The majority of his supporters think he'll win an election, so at least they are not, as thought, believing there are more important things than winning.
A few weeks ago, I went away for the weekend with a group of friends from school, plus our families - we are now in our early 40s. One of our number spent the Sunday in a 'Jeremy Corbyn for PM' t-shirt. This would not have happened with any other party leader, ever. As far as I know, no-one asked him about it [although politics (the referendum, mainly) was discussed in some detail in a sub-group from which he was absent at one stage]. It was just such an odd thing to do. He'd never reallly raised politics before, although he's senior public sector, so I assume leftish. Like you say - a cult.
A few weeks ago, I went away for the weekend with a group of friends from school, plus our families - we are now in our early 40s. One of our number spent the Sunday in a 'Jeremy Corbyn for PM' t-shirt. This would not have happened with any other party leader, ever. As far as I know, no-one asked him about it [although politics (the referendum, mainly) was discussed in some detail in a sub-group from which he was absent at one stage]. It was just such an odd thing to do. He'd never reallly raised politics before, although he's senior public sector, so I assume leftish. Like you say - a cult.
He was probably being ironic. All the cool kids do it, apparently.
I've been seeing a lot of Corbyn for Leader paid ads on FB. I wonder if this is because of my supporting or rather 'liking' Leave during the referendum. Having dabbled in social media ads, the ability to target is impressive. Presumably the Corbynites have money to splurge?
Like you say - a cult.
1997 ----
Things can only get better ....get better oh yeah ....things can only get better....2016 ----Climb every mountain ..., ford every stream....
I use Vanilla. When I click on the link to "read the full story here", I get a PB page with Error 404, no text.