It is something of an irony that after months of saying outrageous things and winning more and more support off the back of it, Trump’s downfall might well be due to a sensible answer. There is, after all, nothing unusual or wrong in the principle that people who break the law should be punished.
It is laughable as Kevin Muckguire man of the people act. Giving it the whole bloody poshos, having not gone to normal schools, etc etc etc....before returning to home to the posho wife.
There was upward movement for "The Donald", all through yesterday evening and last night.
The one thing I'd add is that it is possible, though perhaps not very likely, that Cruz might have closed part of the gap by the end of the race, if Trump's poor performance in Wisconsin turns out to be a harbinger for the remaining primaries. If so, then obviously Cruz's route to winning becomes stronger.
Gallant Oscar
And more rain at Aintree please.
Love the simile.
Interesting article too - thanks, David.
It's unfortunate that neither the Supreme Court nor the JCPC publishes on its website the qualifications of any of its members to act in other jurisdictions than England and Wales. (Obviously they are qualified by dint of their role in those two courts, but I mean any background as members of say the Bermudan Bar Association.)
I'd rather like there to be a nice list online of which barristers in Britain are also qualified in the jurisdictions of Bermuda, the Cayman Islands, Jersey, etc.
There's practically no money-laundering without a lawyer being involved.
As a West Country boy, glad to say I've done the full fat dairy all my life.
Any last Aintree tips?
When that happens a Labour party appealing to Middle England will be less damaging to the nation that a party as you described propped by Welsh and Scottish socialists.
Alastair Meeks assures us that Leave banging on about the inequity of the leaflet is the huge mistake.
Gallant Oscar
Full fat or don't have it at all, I say.
Worth noting sentiment may weigh on those figures. An awful lot of people want to believe Trump will fail.
On health - I ignore the vast majority of such stories. Eat what I like, in moderation.
If he is nominated, I suspect that the people who've said things so harsh about him that they can't plausibly retract them will adopt the Koch brother strategy and make a big thing about their love for the GOP. For the Senate. For the House. For dog-catcher. The President? "I'm not going to comment on that: I'll leave it to the people in their wisdom to decide." Quite possibly they can insulate their candidates from the worst effects that way.
Wouldn't be backing Thistlecrack at 1-4 here, no idea how he does in soft ground - win at Chelters was on good.
The rest is detail.
Trying to remember to eat more tuna though.
Mr. Pulpstar, have you sacrificed a goat to Nike (the Greek god, not the sportswear manufacturer)?
Mrs. StClare is clearly a woman of uncommon wisdom.
Sugar, cured meats, meh.
Is there any journalist doing any serious work on how all these 11million documents were hacked/leaked? This is a criminal offence, is it not? The fact that Edward Snowden has made a reappearance and demanding the PM's resignation is extremely concerning, is it not?
There is an absolutely massive story behind all this and I want are so-called investigate journalists to have the cojones to get behind it. I'm not holding my breath.
We could take a hit from IS at any time, is anyone seriously suggesting we can do without a PM at this time? Perhaps if we do take a hit, Jeremy from Islington can invite them in for a cup of tea, to discuss their problems!
The heir to Blairmore is the security risk, not Corbyn.
'Britain could be better off outside the EU if it forged new trade ties and cemented old ones.'
I wonder if the 'Davos Consensus' is breaking down a bit here. Given the closeness of the polls, it would make sense not have all your eggs in one basket.
Many of my professional colleagues are often keen to argue that matters economic will go on much as before, regardless of political events, in the case of other countries - so why not also the UK...?
As for margarine, it was first made industrially after the WW2 when the oils for animal feed were in short supply (in Holland or Denmark I believe), a big factory was built and went into production. Only one eensie teensie problem, a flock of turkeys fed on feed with marge included did something unexpected - they all died. Turns out a material made on oils out of the ground (rather than from animals or plants), mechanically treated, hydrogenated, heated and pressurised was totally inert - you can leave a block of margarine out, uncovered and not only will no flies go on it, neither will any molds. So someone had the bright idea of wrapping blocks up in fancy paper and selling it as a healthy alternative to butter.
Politically, the original story was nothing -- every voter in the land takes it as read that rich people have fancy accountants for this sort of thing. Attacking Cameron over this is as asinine as attacking him for being a toff. It's priced in: everyone knows; no-one cares.
But Cameron's last explanation should have been his first and CCHQ and even pb Tories should have STFU and let it blow over. Throwing up chaff about Tony Blair and assorted lefties only keeps the story running.
Edit: maybe there are too many broadcasters and not enough old newspaper hands in the press office.
He could have even argued this is why I criticised these "aggressive" avoidance schemes i.e. I invested and paid my taxes on it, these other schemes individuals don't pay full tax.
Instead everything looks shady as hell, when all the financial experts, even Labourite Peston, basically said Cameron's father's fund was about as boring as it got when it comes to this.
Now the question about the Jersey stuff, now that is a different matter. That definitely looks like some nifty Bennite footwork, and I would guess Cameron's mother and siblings have got a good chunk of change of it.
- Ballycasey
- Many Clouds
- Saint Are
- Silviniaco Conti
- The Last Samuri
Nowadays my Kidneys are creaking and I am very salt intolerant - more than a small amount in a meal and I have a raging thirst all night. This is a great shame because, with one exception, at least only one I have found so far, I can no longer enjoy a curry in a indian restaurant (something that has been a passion for me since I was about 14). Even the posh curry houses (e.g. Veeraswamy and the Taj in Crawley, where one is talking £50 a head, seem to use salt by the tablespoonful), delicious food but not worth the suffering afterwards.
Actually it is surprising, judging by my reaction to the stuff, how much salt gets thrown into restaurant/pub meals, even those that one would think would be relatively salt free.
He would have been joint fave.
Klipfisk has become very unfashionable in Denmark as the traditional fish have given way to international generic fish like cod and plaice, yawn. Another favourite when I lived there, again rare now and one I've never seen outside Scandinavia, is hornfish, which is like a miniature swordfish but much tastier, distinguished by green bones visible through the translucent skin. If there was anywhere in London that served it, I'd go there every month.
So a loss of £7.50 from £40 total stake overall. Not so bad.
Congratulations to all winners.
Rest pulled up/fell
Once you have been caught, you haven't " gotten away with it " and your political career is over. The people will laugh at your every sanctimonious platitude.
Did anyone get the winner?
Like his hero Clegg he will remembered best for being a shifty two faced liar.
MAybe you would have done better to have become an MEP
....."list of lawyers"..... An excellent idea. More trouble is caused these days by lawyers than by politicians.
PS: to be fair 30K is small change to him , perhaps he forgot about it