politicalbetting.com » Blog Archive » I think allies of David Davis are overreaching and going to damage their man fatally. This is very ugly
Allies of David Davis are claiming that Philip May wants his wife to stand down. May friends say it's a "black ops and untrue". Getting ugly
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We really do have rubbish politicians
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No I have no doubt that you deserve a pay rise, along with nurses and the police, but you haven't turned down £75,000 pa have you
Sir Twisted Fire Stopper pronounced....
I went on strike in 2003 for 30kFirePay- Because we're worth it! (Cheers Adam Gilchrist!) I've just reached 30k this year. MPs who took 11 percent recently can suck my salty balls about pay rises in the public sector.
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RobDRobD Posts: 28,618
Westminster voting intention:
LAB: 41% (-4)
CON: 39% (-)
LDEM: 8% (+1)
UKIP: 6% (+2)
(via @Survation, 14 - 15 Jul)
After Corbyn becomes PM and the bourgeoisie are removed.
On who would make best Prime Minister:
T. May: 43%
J. Corbyn: 35%
(via @Survation, 14 - 15 Jul)
Do wonder if it is finally dawning on people that's Corbyn is not against Brexit.
Blair coming out this morning and forcing McDonnnell to say what he said might have helped her an awful lot...
They never learn.
And imagine how they are going to cover it on their news channels
2) Osborne
Davis / Johnson: 36 / 30 / 34
Davis / Hammond: 29 / 26 / 45
Davis / Rudd: 35 / 18 / 47
Johnson / Hammond: 34 / 33 / 33
Johnson / Rudd: 38 / 28 / 35
Hammond / Rudd: 34 / 20 / 46
If Theresa May were to resign as Leader of the Conservative Party, which of the following is closest to your view?
GE: 47
No GE: 43
Notably enthusiasm comes from Labour voters (76) rather than Conservative (20)
Lab / Con
Davis: 41 / 38
Hammond: 41 / 37
Rudd: 41 / 37
Johnson: 42 / 39
So, no 'magic bullets'.......
Completely unconnected, no doubt:
Last year David Cameron ordered the BBC to disclose what it paid on-air talent earning more than £450,000 a year. This is likely to include stars such as Chris Evans, Fiona Bruce and Graham Norton.
But the figure was slashed to £150,000 under Theresa May in a move that means what the corporation pays a series of other well known faces – who are likely to include its political editor, Laura Kuenssberg, and the Today presenter, John Humphrys – will also be disclosed.
Basically, all of them and May are collectively a big yawn.
William Petty, the 2nd Earl of Shelburne, is one of the less well-remembered people to have been a tenant of Number 10. I mention him because, as Tory MPs argue about how long they should give Theresa May, the brief, but illuminating lifespan of that 18th-century prime minister is a possible guide to her future.
Shelburne was propelled into office after Britain suffered the enormous humiliation of losing the American war of independence. Lord North had to resign as prime minister and someone was needed to perform the thankless task of negotiating a peace with the ex-colonies. Shelburne put his lips to that poisoned chalice. He decided that Britain’s long-term interests were best served by having a thriving trade relationship with an expanding and prosperous United States. Most historians salute him for this act of visionary statesmanship, but it won him few friends in a parliament that thought the territorial settlement to be excessively generous to the United States. Once the Peace of Paris was agreed, Shelburne was ejected from Number 10 and spent the rest of his life moaning that his career had been a failure.
History does not repeat itself, but you can sometimes catch a rhyme. So we can think of David Cameron, the man who destroyed his premiership by accidentally amputating Britain from the European Union, as the Lord North of our times. Theresa May is the Shelburne, a friendless premier kept on at Number 10 for the duration of the withdrawal negotiations and destined for defenestration as soon as they are completed.
An Irish friend once remarked that Irish newspapers have a lovely turn of phrase; 'Following a fight in O'Connell Street last night the Gardai confirmed drink was involved'......who is this 'drink' and why does he get in so many fights....?
FPT. I disagree with Robert about Liam Fox being the weakest link as compared to Johnson, Davis or Hammond right now. I recognise the importance of his job on trade, especially in preparation for Brexit. But he is getting on with the day job rather than indulging in his personal ambitions. Its now time for May to assert her authority and get rid of Johnson, Davis and Hammond, she has unlike them upped and improved her game. Its now a given that May won't lead the party into the next GE. But if she now aims to finally stand down as PM and leader of the Conservative party post Brexit in a stronger position than she was on June 9th, then she now needs to get rid of the 'safe' deadwood that she appointed in the days after she became leader. Now that May's Leadership timetable is settled, its time for her to use her remaining period of office to both strengthen her own legacy and provide a real platform for the new Leadership talent to come through and flourish. Like Michael Howard back in 2005, she really can make a difference now when it comes to future electorally prospects of her party when she stands down.
I was never a May fan, and I was a Remain voter in the EU Referendum. But I am now fully behind team UKplc in the Brexit negociations to make sure we get the best deal economically. And that is not going to happen while Johnson, Davis or Hammond continue to undermine their own Government, and as a result the UK's position alongside Corbyn and the Labour party, Sturgeon and Co. Its time to put the Cabinet/Remain plotters and the Opposition on notice that this Government didn't lose the last GE and they were in fact tasked with getting on with the job of getting the best deal for the UK rather than to capitulate in the face of a relentingly negative wave of media opposition.
It's not just the Tory MPs, many of them could earn far higher elsewhere but many Labour MPs could too. And I am not talking about Tony Blair.
Very very few earn over £150,000, the 98th decile for income (before tax) starts at £112,000....... with the 99th starting at £162,000.....so anyone on £150,000 is in the top 1%-2% (and much nearer the top 1%...)
I have been saying this for some time. The only way out of this is a second referendum. People must decide on Brexit when they would know the consequences rather than it being just a bloody wish.