Votes Cast, Share and Change on last time Labour 6,275 votes (41% +14% on last time) winning 6 seats (+3 seats on last time) Conservatives 5,893 votes (38% +3% on last time) winning 5 seats (unchanged on last time) Liberal Democrats 2,000 votes (13% +4% on last time) winning 1 seat (unchanged on last time) United Kingdom Independence Party 618 votes (4% -14% on last time) winning 0 seats (-2 seats on last time) Green Party 365 votes (2% -4% on last time) winning 0 seats (unchanged on last time) Independent candidates 263 votes (2% unchanged on last time) winning 0 seats (unchanged on last time) Local Independent candidates 61 votes (0% -4% on last time) winning 0 seats (-1 seat on last time) Labour lead of 382 votes (3%) on a swing of 5.5% from Con to Lab
Cheers, Mr. Hayfield.
The question as asked is extraordinarily vague, anyway. What does 'concessions' mean in this context ?
Absent >any< concessions (on either side), there will be no deal at all. I'm pretty sure if the question had been "should the EU not negotiate at all with the UK ?", the answer would have been very different.
Pulpstar said:
OAP 'reacts badly' to alcohol...
Must have been a good night
The latest poll from this series didn't repeat this question and shows that 66% of Germans now think Brexit will have a negative impact on the EU, whereas in April only 18% though Germany would suffer losses...
EDIT: I may be wrong about this. It seems that the German's don't publish all the results and data tables are nowhere to be found, however this question was asked again. The arguments about the question being loaded and with no logical meaning are still perfectly valid though.
The man who had years to learn how the EU works, how complex it would be to leave and what drives FTAs, but could not be arsed.
Funny because one looks at the opposition and disagrees/dislikes them for the views they hold but appreciates that they hold those views sincerely.
Looking at May and Fox on the news, the dislike is not for their political ideals (what they?) but for their ineptitude. We are being lead by morons. That is what is so galling.
A self-declared friend of Hamas and Hezbollah.
b) don't like foreigners
c) reclaim sovereignty I*
d) reclaim sovereignty II**
*This group hadn't a clue what sovereignty meant
**This group new what it meant but, as per your hero DD, didn't understand that we possessed it all along*
*just that it didn't always seem like it, a bit like the world can seem flat if you are unaware of the reality of the situation.
Because of EU membership we have laws that not only have to be obeyed, but were also made against our wishes and imposed upon us by those who we would never be able to vote out. That is not sovereignty.
Because we have International Airports we have laws that not only have to be obeyed, but were imposed upon us by those who we would never be able to vote out.
To regain Sovereignty we should ban all International air travel...
Mr. City, do you disagree? I'm no fan of May, but the alternative is a man who admires (or admired, we have no idea if he's changed his mind because he won't say anything about) Venezuela's economic approach and has described men who throw political rivals and homosexuals from rooftops as friends.
A: "EU now controls X, I don't like it"
B: "No, we still have control because we retain the right to leave the EU"
A: "Can we leave the EU then?"
B: "NO!"
A: "So the EU does have control over X?"
B: "No, we still have control because we retain...."
(repeat ad infinitum)
Eurozone block voting.
The EU has become something alien to our traditions.
His views are consistent with 2017.
Curiously, too, Corbyn's courteous instinct can be a problem, as it leads him not to deal with people with a long spoon - his default in talking to anyone at all is to be amicable, as Tories who've dealt with him personally will confirm.
Modern international relations are all about pooling sovereignty to some degree.
That said North Korea's is pretty sovereign.
It ends on an optimistic note, saying that the UK has overcome countless crises and that hopefully May, Davis, Johnson and Fox will just be a footnote in our history.
EnglishRemoaner army tomorrow and hoist theSaltireUnion Jack overEdinburgh Castlethe European Parliament's UK offices, unless you set about the organization of the Socialist Republic your efforts would be in vain.EnglandEurope would still rule you. She would rule you through her capitalists, through her landlords, through her financiers, through the whole array of commercial and individualist institutions she has planted in this country and watered with the tears of our mothers and the blood of our martyrs.”To Corbyn, Israel = oppressive hegemonic western imperial oppressors.
Of course, to Hamas/Hezbollah, Israel = the Jews.
He applied the my enemy's enemy is my friend (literally) very very inappropriately. Or perhaps not, to him.
What's the right answer?
That's quite the image that's being built up.
Corbyn himself has denied that genocide - of the Muslims of Kosovo - ever happened. Was this another example, Nick, of him "giving a hearing to groups critical of postwar Western policy" - the policy in this case being the US and allies intervening in Kosovo to save Muslims from murder and ethnic cleansing?
We maintained our sovereignty throughout because we had signed up to a commonly-agreed set of rules which the club established for all members.
This is not tricky stuff, really. Could we zero-rate VAT on domestic energy supplies? No. Because we had decided to join a club wherein that was not allowed. Did that mean we were any less sovereign? Of course not. Can Barclays avoid MiFID's pre-trade transparency without using an official waiver? No. Does that make us any less sovereign? Well you tell me.
My reductio ad absurdum with North Korea was to illustrate what a country which doesn't want to join any club looks like.
Did I miss anything?
Oh and hi, BTW
I would rather be ruled by almost anyone in preference to JRM, Liam Fox and their little acolytes.
Are there any examples of him "courteously" telling the people he associates with that their views and policies are wrong and abhorrent? Or does his courtesy only go so far to explain why he is so often in their company or speaking at their rallies or going on foreign trips with them? Does his courtesy extend to " giving a hearing" to those who oppose such groups? Victims of Assad, for instance? Or Palestinians who oppose Hamas?
Does it not even give @NickPalmer the slightest concern that his party's leader freely chooses to go on foreign trips with Holocaust deniers? Not even the teensiest smidgen of concern?
This is something more than naivety on Corbyn's part. It goes to his judgment and, as far as the party he leads is concerned, it goes to whether they really believe and act on the values they claim to profess and which they hurl as a sword against others.
Easy for Labour to criticise a US President for not disassociating himself from people waving swastikas and railing against Jews taking them over. Apparently much harder for Labour to notice that their own leader chooses to go on trips with Holocaust deniers who share the same views about Jews as those horrid American Nazis.
Do you have a link for Corbyn denying the killing of Muslims in Kosovo? I found this ( but the motion it refers to has been misquoted. Straight after the reference to an untrue genocide the motion ( referred to:
'President Clinton's Secretary of Defense William Cohen claimed, entirely without foundation, that 'we've now seen about 100,000 military-aged [Albanian] men missing.....they may have been murdered' and that David Scheffer, the US ambassador-at-large for war crimes, announced with equal inaccuracy that as many as '225,000 ethnic Albanian men aged between 14 and 59' may have been killed'
Which in truth were both vastly inflated as a pretext for war. The motion doesn't refer to the Srebrenica massacre at all (which is a problem in itself) but I can't find anything where Corbyn denies it, and there's plenty of argument about whether it constitutes a 'genocide' or not which has more to do with political interpretation than the facts of the case.
How's Scotland looking?
Edit: I see I was beaten to it!
The Yellow Pages will no longer be published on paper from next year onwards, more than five decades after it launched in the UK.
I blame Brexit...
Some of it is a bit off-the-wall. George Clooney? Then again...
The first is to the motion relating to Kosovo -
The second is from Labour Uncut -
I have not said that Corbyn has denied the Srebenica massacre. He is on record as opposing the West's actions against Milosovic, who was responsible for the barbaric acts committed against Bosnian Muslims. Why - if you hold the values Labour claims to espouse - choose to side with Milosovic? It is not easy to say when a war is just but if anything fulfilled the criteria, it was the action which the West belatedly - and at the behest of the US - took to protect Bosnian Muslims and to stop the murderous Serbian regime.
It is hard to avoid the conclusion that it was precisely the West and the US taking the action which was an issue for Corbyn. And in consistent pursuit of that principle he has been willing to overlook appalling suffering and been willing to be on the side of those perpetrating that suffering.
That should shame decent Labour folk. Instead of which they claim that setting out the facts is a smear and turn their attention to calling everyone else fascists or nazis.....
Labour should be better than this.
I'm interested in your specific claim: 'Corbyn himself has denied that genocide - of the Muslims of Kosovo - ever happened.' You now say 'I have not said that Corbyn has denied the Srebenica massacre', but that's what that sounds like to me. If not what else are you referring to?
If you'd read my post you might have seen that's exact motion I posted, and it's been misquoted. It specifically refers to claims which were used to bolster the case for war and which were in fact untrue.
Paris-St Germain investigated by Uefa over financial fair play
The data set has a resolution of five meters and knows where man-made structures are everywhere on the planet.
Miliband said the deal should be referred on the grounds of broadcasting standards because of the risk that the Murdochs could push through the “Foxification” of Sky News, meaning it would broadcast news with the same rightwing slant as Fox News in the US.