NP - If we had stayed neutral and Pearl Harbour never happened, could Japan and the Nazis have invaded Russia from opposite sides? Counterfactual history leads in so many directions
Yes, some fascinating turning points there. The Japanese were very wary after losing a bloody border dispute with the Soviets in 1937,
NP - Indeed, and then had America fallen presumably we would have been next, with a puppet regime installed. Most of Africa and the rest of Asia would then automatically have been in Nazi hands as most was part of the British and French empires Australia and NZ effectively too and Latin America was largely Fascist anyway, so effectively Nazi client states. Thank goodness Hitler and the Japanese leadership were too hotheaded to think long-term!
Looks like "As a father" just had his Cones Hotline moment.
@jameschappers: EXC All 19m homes connected to the internet to be forced to say if they want access to online porn, PM to announce
This could be great news for the porno industry. A profitable return to the dodgy, hardcore DVD!
Youporn and Redtube must've been devastating to the Boogie Nights types.
Looks like "As a father" just had his Cones Hotline moment.
@jameschappers: EXC All 19m homes connected to the internet to be forced to say if they want access to online porn, PM to announce
This could be great news for the porno industry. A profitable return to the dodgy, hardcore DVD!
Youporn and Redtube must've been devastating to the Boogie Nights types.
Maybe some celluloid stars will make a comeback.
Another Crosby dividing line policy for David Cameron to promote.
Dave becomes stronger by the day.
How will Ed respond?
Call a meeting?
Those in favour raise their hand? Lower their hand? Raise their hand?
I fear more indecision and weak wristed dithering.
We can only hope that he stands up to the insanity that Cameron is alleged to be proposing. But I fear "like any parent" Ed may not have the sense to do so.
We can only hope that he stands up to the insanity that Cameron is alleged to be proposing. But I fear "like any parent" Ed may not have the sense to do so.
My internet connection failed the moment I tried to respond to tim.
Ed Balls is off to try to find another plan B for growth as the UK's economic growth starts to accelerate under this Government. Sounds like Balls is going to spin our current economic recovery as the wrong type of growth and unfair, good luck with that one.
Really hope that there are not still too many in the PLP or amongst their PPC list pinning their hopes on some last minute big bang list of policies that is going to stun the country into re-electing them. Its all starting to feel a bit like the Brown succession where every one thought there was bound to be a carefully thought out target with a 'cunning plan' to get reach it attached. The Labour party really now has the feel of a party desperately scrabbling around for a plan, any plan to make it look like they haven't wasted the last three years complacently dithering on the back of a soft poll lead.
Looks like "As a father" just had his Cones Hotline moment.
@jameschappers: EXC All 19m homes connected to the internet to be forced to say if they want access to online porn, PM to announce
Net porn block on EVERY home is a victory for the Mail apparently - lol. Where will I have to sign the perv's charter. Will I be put onto some sort of filth register :P ?
PB gets classed as an adult content site by Vodafone and O2. Cameron is a bloody lemon if he persists with this. I can see TOR becoming a lot more popular.
Ed Balls is off to try to find another plan B for growth as the UK's economic growth starts to accelerate under this Government. Sounds like Balls is going to spin our current economic recovery as the wrong type of growth and unfair, good luck with that one.
PB gets classed as an adult content site by Vodafone and O2. Cameron is a bloody lemon if he persists with this. I can see TOR becoming a lot more popular.
TOR ? If Cameron thinks he can get my vote by blocking Redtube he can think again !
Are the Lib Dems against this blatant attempt at state 'correct-think' ? Or is every party in favour...
Two weeks back I stayed a night in Berchtesgaden [ sadly, only 24 hours ], a truly beautiful part of the German Alps. I had to use Salzburg Airport. My taxi driver appeared to be very nostalgic [ without actually saying so ] about the Nazis . Pointing out where Hitlers residence was and Himmler and Goebbels. Thankfully, most have been demolished. One of the hotels today was the Gestapo HQ.
Switzerland is not too far from there. It wouldn't surprise me if the Swiss Germans were quite sympathetic to the Nazis, at least, in the beginning.
I don't think so, though there were been exceptions. German Switzerland has traditionally been quite strongly anti-German, if only for the usual reasons of a small neighbour resisting the embrace of a larger one. On the whole the Swiss behaved as well as one could reasonably expect for a country entirely surrounded by the Axis, with the exception of some of the banks.
Something that has struck me in recent years is how all this has receded into the past for most people - I'm still interested because my parents were intensely involved, but most younger people in every country I visit see it as ancient history, of as much as interest and relevance as the Napoleonic Wars. Even in Vietnam, many of the younger generation are frankly vague about the war there - they are generally glad that their parents seem to have won, but hint that they wish they'd stop going on about it. A good thing, I guess.
TOR browser. It creates an encrypted tunnel so that your ISP cant see what you are doing. My local's free wifi occasionally blocks PB in a fit of moral righteousness.
PB gets classed as an adult content site by Vodafone and O2. Cameron is a bloody lemon if he persists with this. I can see TOR becoming a lot more popular.
TOR ? If Cameron thinks he can get my vote by blocking Redtube he can think again !
Are the Lib Dems against this blatant attempt at state 'correct-think' ? Or is every party in favour...
Yet more mythical economics from Balls&Co, if only some of Labour's previous economic projections had hit a target they might not have got us into the economic mess they did. So Labour's economic strategy appears to be to put Ed Balls catch phrase slogan of the last three years into reverse as we head to the GE. And hey presto, 'too far, too fast' becomes 'not far or fast enough'. Its turning into comedy hour over at the Shadow Treasury team.
Twitter Labour Press Team @labourpress 41m To catch up ground we've lost on growth since 2010, we would need to see growth of 1.3% a quarter for the next 2 years
Yet more mythical economics from Balls&Co, if only some of Labour's previous economic projections had hit a target they might not have got us into the economic mess they did. So Labour's economic strategy appears to be to put Ed Balls catch phrase slogan of the last three years into reverse as we head to the GE. And hey presto, 'too far, too fast' becomes 'not far or fast enough'. Its turning into comedy hour over at the Shadow Treasury team.
Twitter Labour Press Team @labourpress 41m To catch up ground we've lost on growth since 2010, we would need to see growth of 1.3% a quarter for the next 2 years
No mention that the consensus forecast for UK 2013 Q2 GDP growth is three times that of the US, nor that the UK is the only major country in the world to have its 2013-14 growth forecasts uprated in the last IMF revision.
And no mention either that every major forecaster is predicting a higher cumulative growth rate for the UK over 2010-15 than any other major EU country.
It is Labour playing with statistics.
The UK is currently growing at its long term trend rate and is predicted to continue to grow at or above trend until at least 2015.
The economy remains exposed to external shocks, particularly from a collapse in the Eurozone. In addition, sustaining growth at trend will need continued expansion of international trade and UK exports over the medium to long term.
Otherwise it is difficult to see how the UK could be doing very much better than it is in current global circumstances, especially given the deficit and debt problems inherited by Coalition government.
PB gets classed as an adult content site by Vodafone and O2. Cameron is a bloody lemon if he persists with this. I can see TOR becoming a lot more popular.
Are people really stating on a non-anonymous board that they're hosting Tor exit nodes?
Best of luck with that!
It's legal to run exit nodes, and the IP addresses of exit nodes are publicly available, so you can be traced in any case. So in principle there's no reason not to talk about it on a non-anonymous board.
IANAL but there are also potentially some legal advantages to being open about it, as the fact that you're not responsible for all the traffic coming from your IP helps protect you if it's used for something subversive or illegal.
Wait, I'm not responsible for the traffic coming through my IP? That makes a big difference. I always assumed I was.
Well, you're not responsible for downloading illegal images if you haven't downloaded any illegal images.
Obviously you'd still need to convince the (potentially technically confused) court that it was somebody on your tor network not you, and that may not be trivial even if you're open about the fact that you're running an exit node...
PB gets classed as an adult content site by Vodafone and O2. Cameron is a bloody lemon if he persists with this. I can see TOR becoming a lot more popular.
TOR ? If Cameron thinks he can get my vote by blocking Redtube he can think again !
Are the Lib Dems against this blatant attempt at state 'correct-think' ? Or is every party in favour...
We've certainly been against the web-snooping bill (or whatever it's proper name is). Julian Huppert's in charge of that area iirc and he's strongly liberal as a general rule.
What Cameron's essentially done here is wave his hands and say "something must be done", so it's hard to say if you're against it without knowing what "something" is.
The result of the Labour Party selection for Croydon Central is somewhat interesting. The first round was:
Sarah Jones (campaigner) 66 Alison Butler (councillor) 63 Catriona Ogilvy (not sure) 8 Louisa Woodley (councillor) 6
It has been clear throughout that the two front-runners were Jones and Butler, but I am shocked at the low support for Louisa Woodley. She is a prominent local councillor, a teacher, and last year she was the Labour candidate for Croydon & Sutton for the GLA election, where she did relatively well and reduced the Conservative majority to 10,000. How she has gone down to such a low level of support since then, I have no idea.
By the way, thanks to @Plato for the link in the previous thread to the excellent Michael Cockerell documentary on Enoch Powell. I remember watching it on TV but it's not one I have in my video collection.
The result of the Labour Party selection for Croydon Central is somewhat interesting...
I am shocked at the low support for Louisa Woodley. She is a prominent local councillor, a teacher, and last year she was the Labour candidate for Croydon & Sutton for the GLA election, where she did relatively well and reduced the Conservative majority to 10,000. How she has gone down to such a low level of support since then, I have no idea.
Are people really stating on a non-anonymous board that they're hosting Tor exit nodes?
Best of luck with that!
It's legal to run exit nodes, and the IP addresses of exit nodes are publicly available, so you can be traced in any case. So in principle there's no reason not to talk about it on a non-anonymous board.
IANAL but there are also potentially some legal advantages to being open about it, as the fact that you're not responsible for all the traffic coming from your IP helps protect you if it's used for something subversive or illegal.
Given that tor software was originally developed by DARPA, and the US government funds 80% of the operating costs, are you sure it's anonymous?
Are people really stating on a non-anonymous board that they're hosting Tor exit nodes?
Best of luck with that!
It's legal to run exit nodes, and the IP addresses of exit nodes are publicly available, so you can be traced in any case. So in principle there's no reason not to talk about it on a non-anonymous board.
IANAL but there are also potentially some legal advantages to being open about it, as the fact that you're not responsible for all the traffic coming from your IP helps protect you if it's used for something subversive or illegal.
Given that tor software was originally developed by DARPA, and the US government funds 80% of the operating costs, are you sure it's anonymous?
I mean really, really, sure...
You can never be absolutely certain a given bit of software doesn't have known-but-secret security holes, whether by accident or design. But for a piece of software very carefully scrutininzed by paranoid people, who made the original version isn't really a factor.
If I was trying to get some snooping code in widespread use I'd probably go for a larger target like the operating system or graphics libraries, as there are fewer paranoid eyes on those per line of code.
Neil Henderson @hendopolis 1m
GUARDIAN EXCLUSIVE: Tory strategist in new lobbying row #TomorrowsPapersToday #BBCPapers
Youporn and Redtube must've been devastating to the Boogie Nights types.
Dave becomes stronger by the day.
How will Ed respond?
Call a meeting?
Those in favour raise their hand? Lower their hand? Raise their hand?
I fear more indecision and weak wristed dithering.
I fear multi-party support is already in place.
I better enjoy my munchkin-fetish-porn before Dave turns it off on me.
All 19m homes connected to the internet to be forced to say if they want access to, Cameron to announce!
Really hope that there are not still too many in the PLP or amongst their PPC list pinning their hopes on some last minute big bang list of policies that is going to stun the country into re-electing them. Its all starting to feel a bit like the Brown succession where every one thought there was bound to be a carefully thought out target with a 'cunning plan' to get reach it attached. The Labour party really now has the feel of a party desperately scrabbling around for a plan, any plan to make it look like they haven't wasted the last three years complacently dithering on the back of a soft poll lead.
Guardian - Ed Balls and Larry Summers to collaborate over plans for growth
Cameron is a bloody lemon if he persists with this.
I can see TOR becoming a lot more popular.
Are the Lib Dems against this blatant attempt at state 'correct-think' ? Or is every party in favour...
Something that has struck me in recent years is how all this has receded into the past for most people - I'm still interested because my parents were intensely involved, but most younger people in every country I visit see it as ancient history, of as much as interest and relevance as the Napoleonic Wars. Even in Vietnam, many of the younger generation are frankly vague about the war there - they are generally glad that their parents seem to have won, but hint that they wish they'd stop going on about it. A good thing, I guess.
School teachers have renewed calls for maximum legal temperatures in heatwave-hit classrooms as the heat continues.
My local's free wifi occasionally blocks PB in a fit of moral righteousness.
Hattie and the sisterhood would be just as bad if not worse.
Labour Press Team @labourpress 41m
To catch up ground we've lost on growth since 2010, we would need to see growth of 1.3% a quarter for the next 2 years
21/07/2013 23:22
David Cameron. From Banking Reform, to Wanking Reform.
And no mention either that every major forecaster is predicting a higher cumulative growth rate for the UK over 2010-15 than any other major EU country.
It is Labour playing with statistics.
The UK is currently growing at its long term trend rate and is predicted to continue to grow at or above trend until at least 2015.
The economy remains exposed to external shocks, particularly from a collapse in the Eurozone. In addition, sustaining growth at trend will need continued expansion of international trade and UK exports over the medium to long term.
Otherwise it is difficult to see how the UK could be doing very much better than it is in current global circumstances, especially given the deficit and debt problems inherited by Coalition government.
Best of luck with that!
IANAL but there are also potentially some legal advantages to being open about it, as the fact that you're not responsible for all the traffic coming from your IP helps protect you if it's used for something subversive or illegal.
Obviously you'd still need to convince the (potentially technically confused) court that it was somebody on your tor network not you, and that may not be trivial even if you're open about the fact that you're running an exit node...
What Cameron's essentially done here is wave his hands and say "something must be done", so it's hard to say if you're against it without knowing what "something" is.
Sarah Jones (campaigner) 66
Alison Butler (councillor) 63
Catriona Ogilvy (not sure) 8
Louisa Woodley (councillor) 6
It has been clear throughout that the two front-runners were Jones and Butler, but I am shocked at the low support for Louisa Woodley. She is a prominent local councillor, a teacher, and last year she was the Labour candidate for Croydon & Sutton for the GLA election, where she did relatively well and reduced the Conservative majority to 10,000. How she has gone down to such a low level of support since then, I have no idea.
I mean really, really, sure...
If I was trying to get some snooping code in widespread use I'd probably go for a larger target like the operating system or graphics libraries, as there are fewer paranoid eyes on those per line of code.