“..From the minute Michael Gove came on board with Boris’s leadership campaign, things started to go wrong. There was a leak a day in the press, starting with the camera crews at Boris’s house in Oxfordshire on the first day and ending with the infamous email from Sarah Vine, Michael’s wife, “accidentally” finding its way to the papers.
Look at 'no way may ' Mensch and even worse Simon Richards ... vitriolic vs remain traitors and one eyed for their preferred Brexiter. Can't wait to end this saga and get back to laughing at Ronaldo..
I think it is more inspired by revenge. After all, revenge is very sweet.
Too many bad losers are objecting to democracy itself ... that is an incredibly dangerous game to play
Good stuff.
"Their initiative relies upon the ambiguous wording of article 50 of the Treaty on European Union, which sets out how states could leave the EU. The first clause declares: “Any member state may decide to withdraw from the Union in accordance with its own constitutional requirements.
One of the grounds of a likely challenge to the referendum is that it is merely advisory and the royal prerogative cannot be used to undermine parliamentary statute."
Not much sign of Regrexit there,,,, If the government doesn't get on with Brexit those LEAVE voters will be switching en-masse to UKIP in 2020, IMO.
The current delay is an affront to democracy.
I appreciate it's an hour of your life you won't get back, but take a look at the comments after the Nick Clegg 'We need a GE before Article 50' piece in the Guardian. Everyone has an opinion on the legality of how and when we trigger article 50, due to the ambiguity of the wording in the treaty ('Any Member State may decide to withdraw from the Union in accordance with its own constitutional requirements.'). The constitutional legal case is muddy to say the least in terms of who triggers Article 50 and why. If UKIP-trojan Leadsom takes over in Number 10 and triggers it, expect legal challenges aplenty and this dragging on for a good while yet.
Good time to be a constitutional lawyer I guess...
Doesn't mean that this will completely eliminate the problem, but I can't see any of the others taking the wider party with them. Gove would be undermined at every turn, I don't think Crabb or Fox enjoy any real 'broad church support'. The stories about a Leadsom-Farage tie-up, whatever the truth, cast doubt on party unity were she to get it.
It really does look like the May option is the safest.
Somehow I don't think so.......
There was no option on the ballot paper for "out once the Tories have a new leader" or "out once Labour is a coherent party" or "out once we have retained freedom of movement via EEA". There was one choice. In or out and the UK voted out. Now out we must go.
I agree with you broadly. My country right or wrong, etc. We voted out, let's get on with it. But it isn't going to happen in a smooth manner, no matter what you say.
So,both Lord Rothermere and the Barclay Bros have declared,I've no doubt Murdoch will make the business decision to back her too.She's home and hosed with those who own the Tory party.I do not think she will get away with not calling an election,however,too many people still recall GB's similar coronation.
That would be a shame as he possesses very considerable talent.
The UK voted and the UK voted out. The decision has been made and ever day that passes as a slap in the face of the democratic process. No-one asked the Tories to wait before becoming the government when over 50% of the UK electorate gave them a majority in 2015. The decision was made, the Tories became the government and started legislating.
This decision has been made, the UK voted out and out we must go.
If we fall out on day 730, and go straight to WTO tariffs, it will do terrible damage to the UK economy. Even worse, because all our trade negotiators will have been working on the EU deal, we won't have anything else signed. We'll lose all the FTAs that the EU has signed with other countries. We'll be WTO with everyone.
But the real damage happens before then: the impact of uncertainty on business decisions. For three decades, we've been the number one location for inward investment in Europe (although Spain has caught up a lot in the last three years). We're not going to be number one in the next two years.
Corbyn to outlast Cameron at 2.04 good value, I think. Should be 1.5. (Cameron to go before Corbyn, technically)
I voted remain - this is about negotiating a sensible deal.
I hope everyone sleeps well
l and am sure that this will go on and on and on and on ..........