Whilst it might seem like the EU referendum is solely an internal Tory party matter, if David Cameron wants Remain to win, he’s going to need Labour voters to turn out for Remain. David Cameron may not be the best person to get Labour voters to come out and vote for Remain, so he’s going to be reliant on Labour politicians to do that for him.
Not sure that I agree. A leadership campaign would probably be launched in June and could easily include prospective candidates burnishing their credentials as campaigners and good Europeans, as a prodrome to a formal bid.
The Unions may well no longer be on Corbyns side.
Last year, I was convinced Labour would retake Cannock because it was impossible to find anyone who would admit to voting Conservative. They lost by a huge margin even while piling up votes on the district council. Now, only one person admits to supporting Labour even in the school staff room, and it leads to people looking away in embarrassment or hurriedly changing the subject. We have to consider this impoverished ex-mining area a safe Tory seat.
It will take Labour ten years to recover from this. If there is a failed coup, add another ten as it will be obvious Corbyn was not a momentary aberration but a grim sign of the real unpleasantness and stupidity of the party.
PS - I think I accidentally marked your comment as off topic. That was an accident (fat finger syndrome) and I am sorry. It certainly is not off- topic.
Dimassimo - the superlative of stupid.
That's nearly as good as "Proudman".
We see in council elections that Labour (and Lib Dems) are doing quite well. The parties are not holed below the waterline.
Don't worry about the off topic (surely a bit redundant on pb!) If you click on it a second time it reverses.
My MP told me a recovery in Scotland and gaining council seats was what Corbyn shoud be judged on and not London Mayor vote which he felt would happen.
He has no awareness that the Blairites have lost Scotland for decades and is clearly aware that the bar of council gains compared to 2012 is very high bar indeed but hopes members fall for the "we should be making gains" line.
When I told him I voted for Corbyn and would not support a Kendall led party he quickly departed.
But Corbyn is digging the grave of the Labour party. He has to be defenestrated soon, preferrably this summer.
I agree Scotland is lost for the forseable, but do not add Wales, Northern England and the Midlands to that list!
But I would never, ever vote at Westminster level for a party led by a man who has shared a platform with a Holocaust Denier.
If such a decoupling occurs on a large scale then it remains entirely possible Labour could better Miliband's less than stellar 2011 performance while heading for a much heavier defeat in 2020 than he managed.
I want to see Corbyn gone by a democratic contested election. Anything else would be very divisive. The Trots have to be defeated in the open.
Jezza is unenthused at best about the EU, while the MPs, voters and Unions are solidly for Remain. That may well be the final straw - if Jezza fails to put up a decent fight for something that the party is strongly behind,and the younger membership in particular.
The thing is, though, that Corbyn makes affluent Labour members feel good about themselves while his unelectability also means they continue to benefit from Tory policies in the pocket. For many of them he's the ideal leader really.
Labour were 6% ahead in 2012 and gained 823 seats and 32 councils.
Whats not to like?
You are the one who sees Tory rule as the least bad option remember.
As I say, Labour under-performed in 2012 and then went on to be crushed in the general election. Of course, Corbynistas will dismiss this while blaming "Blairites", but then Corbynistas have no interest in Labour winning elections.
NUMBER OF SEATS: Labour +823, Tories -405, Lib Dems -336
Labour on course for big gains in local elections, with 39% of the vote against Tories with 31% and Lib Dems 16%
Councillors turn on 'catastrophe Clegg' as his party loses 50% of seats
Coalition civil war as Tories urge Cameron to ditch 'barmy liberal' policies like gay marriage and Lords reform
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2139218/Local-elections-2012-Bloody-nose-David-Cameron-Labour-gains-800-seats.html#ixzz42lWZTpZL
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Blairite who prefers Tory rule to a Labour Government thinks this is underperforming
Except they will be out their trying to win every seat whilst you vote Tory.
Corbynistas, it turns out, are not actually turning up.
Not my experience most of the new members are out there campaigning leafleting etc not sniping at every opportunity
Whilst a person wanting the Party to win tries with every post to undermine them and prefers a Tory Government to a Labour one.
Strange old world.
Anyway I am off for a full English at the secret cafe. 3 bacon, 2 sausage 2 eggs black pudding tomatoes hash brown beans tomatoes and 2 toast £3.40.
Then knocking on doors in Heanor
If Corbynistas really wanted a Labour government they would want a different leader of the Labour party.
What Corbyn has done is shore up the roughly 20% of voters on the left at the expense of the roughly 40% in the centre who will now vote Conservative faute de mieux. He did so on the assumption that the 20% who never vote would be enthused. That hasn't worked.
Cameron has given up the 20% on the right for that vote in the centre. And it's working for him in England, while the SNP sweep Scotland.
Labour can hang on at a local level, but sooner or later if they keep imploding at the top they will struggle to hold on here too. The real danger for them is of the emergence of a new centrist party, which is why they are fortunate that of their two rivals one operates in less than 10% of seats and the other is in an even worse less than Labour are.
I can see why donors and MPs would want to replace Corbyn. But then, I can see why I want to open my bedroom door to find Jennifer Morrison and Olivia Wilde pillow-fighting over which one of them gets to sleep with me. That doesn't mean I have a credible plan for making it happen.
Off-topic: good month ahead. Finale of the Six Nations and the first F1 race in a week (and we'll see just how horrendous the new qualifying is, or whether it actually works well). And in two and a half weeks my book comes out. Huzzah!
That's the pugilist electorate sewn up for REMAIN.
Trump 44 .. Rubio21 .. Cruz 21 .. Kasich 9
Clinto 59 ..Sanders 31
You can't call a huge chuck of your electorate Nazis and expect them to keep voting for you.
Long gone are the days of "their all the same"
Anyway have a good day
What will lower engagement is a terrible performance followed by a leader who clearly couldn't care less whether we remain or leave being left in charge.
I hope Labour can replace Corbyn but I don't think they will.
What odds the SNP as the Opposition at Westminster after the next GE?
In contrast Blair got a 22% lead twice while Cameron got a 20% lead. Those are high bars.
Corbyn's absence from the Remain/Leave debate is not going to impress. Posturing over issues is no substitute for a real campaign over an important national issue.
All parties aspire to those things - the question is whether they have any realistic way of achieving them.
Meanwhile Jezza is off tilting at windmills...
Any move against Corbyn will only happen once there has been a real change of heart/ reality check amongst the membership. We are nowhere near there yet and the May elections won't change that however bad they are. I also don't think they will be as bad as they would have been if the Tories were the united force they were 3 months ago.
Alan Johnson has ruled out standing for the leadership on numerous occasions and is very unlikely to stand in the circumstances you describe Also given that all the big-hitters in Labour are for REMAIN there would be no shortage of speakers and campaigners in the unlikely event your scenario comes about. "Must try harder" i'm afraid for that one TSE
If he can't get traction outside his own postcode in England, no wonder he's just as irrelevant in Scotland.
You'd think if Labour aspired to fiscal responsibility they'd have achieved it at least once before. Heck they could have even achieved it by accident without trying to.
Meanwhile the mismanagement of the NHS by Hunt and his cronies continues. These two GP surgeries in inner city Leicester went into administration this week:
While Mr Lansley is now hawking out his contacts to help private companies make money out of the NHS:
The Tories may pretend to be motherhood and apple pie, but the reality is snouts in the trough.
malcolmg is right about snouts in the trough, it is what destroyed Blairism too. The appeal of Jezza is that (for all his many faults) he is not after personal gain, and that is a novelty in our Parliament.
Yep, pretty shameless last paragraph. Surprised Mike has allowed space on his site for a Tory activist to say 'vote against Labour in the election'. It's supposed to be a political analysis site, not electoral propaganda. TSE could well do with some tutoring on the writing front, too. Is English his second language?
Corbyn appears much more 'out of touch' with the ordinary person (whatever that is) than Cameron. I wonder if he knows this and does not care, or whether he is oblivious to it.
I think - and I knew him personally, of course, if a long time ago now - that he knows and doesn't care, possibly because, as you imply, the concept itself is pretty nebulous.
At least when I was/am one eyed about Gordon Brown, I was/am right all along. The man was bonkers.
We get header articles from activists and supporters of each of the three traditional main parties. Only SNP and UKIP of the major parties in the UK (if UKIP and Lib Dems can be classed as such) don't to my knowledge.
Edited extra bit: or ethnicity, of course.
HS2 is going to CRASH !!!!
Operating privatised railways a success for the treasury - franchises as a whole returned £700 million to the government:
Whether from external pressure or internal division, the SNP will eventually fall. Not this side of May though.
The sun is shining and looks like another dry day. Hooray no rain! Spring is in the air and a rather doddery looking Frederick Forsyth is on Marr, supporting Brexit.
Unfortunately, the ragbag of political oddities campaigning for leave are no match for those supporting remain, and in case many people in these islands are too frit and will hang on to nurse for fear of something worse, so will do what the pinkoliberal Cameron advises. However, something may turn up - a good result for AfD today may set a cat among the pigeons - or Erdogan may do something that really riles. He is far more of a danger to the UK, as are the criminal Islamic states based in Raqqah and Riyadh, than Putin.
If the result is remain, at least it will have 1 benefit in killing off the political aspirations of the blonde bombshell from New York. Sadly the aspirations of the other blonde bombshells from NY seem likely to be fulfilled; TC would be a much better POTUS than any of the remaining red or blue candidates in that race.
I'm thinking that if the Tory government decides in a year or two to for example cut the top rate of tax back to 40% from 45% then the SNP would face an awkward choice: keep their tax rates high and see a flight of taxes from Holyrood to Westminster (just like Westminster has received a flight of French taxes) - or continue their practice of being Yellow Tories and cut the tax rate themselves.
I expect they'd opt to be Yellow Tories and cut the tax themselves too.
Incidentally, I never thought there a shortage of diverse sexualities in LD (or indeed any party!) at Westminster. Indeed problems in keeping sexuality under control!
The delegate count is all but irrelevant (10 to Rubio and 9 to Kasich so no change in the Cruz-Trump fight and little in the Trump-the rest fight). What might matter is that it's a second 'state' to give Rubio a majority of delegates.
The Guam and US Virgin Islands look to be sending delegations not committed to any one candidate.
I really don't understand why politicians think I care a jot about their sexual orientation. That is a private matter for them and certainly not one I want to discuss on the doorstep with them. What next? Choosing candidates by when/how they prefer their sex. Anyone for a 'lights out' only shortlist?
Not only that but it's completely unnecessary. Westminster is already the world's gayest Parliament with 32/650 MPs openly LGBT, a higher proportion than any other legislature in the globe: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3080663/Westminster-world-s-gayest-Parliament-Commons-32-openly-gay-lesbian-bisexual-MPs-compared-10-Holland.html
That's 5% of MPs without any form of discrimination, a not at all unreasonable proportion given that I suspect less than 5% of the population is openly LGBT.
Tory Remainers cheering for him.
Re the thread header, its a different slant on what I've been saying for ages, Labour simply aren't bothered about the EU, its that apathy that will win it for Leave. Over 500 street stalls yesterday, thousands of campaigners, Leave are indisputably more motivated.
A 'Hot Wife' only shortlist would be very interesting.
I'm illiberal; I'm undemocratic; what am I? Why yes, I'm a Lib Dem policy!
Did I hear right that McDonnell would consider higher wages for public sector workers to be 'investment'?
So I suppose it depends if the SNP fail from the left or the right.
"A passionate Leaver" is an interesting description. Even solid Tories who support Cameron are prepared to sacrifice him and their party in order for 'Leave' to win
For the LEAVERS this is visceral and for the REMAINERS it's pragmatic.
Once the Remainers are able to tease out what's behind this crusade I think they'll be in a better position to counter it.
Mrs Moses grandad got his council seat because he was a highly respected civil engineer and an efficient and effective community organiser of council services.
You have to peel off his soft left supporters, and if the likes of Livingstone, McDonnell and Milne are leading Corbyn's leadership campaign it could get very ugly for them quickly. Just keep getting TV producer contacts to keep inviting Ken on.
In a message to the Scottish electorate, she said: “patiently and respectfully, we will seek to convince you that independence really does offer the best future for Scotland
"Can I interest you in independence?"
"I'm not sure"
"F*ck off back to London then you English c*nt"