Why is a man who made a career in S.African politics being considered an electoral strategist by the LD and Remain ?
His job in S.Africa was to mainly help the white minority party D.A. to navigate the treacherous waters of african identity politics, not exactly a prescription for your average western country.
Hush, I am very very happy with the choice. If he can help deliver one of the worst electoral defeats for the Liberal/Lib Dems in 100+ years, just think what this genius can do for REMAIN?
The puzzle is why anyone would hire him for anything above a shelf stacking role?
? It's what happens to parties that co-operate with the Conservatives, they get smacked The lesson will no doubt be learned by Ukip and other parties in the future, so good luck with your next minority government
Why is a man who made a career in S.African politics being considered an electoral strategist by the LD and Remain ? His job in S.Africa was to mainly help the white minority party D.A. to navigate the treacherous waters of african identity politics, not exactly a prescription for your average western country.
On second thoughts. His job in the Lib Dems was to help the mainly white male party of the Lib Dems to navigate the treacherous waters of UK politics and finish up as a 100% white male groups of MPs. Job done.
What do the odds imply about Trump? They must be some combination of an outright delegate victory in which he wins the nomination with probability 1, and a convention with no overall majority which he wins with probability substantially less than 1. Exluding Trump at a hung convention would be an outrage to a lot of voters. Might he run anyway? It would look odd to appoint the runner-up as candidate, but maybe excluding both Trump and Cruz would be even more of an outrage to the voters - though highly desirable to the party elites if they could get away with it Ironically Kasich might be more likely to win the nomination if he dropped out now, giving Cruz a chance in several winner-take-all remaining states, and sought to win the goodwill of delegates for stopping both Cruz and Trump, rather than continuing to the convention on his own steam!
Well I will give Trump a 60% chance to have a majority of delegates + a 10% chance for him to be the nominee if it goes to a convention = 64%.
It's nice for Trump to see such publications as the Economist go such strongly against him, with enemies like these Trump doesn't need friends.
Attacks by discredited enemies is what fuels Trump's campaign from it's start.
64 sounds about right, I would also have said 50 to 80 per cent depending on how many Rubio voters he garners. The late voters in Arizona/Utah will be informative Where's the value then? Not in a Trump price of 70 to 80, surely? Cruz? Will the other candidates' delegates rally to Cruz? His odds now can only reflect winning a contested convention, plus a small epsilon for some kind of disastrous Trump withdrawal from the race
My council tax bill just arrived with a 4% increase, accompanied with some cock & ball story about why they had no choice. Even more infuriatingly they had the audacity to separate out the rise as a 2% normal rise plus a further 2% rise for an 'adult social care precept'.
Why is a man who made a career in S.African politics being considered an electoral strategist by the LD and Remain ?
His job in S.Africa was to mainly help the white minority party D.A. to navigate the treacherous waters of african identity politics, not exactly a prescription for your average western country.
Hush, I am very very happy with the choice. If he can help deliver one of the worst electoral defeats for the Liberal/Lib Dems in 100+ years, just think what this genius can do for REMAIN?
The puzzle is why anyone would hire him for anything above a shelf stacking role?
? It's what happens to parties that co-operate with the Conservatives, they get smacked The lesson will no doubt be learned by Ukip and other parties in the future, so good luck with your next minority government
It's what happens to parties that decide to spend their time attacking their partner and trashing their image by replicating the numerous examples of being duplicitous bar stewards.
My council tax bill just arrived with a 4% increase, accompanied with some cock & ball story about why they had no choice. Even more infuriatingly they had the audacity to separate out the rise as a 2% normal rise plus a further 2% rise for an 'adult social care precept'.
My council tax bill just arrived with a 4% increase, accompanied with some cock & ball story about why they had no choice. Even more infuriatingly they had the audacity to separate out the rise as a 2% normal rise plus a further 2% rise for an 'adult social care precept'.
My council tax bill just arrived with a 4% increase, accompanied with some cock & ball story about why they had no choice. Even more infuriatingly they had the audacity to separate out the rise as a 2% normal rise plus a further 2% rise for an 'adult social care precept'.
I won't be voting Conservative in May.
If I may ask, are you upset that it has risen by 4%, or that they separated the rise into two categories to disguise it, or both?
Personally I would not have minded paying 4% as much if they'd just raised it that much, but there's a real 'have cake and eat it' attitude, so the government keeps the rule on referenda if you go above 2%, while recognising that many council's say it's not enough, and as it turns out they don't want councils to have referenda so hastily concocted a rule to get around it rather than just let council's charge what they say they need (or sticking to their guns, if the 2% rule is so important to them).
My council tax bill just arrived with a 4% increase, accompanied with some cock & ball story about why they had no choice. Even more infuriatingly they had the audacity to separate out the rise as a 2% normal rise plus a further 2% rise for an 'adult social care precept'.
Oh great, Mr Lisbon Treaty is going to tell us to be proud in the EU...
The prime minister travelled to Lisbon today to sign the controversial EU reform treaty, alone and behind closed doors after he skipped the televised signing ceremony with the 26 other EU heads of state.
Oh great, Mr Lisbon Treaty is going to tell us to be proud in the EU...
He is also Mr "Stopped Blair Taking Us Into the Euro".
But not for the right reasons....getting Ed Balls to come up with 5 excuses in the back of a cab to spite Tony is not quite Gove-esque principled stance.
Next we will be getting all the BS about how he saved the UK...
If I understood it, Cameron's "Big Society" referred to encouraging local areas to resolve local issues. How does that square up with forcing all schools to become academies? Am I wrong to think that DC's pronouncements should be taken with a grain of sugar?
Why is a man who made a career in S.African politics being considered an electoral strategist by the LD and Remain ?
His job in S.Africa was to mainly help the white minority party D.A. to navigate the treacherous waters of african identity politics, not exactly a prescription for your average western country.
Hush, I am very very happy with the choice. If he can help deliver one of the worst electoral defeats for the Liberal/Lib Dems in 100+ years, just think what this genius can do for REMAIN?
The puzzle is why anyone would hire him for anything above a shelf stacking role?
? It's what happens to parties that co-operate with the Conservatives, they get smacked The lesson will no doubt be learned by Ukip and other parties in the future, so good luck with your next minority government
It's what happens to parties that decide to spend their time attacking their partner and trashing their image by replicating the numerous examples of being duplicitous bar stewards.
As a 2010 Lib Dem voter I can assure you "Being insufficiently nice to the Tories" was way down my list of reasons for not voting Lib Dem in 2015.
Since watching Dave Gorman's takedown of political views and likes of those who are signed up to take their surveys, I have little faith they actually represent the wider public....
Edit:- And I posted that before the polling numbers were posted...
My council tax bill just arrived with a 4% increase, accompanied with some cock & ball story about why they had no choice. Even more infuriatingly they had the audacity to separate out the rise as a 2% normal rise plus a further 2% rise for an 'adult social care precept'.
I won't be voting Conservative in May.
You're lucky. I didn't even get a story about having no choice. Just the bill. Up 3.4% in total here. 1.9% for the the county and city councils, 2% for the Police Commissioner and the rest is the 'adult social care' thingy. I don't object to paying it at all but I really don't like how the bill is set out (to disguise a 3.4% rise as a 1.9% rise).
I don't think I'll be voting for anyone in May. What with that and other recent political developments I've reached the point where I just want to scrawl "you're all crap" all over the ballot paper.
If I understood it, Cameron's "Big Society" referred to encouraging local areas to resolve local issues. How does that square up with forcing all schools to become academies? Am I wrong to think that DC's pronouncements should be taken with a grain of sugar?
Making schools academies is about getting rid of national pay/conditions bargaining, surely?
Why should someone in Durham be paid the same amount as someone in Surrey, when costs of living are so different?
Cameron and Osborne have, in less than a year, wholly fucked the Tory brand. Cameron via Europe, Osborne with his EU-obsessed cack-handed faffing about.
They are either going to lose this referendum, or win it but end up hated like Heath or worse.
If I understood it, Cameron's "Big Society" referred to encouraging local areas to resolve local issues. How does that square up with forcing all schools to become academies? Am I wrong to think that DC's pronouncements should be taken with a grain of sugar?
Making schools academies is about getting rid of national pay/conditions bargaining, surely?
Why should someone in Durham be paid the same amount as someone in Surrey, when costs of living are so different?
Dunno. I welcome elucidation. I thought academies would be more under control of central govt.
My council tax bill just arrived with a 4% increase, accompanied with some cock & ball story about why they had no choice. Even more infuriatingly they had the audacity to separate out the rise as a 2% normal rise plus a further 2% rise for an 'adult social care precept'.
I won't be voting Conservative in May.
"Donald Trump" or "Sprinter Sacre" write in for me.
Finally! It was getting to the point some were wondering if Lab would ever have a lead during this parliament, remarkable though that would have been even for a crap opposition.
All it needed was the first salvoes in a Tory civil war - hardly ideal, but perhaps the future is brightening for the comrades? Not that the future will be light, but the gloom may not be so pervasive for a short time at least.
Oh, and Osborne is doomed. Sudden economic upturn is all that will repair his reputation, and since we're told that's dependent on worldwide outcomes he has no impact upon, that seems unlikely.
My council tax bill just arrived with a 4% increase, accompanied with some cock & ball story about why they had no choice. Even more infuriatingly they had the audacity to separate out the rise as a 2% normal rise plus a further 2% rise for an 'adult social care precept'.
I won't be voting Conservative in May.
You're lucky. I didn't even get a story about having no choice. Just the bill. Up 3.4% in total here. 1.9% for the the county and city councils, 2% for the Police Commissioner and the rest is the 'adult social care' thingy. I don't object to paying it at all but I really don't like how the bill is set out (to disguise a 3.4% rise as a 1.9% rise).
I don't think I'll be voting for anyone in May. What with that and other recent political developments I've reached the point where I just want to scrawl "you're all crap" all over the ballot paper.
My council tax bill just arrived with a 4% increase, accompanied with some cock & ball story about why they had no choice. Even more infuriatingly they had the audacity to separate out the rise as a 2% normal rise plus a further 2% rise for an 'adult social care precept'.
I won't be voting Conservative in May.
"Donald Trump" or "Sprinter Sacre" write in for me.
The lesson will no doubt be learned by Ukip and other parties in the future, so good luck with your next minority government
His job in the Lib Dems was to help the mainly white male party of the Lib Dems to navigate the treacherous waters of UK politics and finish up as a 100% white male groups of MPs. Job done.
Where's the value then? Not in a Trump price of 70 to 80, surely?
Cruz? Will the other candidates' delegates rally to Cruz? His odds now can only reflect winning a contested convention, plus a small epsilon for some kind of disastrous Trump withdrawal from the race
Kevin Schofield @PolhomeEditor
EXCL Gordon Brown to make 'major intervention' in EU referendum in bid to stop Brexit http://bit.ly/1nSbWUi
I won't be voting Conservative in May.
Personally I would not have minded paying 4% as much if they'd just raised it that much, but there's a real 'have cake and eat it' attitude, so the government keeps the rule on referenda if you go above 2%, while recognising that many council's say it's not enough, and as it turns out they don't want councils to have referenda so hastily concocted a rule to get around it rather than just let council's charge what they say they need (or sticking to their guns, if the 2% rule is so important to them).
The prime minister travelled to Lisbon today to sign the controversial EU reform treaty, alone and behind closed doors after he skipped the televised signing ceremony with the 26 other EU heads of state.
Next we will be getting all the BS about how he saved the UK...
How does that square up with forcing all schools to become academies?
Am I wrong to think that DC's pronouncements should be taken with a grain of sugar?
Edit:- And I posted that before the polling numbers were posted...
I don't think I'll be voting for anyone in May. What with that and other recent political developments I've reached the point where I just want to scrawl "you're all crap" all over the ballot paper.
Why should someone in Durham be paid the same amount as someone in Surrey, when costs of living are so different?
I never thought that I would see Jeremy Corbyn led Labour beating the Cameron led Tories in the opinion polls.
All it needed was the first salvoes in a Tory civil war - hardly ideal, but perhaps the future is brightening for the comrades? Not that the future will be light, but the gloom may not be so pervasive for a short time at least.
Oh, and Osborne is doomed. Sudden economic upturn is all that will repair his reputation, and since we're told that's dependent on worldwide outcomes he has no impact upon, that seems unlikely.
** Labour ahead **
CON 33%,
LAB 34%,
LDEM 6%,
UKIP 16%
I know exactly how you feel.