear the film's beginning, limousine driver Argyle plays the rap song "Christmas in Hollis", performed by Run–D.M.C.... The end credits of the film begin with the Christmas song "Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!" (performed by Vaughn Monroe)
1) paragraph on transition now makes specific reference to ECJ: 'All existing Union regulatory, budgetary, supervisory, judiciary &
enforcement instruments & structures will also apply, *including the competence of the ECJ*'
And we all know how reliable they are...
Pineapple on bog is more than fine, pineapple on good pizza is not.
good to see you back
1) Lack of snow, even The Empire Strikes Back had more snow than Die Hard
2) No mention of God, Jesus, Joseph & Mary, Angels, or Santa in the film
3) No extolling the beliefs that underpin Christmas
4) It was released in July, that's not when a Christmas film is released
Still Xmas will soon be here and then Hogmanay with a toast for good health to one and all
It is ironic that in a world where diversity is so much praised so many people want to be shielded from any view which is not the same as their own.
The film turned Willis into an action star, and became a metonym for an action film in which a lone hero fights overwhelming odds, and has been named one of the best action and Christmas-themed films ever made.
As the film has a Christmas setting, the score also features sleigh bells in some cues, as well as the Christmas pop standard "Winter Wonderland"... [N]ear the film's beginning, limousine driver Argyle plays the rap song "Christmas in Hollis", performed by Run–D.M.C.... The end credits of the film begin with the Christmas song "Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!" (performed by Vaughn Monroe)
- to my mind works well with cheese as a snack to have with wine - probably cheap cheese, and certainly only cheap wine, but it does work.
- oddly does work on pizza with ham. A very specific one-off combination
- pineapple curry, explicitly that, is interesting. Doesn't work in other curries at all. I'm a big Biryani fan (if you know a great Biryani in London do tell), and as such regard that prospect as awful. I haven't tried it though.
- best eaten on a beach where its just finished growing
- pineapple fritters are ok too - I can't imagine that anyone in the world still makes them, but tinned pineapple rings in batter. They make a great pudding after you spam fritters main course.
(PS Sorry about my failure to indent - not worked out how)
Buggering off from Scotland before the SNP are defeated will look totes bad.
One Adam Ten to 6421. We had a
wild goose chase on that 436.
Everything's okay here. Over.
(waiting, loosening
his tie, he murmurs)
'Oh, the weather outside is frightful,
but the...the uh, dum, de dum's
Roger, One Adam Ten. We thought it
was a crank call anyway. Clear to
code eight.
(putting the
car into gear)
'...let it snow, let it snow, let
it snow -- '
Suddenly Marco's body CRASHES onto the hood of his car.
-- Jesus H. Christ!"
It's virtually a fecking Nativity play.
Oh and the McClane family home is in SANTA Monica. I rest my case.
Being the 3rd Place Behind Unelectable Labour Liberal Immigration Policy Lady That Rides Tanks doesn't seem like a future leader to me.