@Carlotta you're just repeating yourself now in your desperation. Why not have a nice cup of tea and "calm down dear" as Cammie would say.
are most likely just projecting.
By just agreeing with that bit you're implicitly saying you opponent is desperate or rattled. Edmund's Law states that the first person to say that loses. That would have been Mick, but he snuck in before the law was enacted. So Mick wins the argument and you lose, sorry.
No worries - tho I do think Pork's insight revealing "leave it all to the campaign and rely on superior leader ratings" explains a lot - and is a touch risky.
Salmond is quite a sharp strategist, and presumably he'll have the ability to run the whole campaign while the pro-union side is potentially going to be a bit harder to coordinate.
Yes, it does look like they've given up the ghost on pretending Yes Scotland is much more than an SNP front - will make their lives easier though....
As the Bitter Together is a Tory / labour coalition, accepting dubious funds outwith the country, sleaze is never far away when that lot are protecting the trough