politicalbetting.com » Blog Archive » Jeremy Hunt is clearly on manoeuvres and he’s also 100/1 to be next Tory leader
Jeremy Hunt snapped flashing briefing notes that warn hard Brexit means doctors 'fleeing' UKhttps://t.co/UwKamIiiVz pic.twitter.com/oOdhm2f4qq
Read the full story here
Yes indeed. He is too toxic for the top job. Can you imagine the field day the Press would have with slips-of-the-tongue and PM Jeremy C*nt?
It is bad enough having the stain of Brexit on our country without adding another hostage to fortune.
Jeremy Hunt is such a piece of obvious trolling that it gives the game away.
Unless of course it's a ploy to make George Osborne appear vaguely palatable.
Things like this don't help.
Incidentally two of the future superstars of English sport are both named Mason.
Mason Crane the leg spinner and Mason Mount the midfielder.
You heard it here first!
So it`s not all bad news.
Not a punt cut square,
Just a square cut punt.
It's round in the stern and blunt in the front.
Old Mother Hunt has a square cut punt.
Maurice Harold MacMillan and James Harold Wilson
Edit - Oops TP is right, John Major and John Smith.
Gove, Hunt, Osborne. I can't see any way the Tories could be seen as less caring unless they elected Bill Cash as leader. With Redwood as chief vampire.
How many Labour leaders have had the first name James?
edit: bugger, quoted wrong post. Was replying to TSE re Labour leaders called James...
(not edited, honest).
Still no editing here.
The list is
Keir Hardie, Ramsay MacDonald, Harold Wilson, and Gordon Brown.
He'll be on a tank next
In bold:
"No DSS / Housing Benefit Applicants"
Some landlords really are sh*ts.
We can deny UK patients access to drugs they could get in the EU? Great.
The flipside was discussed yesterday. No UK manufactured drugs can be sold in the EU.
Almost half (47 per cent) of all landlords were happy to rent to tenants on Housing Benefit (HB) or the Local Housing Allowance (LHA), with a further 21 per cent saying they would be encouraged to do so if payments were not made direct to the tenant.
Reasons given by those who weren't willing to accept housing benefit tenants were disturbances or anti-social behaviour (19%), expected payment delays (17%), unpaid rent (16%) and damage (16%).
Contrary to the views of some, it's generally not landlords who are the villains. Tenants can be bloody awful.
Nor trust funds
Should get her the profile she needs.
In many universes driving home for me this evening would have been better avoided with the future car crash I'll have. But that will have no bearing on whether or not I choose to do so. If we THINK about what Cummings is saying, he is also pointing out that remaining will have been an error in some future universes.
I fear the point is lost on his critics though, his blog and twitter feed are exceptional in their intelligence I find.
Edited extra bit: anyway, time to be off.
In the real world, landlords can only go on experience and risk. That means some people get unfairly treated, but, rather than lambasting landlords who just want their property to be respected and their rent paid, shouldn't you turn your anger on those who wreck things for you? People like this tenant for example:
I'm a landlord who felt sorry for the a girl on DSS after stating no DSS and it was the biggest mistake of my life, not only has she since sold the whole flat's worth of furniture (and because she is on DSS, Ive been told I'll be lucky to get a £1 a week from her to repay the cost of a whole flat of furniture, including a tv, sofa, two double beds, wardrobes and I could go on) not only that but now she isn't paying her rent and its a complete nightmare to get her out as the council and dss advise her not to move until bailiffs are at the door. This is the reason we don't want to rent to DSS. Its the council's fault they not only take an age to even reply to any correspondent, the people who do this are completely rude and unhelpful. In 7 years of renting my flat this is just a horrific experience and I for one will never ever even consider DSS again
It's from this quite interesting set of comments on both sides:
For some reason, insurers, lenders and landlords tend to base their commercial decisions on their actual real world experience, rather than on the right-on prejudices of somebody off the internet.
However, there are several good reasons why some private landlords restrict it that don't equate to their being "sh*ts":
1. Some insurance policies and a few mortgages just don't allow it (or charge a big premium).
2. Councils can be a pain in relation to paying on time.
3. If the tenant loses benefits - perhaps due to a rule change of which there are many - they are relatively unlikely to have funds to pay the next month's rent. People who are not on benefits can also run into financial problems of course, but tend to have some savings and some notice of likely changes in income such that it's less likely to be an issue for their landlord.
And no doubt some are also just plain prejudiced... but that isn't a given.
With that edge you must be very prosperous and successful in life, I'd guess?
In practice, the Conservatives almost certainly will do an awful lot worse than Jeremy Hunt.
In the absence of your psychic insights, most landlords understandably go for tenants who experience, references and credti checks suggest are less likely to screw them over. I'm surprised you haven't picked this up from scanning their thoughts.
As for me, no I am not prosperous and have no desire to be so. I'm solvent and I pay my bills. As for successful, that rather depends on your definition. I'm laughing like a drain at the moment and content with my lot so I can't complain. But I do. Cos, ya know, pointing out the deficiencies of society is entertaining.
It might be an idea to live in the real universe and the real world. In this one I suspect that we would have been better off without his £350million/week to the NHS promise.
Corbyn has demanded a two-part inquiry looking first at the specific issues at Grenfell and then a wider examination of national issues. And he also wants transparency and the full involvement of the residents in the process, a source said.
He's also refused to back the shadow fire services minister’s call for Sir Martin Moore-Bick to resign as chair of the inquiry.
Two sensible things from Corbyn in one afternoon? What is going on?