After reaching a record level of concern in July following Britain’s decision to leave the EU, fewer Britons now show concern about the EU, according to Ipsos MORI’s August Issues Index. Three in ten (31%) now say they are concerned about the EU – down 9 points from July – although it is still seen as the single most important issue (mentioned by 21% as their most concerning issue).
And second
Interesting that, of the top six issues, four are traditionally Conservative leading - exlcuding the NHS, which is traditionally Labour, and also Housing, where both parties have ballsed it up for decades.
(a) ranked Europe as most important & had immigration in 2/3
(b) ranked immigration top and had Europe 2/3
I'd have thought that could be interesting - I suspect that it might allow tentative conclusions as to what is driving people's views on leaving Europe (i.e. to separate the @rcs1000 from the @Paul_Bedfordshire groups)
We haven't left the EU nor got any sort of deal yet. You could equally say that, in this month's tracker, voters are keen to remind HMG of the importance of reform of free movement.
Holding their feet to the fire.
This may also be why the government continues to ride relatively high in the polls as we saw yesterday. Life goes on pretty much as before, people can breath again and think about more important things like how well Team GB did at the Olympics.
Wales 14
Scotland 6
N England 14
Midlands 17
S E England 29
Gtr London 44
(No figure given for SW - 'All S England, incl GL' is 34)
Corbyn is of course a London MP.
"EU chief Jean-Claude Juncker faces embarrassment over sweetheart tax deals signed by Luxembourg with Amazon and McDonald's when he was prime minister.
Amazon faces similar claims that it lowered its tax bill by making sales to European customers through an arm of the company in Luxembourg. In 2014, the online retailer’s UK business paid £11.9million in tax on £5.3billion of sales to British shoppers. McDonald’s and Amazon both deny any wrongdoing."
Europe, NHS and the Economy last month would have all been as high or higher than immigration is this month. But the reason immigration isn't listed fourth is because concern about those fell as fast or faster than concern about immigration fell.
The only increasing concerns this month are housing and defence/foreign affairs/terrorism which at +9% is quite significant.
F1: rumour Canada might be scrapped for next year.
But don't worry. Azerbaijan is safe.
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In October 2015, the Commission concluded that Luxembourg and the Netherlands had granted selective tax advantages to Fiat and Starbucks, respectively. In January 2016, the Commission concluded that selective tax advantages granted by Belgium to least 35 multinationals, mainly from the EU, under its "excess profit" tax scheme are illegal under EU state aid rules. The Commission also has two ongoing in-depth investigations into concerns that tax rulings may give rise to state aid issues in Luxembourg, as regards Amazon and McDonald's.
If governments are craven enough to grant them egregious taxation deals, then they have their voters to answer to.
The issue in the Apple case is not what Apple did, but what Ireland offered them....
Concerns regarding Foreign affairs up +3% - The Boris Johnson effect…
Meanwhile we have Clinton's News Network censoring an interview with a citizen who saved a young child by blurring out his Vote Trump T-Shirt.
But your first sentence is prophetic, and spot on.
If people think immigration is an issue now, they ain't seen nothing yet.
Indeed Breitbart is of the right. But...the article is simply pointing out that bits of the UK feel like foreign countries. Sure there's some resentment of eg Polish competing for jobs, school places, housing, etc. But the real 'foreign' - as in culturally unassimilable - remains largely Islam. The 'what the hell should we do about Islam' problem pervades the West and it needs an answer. Part of the problem is that the gut reaction of your average politician is at odds with the average gut reaction of the electorate in most of the West.
Goldman Sachs might begin to sweat soon as well given the dodgy deal HMRC signed with them in 2009/10.
Wait till the effects of the Austerity Budget kick in.
Boo hoo.....
Perhaps if he was a bit more up to date (he quotes a seven year old poll on UK Muslim attitudes to homosexuality.....the most recent is 4 months old...) he wouldn't be quite so worried, poor dear.
True, in the most recent poll the majority of Muslims thought homosexuality should be illegal (58%, not the '100%' Milo quotes), but when you look at Muslims born in the UK nearly two thirds (64%) think it should be legal.....
Also the Apple case hinges on the specific structure of the company and apple. All the companies using double Irish Dutch sandwich arrangements are 'fine' as they all used arrangements available to all.
What are they there for then?
And if you read the companies act for the duties of directors maximising profit is not there.
Maintaining the reputation of the company in wider society is though.
It's always good to look for silver linings. If Labour really is determined to disappear up its own fundament, then May has the opportunity to achieve things that will potentially upset her own base. As examples, airport expansion an and end to NIMBYism on housing developments.
If she doesn't seize those opportunities that present, I'll join those who are already writing her off as Brown II.
Even by a Grauniad standards, this is particular guff...
Would you like to count the number of angels dancing on its head?
"The Populist Revolt Against Failure
What erodes faith in the ruling class are bungled wars, uneven growth and insecurity."
Yes - also the poll showed the same age skews we see in the non-muslim population on attitudes - as someone remarked a few days ago, the issue of importing spouses and families remaining forever 'first generation' is something that needs careful consideration.....
The Apple interview on the radio this morning though - seriously "foreign to our values". This is Apple, the $0.5T behemoth, made me want to puke !
The release for anyone who wants to read it.
"Improved sales volumes to markets such as the USA, Europe, China, South-East Asia, the MiddleEast and Norway led to a further increase in new export business during August. Moreover, the rate of growth accelerated to a 26-month high. The depreciation of the sterling currency was by far the main factor manufacturers cited as supporting the upswing in new export work."
I think next month it will be held steady with a couple of votes to go up.
You can prove anything with statistics..
Edited extra bit: perhaps a shade over the top initially. Changed to 'daft sod'.
But it could also be a sign of increasing religiousity.
It's probably a bit of both.