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I would hazard a guess that the Lib Dems will stand but fight a low-key campaign because the by-election will be on May 4th (Star Wars Day)
Also note the constituency is far more remote than it looks because of geography and transport links. Most external activists would find is easier to get to a Glasgow by-election.
Then again, perhaps the job offer has just been confirmed and the "choice" of date is no more than coincidence?
This is a 50/50 fight between Labour and the Tories, in a historically Labour area with an unpopular local MP who has now resigned.
The LD have no say in a seat that voted 62% Leave and there are few Tory Remain votes to poach, they will probably get less than 10%.
Labour putting an unequivocal REMAINER in a HARD LEAVE seat is suicidal especially in a place where the LD are non-existent.
The big question is towards which side the UKIP vote goes down and by how much.
And of course lets not forget the candidates.
Labour has the upper hand but it's not a sure thing.
I suspect there'll be a fairly low "return on activist time", but I wouldn't be surprised if they breached 10%.
Indeed before this by-election the roof was about to fall in politically as all the indications were this reconfiguration was finally about to be pushed through. Noone locally would have been able to believe it given ( a) the breadth of the campaign ( b) that they've always won before.
No doubt the Tory candidate will campaign vigorously against to and bash " Hospital Bosses " but labour will make it a referendum on the maternity downgrade. ( Look at a map and see how far away Carlisle is if you are a woman in labour )
I can't help wonder if needed reason for Reed's timing is to suicide bomb the STP.
1. Why should the Lib Dems stand aside?
2. How does fielding a Continuity Remain candidate help Labour in a seat that voted about 62% to Leave?
3. Continuing from point 2, this appears to make the (dubious) assumption that Labour can attract Remain voters in numbers which will greatly offset the Leave voters that it repels (i.e. that Continuity Remain is a massive vote winner but Leave Means Leave is not.) A 'brave' conclusion in a place like Copeland, to put it mildly, and one liable to do more harm than good if Brexit-supporting Labourites haemorrhage away to Ukip and the Tories.
4. If the Lib Dems were to withdraw then, once again, why assume that their potential vote would all go to Labour? Yellow voters who detest the Far Left might just as well vote Tory, Green, or stay at home. Brexit is very important but it's not alpha and omega.
Not with Laddies they're not. Shadsy has both Labour and the Tories level-pegging on evens.
Then factor in the cost of running a Westminster bye with elections expenses limit at £100,000
They are now a minor party again, and if they're to rebuild rather than sink they need to make some noise, get as much publicity as possible, and try to convince people that they can be taken seriously.
There's nothing to be gained for them by being seen to have given up.
As this is a marginal seat they along with UKIP will get squeezed, but towards whom is the question.
It's not a sure thing that the UKIP vote will move Tory, in By-elections since 2015 in Labour seats it moved to Labour.
It's David Steel on repeat...
By holding the by-election on May 4th any loss would be in the mix of Labour wins in the new super-mayoral contests and the county council results.
Paul Joseph Watson
THIS is the outfit Facebook has hired to do its fake news "fact checking". @snopes has been DEBUNKED.
Again I wonder if Reed isn't suicide bombing the jog jam on the reactors. They will happen. But when ?
But OGH is a LD so it's not unusual for PB to turn into Libdemvoice.
Take the byelection on and hand Labour a loss at the hands of the Tories and carnage breaks out in Labour again. I'm shocked the Tories are marked as (just) favourites. If you can't win your own seat in a byelection you can throw everything at when the government's in an ill disguised funk over just quite what 'Brexit' entails, you might as well give up and go home. This runs the risk however of finally waving the coffee under Labour members' and the unions' nose and seeing people say "enough's enough". Or Corbyn deciding he needs more time on his allotment. However if Corbyn, as history dictates, sticks his head up his fundament and tells it what a big rally he's got then the prize could be huge - the end of Labour as a functioning party
That was certainly the aim of the SDP. And the LDs can certainly see the opportunity that Corbyn now presents them with.
His political world is in ashes. Almost everything he's devoted his career to todate is in ruins. Why not get out now. He has four young children. It's a disaster for the broader left but we are where we are. And the job change is less dramatic than it sounds. He's a Sellafield obsessive who is really just changing the office location he works for them at.
He's also very clever. *Leaver trigger warning* He knows Copeland a going to be one of the hardest hit constituencies by Brexit. He also knows when that happens the 62% who voted Leave will blame him not themselves. The roof is cavng in locally on the NHS and Council services. If the Brexit black hole delays the 3 new reactors by a few further years things get worse still.
So why not walk ? And be paid to dole out the " community funding " from Sellafield and be popular and insulated from what's coming instead ?
Though I do have the grand sum of £2.74 on Betfair to win £216.46.
Though I don't see from the title why it would be taken as tipping the LDs.
Reed had no chance of remaining an MP under the new boundaries of the seat, and as their has any Tory.
The notional majority of the new seat is 14500 for Labour.
I would strongly recommend the book to anyone with a knowledge of the 1970s and a sense of the absurd.
That said, my gut reaction is strong campaign or not Labour's vote may hold up better than expected, so Tories being favourites may be wrong.
The Tories should not be favourites there, Reed will not be the Labour candidate this time.
But who are going to be the candidates?
Whoever wins will only keep the seat until the next election, where under the new boundaries the Labour MP for Workington takes it over with a 14500 majority.
Now, some might now dare to hope under Corbyn that improbable reversal between the two parties would occur, but back then he was not even on the horizon as leadership material. Some people are really optimistic.
@faisalislam: - Sellafield trades and is regulated under the terms of the EU nuclear safety treaty, by the European Commission - ec.europa.eu/jrc/en/publica…
@faisalislam: At the moment the Government is yet to confirm whether or not UK leaves Euratom - it might require separate parliamentary authority to A50
@faisalislam: Euratom -clear example of Brexit realities: not EU treaty, but enforced by Commission, disputes settled by ECJ. Does Brexit mean leaving?
1) The government is in chaos;
2) The seat and its predecessor have voted Labour at every election since 1931;
3) No second term government (or later) has gained a seat at a by-election since 1961 (and it lost that one but the candidate was ineligible so the Conservatives won it by default - other than that it has only happened once, at Brighouse in 1960, again under unusual circumstances where technically it was a junior coalition party that won it);
4) OK, it's not Liverpool Wavertree but it's not hyper-marginal either;
5) Local hospital services at risk of cuts gives Labour an easy score against the government.
That we are even talking about this as a possible Labour defeat is the most shocking indictment imaginable of Jeremy Corbyn's leadership - even if talk of a party with 9 MPs imminently replacing Labour seems a trifle hyperbolic. But if they lose, surely he has to go even if it doesn't lead May to find a pretext for an election.
Or endlessly copy n paste other people talking about it
Tim Farron will be pounding the pavements of Copeland !