On this week’s PB/Polling Matters podcast Keiran speaks to Will Jordan from YouGov in the U.S. They discuss the state of the 2016 race as it stands, the importance of turnout at next week’s Iowa caucuses (and what that might mean for Trump and Sanders) plus how important Iowa will be for the wider race in such an apparently unconventional election cycle.
Like a good Scottish Tory
German police told not to prosecute migrants for petty crimes. Once again, no consequences. It is absurd to speak of cultural incompatibility in such final terms, when doing nothing about the behaviours we decry. How many convictions are we now up to in the UK for FGM, vs. the number of incidences of the practise?
The party which 'is most clear and united about what its policies should be':
CON: 33%
LAB: 13%
UKIP: 11%
LDEM: 5%
(via Ipsos Mori)
Off topic, but a good summary of where we stand, for me....
Horrible headline for Cameron in the telegraph.
Someone asked about the structural deficit.
The tory manifesto promised to eliminate the structural deficit ...
‘Safeguard Britain’s credit rating with a credible plan to eliminate the bulk of the structural deficit over a Parliament set out in an emergency Budget within 50 days of taking office.
I guess you could plough through the manifesto itself
In the first budget Osorne said
'The coalition Government has inherited from its predecessor the largest budget deficit of any economy in Europe with the single exception of Ireland. One pound in every four we spend is being borrowed. What we have not inherited from our predecessor is a credible plan to reduce their record deficit.'
He also pointed out re Browns ''Golden Rule'' --- 'We are set to miss the golden rule in this cycle by 485 billion pounds'
And claimed 'we are on track to have debt falling and a balanced structural current budget by the end of this Parliament'
I think it was the 2012 budget where they scaled back the claim because the structural deficit was bigger, and slowed the pace if cuts. By my search they were some 25 billion behind their projections of 2010 by 2014-15 as far as spending was concerned.
Spending has risen under Osborne in absolute terms but at nothing like the rate under Brown between 2001 to 2010. Given the howls from every conceivable quarter its hard to see how spending could be squeezed more in that time. And the same applies now over the next 5 years - interested parties make spending cuts eternally difficult.
Fool me once ...
Plus rebrand the BSE...
@Richard_Nabavi likes to pretend that all kippers said Cameron would back out of a referendum, when I cant think of any that said that.. but what I did say pre GE was pretty much the above - If Cameron got a majority it would give him an virtual casting vote on the referendum, such would be his authority and powers at his disposal, and as he is committed to REMAIN, that is why I couldn't vote for him, and would probably have preferred a weak hung parliament either way
But it is what it is. I cant really imagine LEAVE can win though.. The EU may well be letting in migrant rapists from a medieval society, but spin always seems to win over truth
Plus rebrand the BSE...
Remain is backed by big business, bankers, bureaucrats and Blairites.
Unfortunately on the Leave side we have got buffoons, bigheads and the barking.
Unfortunately on the Leave side we have got buffoons, bigheads and the barking.
Seen the Mail's picture of the ''15-year old'' accused of stabbing that Swedish girl???
This excellent book provides some very interesting historical background:
Or just look at any - and I really do mean any - thread here where the subject was discussed.
Who are these people who said Cameron wont hold a referendum if he wins a majority? Not that it is my business really as it was not me, I just wanted the best mechanism to get us out of the EU, didn't have to be right now, and I don't think Cam majority is/was that mechanism
One wonders if Zac is "too posh to push", so to speak.
Look yourself, if you are interested.
Trump's event is going to be covered live from CNN and MSNBC, he couldn't get the big networks due to FCC fair time rules.
Rumour is circulating that Santorum and Huckabee will join him, while Cruz is trying to organize a boycott of Trump's event.
Meanwhile Cruz is offering $1.5 million to debate Trump, Fiorina is offering $2 million to debate Trump.
Also there is a rumour that Sen.Sessions is going to endorse Trump today.
It was a misconceived plan in that a member minded to make war on their neighbour could always withdraw but that doesn't change the intent.
People still say Enoch Powell was wrong even as we see 2nd and 3rd generations immigrants living in segregated ghettoes, bombing the tube, going on Kalashnikov shooting sprees, demanding Sharia Law, beheading British people home & abroad and joining ISIS.
He's made Tim Fallon look high profile this time round.
On the GOP side, possibly the same is true in reverse: if Trump does the double then it's hard to see anyone beating him.
I am not really that interested, I think your continual reference to the "amazing" bet you offered is just pompous and disingenuous point scoring, but whats new?
That wasn't the only purpose, of course; the industrialists and bureaucrats (as distinct from Robert Schuman and the politicians) were trying to get economies of scale and greater efficiency.
Now virtually nothing left to show for heaving lummox Chris Grayling's years at MoJ: #legalaid https://t.co/ZCmcMLTntn
As for Socrates, no, he started off by saying Cameron wouldn't hold a referendum. When I pinned him down, he backed off and went down some ridiculous side-alley about a referendum where changes to treaties were agreed in advance.
Of course the reason for all this was that I made the incontrovertible point that, if they wanted a referendum (which they kept saying they did, at once), they should vote Conservative, unless Labour made a similar pledge.
I was right, of course. The Kippers wasted two years before the election messing about trying to get a handful of MPs, rather than building the Brexit case. We are seeing the consequences now; they might be rescued by the migration crisis, but I doubt it.
I seem to remember more kippers here declaring that Cameron would use every foul means at his disposal to win the referendum, not that he wouldn't hold it.
As for the rest of it, are you honestly saying that LEAVE would have a worse chance of success had the Conservatives gotten 321 MPs and UKIP 10?
In the end, as I had predicted was quite likely, Tory/UKIP switchers switched back more than Labour/UKIP switchers, so we were spared a Miliband government and got the referendum; that was despite UKIP's efforts, not because of them.
As it happens, I would have preferred a weak coalition w Miliband PM, quickly overthrown by second GE with a Eurosceptic Tory leader... but alas it is what it is
It's a blindingly obvious 'Remain' attack line, to which the only response is to ask them to predict the next 20 years WITHIN the EU, then watch them flounder.
Trump 32+8
Cruz 25 -3
Rubio 18 +5
Carson 8 -3
Bush 4 0
Rest 2 each
http://msnbcmedia.msn.com/i/MSNBC/Sections/A_Politics/NBC News_WSJ_Marist Poll_Iowa Annotated Questionnaire_January 28 2016.pdf
Note, this poll finished the day Trump announced his withdrawal from the debate.
New N.H. poll
Suffolk, N.H (last one was June, so useless for comparisons)
Trump 27
Cruz 12
Kasich 12
Bush 11
Rubio 10
Christie 6
Carson 5
Fiorina 4
Paul 2
Rest 0
Most of it was conducted after Trump's debate decision.
Hence Trump's surge.
Hillary 48 0
Sanders 45 0
O'Malley 3 0
http://msnbcmedia.msn.com/i/MSNBC/Sections/A_Politics/NBC News_WSJ_Marist Poll_Iowa Annotated Questionnaire_January 28 2016.pdf
Hillary 47 -8
Sanders 42 +9
O'Malley 6 0
But be that as it may, it's clear that Nigel didn't have the clout to extract a concession from Cameron, or even to embarrass him for his refusal to do so, so it was an odd and inconsequential message.
" 'I want to underline that the Disney security services and police reacted immediately, and made sure the man was taken out of harm's way, if indeed he ever intended to harm anyone. We don't know at this stage.'
This is a man with 2 guns, ammunition and allegedly a koran in his luggage.
The reason why I think building the Brexit case was so important is that the Remain side's best card (and probably trump card) is the 'leap into the unknown' argument. When the Leave side can't even answer the most basic questions, such as whether or not they advocate a Norway-style deal or not, they leave themselves open to being defined by their opponents.
Does this meet advertising guidelines? It seemed pretty much a shameless Tory PPB, not a public information ad.
And you can also find Europhiles in the UK and especially in Germany/France/Italy today using reasoning for the EU which is not that distinct from that which the Nazis used.
They wanted Europe united to fight 'Bolshevism' and the US. Now we get told we need a 'United Europe' to fight China and er...the US. The threat from the outside...always a favourite device of the the authoritarians...
But this ad wasn't giving any advice; it was literally just "everyone will be getting the glorious sum of £7.20 soon, aren't we so generous".
Would be an important endorsement.
Wonder what the origin of that money Fiorina and Cruz are offering is?
I'm prepared to look like a fool, but I think declaring war on Fox news could well turn out to be his undoing.
My current position is;
+-0 Trump,
+250 Clinton, Sanders, Rubio, Bush, Cruz
+24,000 Kasich
+30,000 Bloomberg
>=+2000 everyone else
-1 Trump
-1 Kasich
+300 Bush, Rubio
+600 Cruz
+900 Christie
+38,000 Paul Ryan
+ 6000 everyone else
Iowa GOP;
-45 Trump, Cruz
+1000 everyone else (come on Rubio!)
None of them are going to withdraw at least before N.H. and potentially S.C. , and why should they? Since all of them are coming second in N.H.
Leave: Yes
Remain: Probably
Will we have our own army and diplomatic service?
Leave: Yes
Remain: Don't know
Will the economy/house prices/inflation/fuel/mortgages go up or down?
Both: No F**ing clue
Will immigration be controlled?
Leave: Simplistic to imagine we won't have to make compromises, but ultimately UK's choice
Remain: No choice, ultimately the only control is whether people fancy coming or not
How will TTIP affect the UK and its services?
Leave: It won't. Any trade deals will be negotiated by the UK Government
Remain: Who knows?
Don't see how remain is in any way a more secure medium to long term option for the UK, or why europhiles should be any the less obliged to present the way they see the relationship developing. We might even find SPLITS between the swivelly-eyed federalists and the soft skeptics.
Scoop: Huckabee will be attending the Trump vets event tonight, a Huckabee spokesman tells me.
I told you so (my sources seem reliable so far today).
Trump is peeling the smaller candidates into his side.
Why not lay off a bit of Bloomberg (the current 75 to 80 or so is getting a bit short IMO) and use the funds to back Trump - just in case?
Tennessee GOP Poll
Trump 32.7%
Cruz 16.5%
Carson 6.6%
Rubio 5.3%
Christie 2.4%
Jeb 1.6%
What I think they should do is steal Remain's fear-mongering clothes - to which I believe they have just as much right. This may not be enough to fully persuade the people you mention, but it may be enough to dampen their spirits and keep them at home if Remain itself is presented as a fearful option.
To this end, once again, Remain should be presented as a COMMITMENT to the EU - a contract you will be signing. 'Before signing with the EU, read the small print'. Not just a commitment, a BRAVE commitment - till death us do part. We like lethargy and comfort zones, but we hate and fear commitment. Leave should be presented as something people should vote for, just to avoid the EU running rampant.
Leave must also do its best to undermine the undoubted advantage of 'authority' recommending remain and talking about the 'dangers' of leaving, by cultivating distrust in those figures' motivations. Then every fatcat, politician, or corporate sponsored think-tank that advocates remain becomes further evidence of a corporate stitch up.
If Remain can do those they stand a chance imo.
and presciently
"But if Britain voted for and exit and "politics in the EU turned for the worse, the UK may be seen as a safe haven from those risks, reversing the euro's appreciation and putting significant downward pressure" on the single curency, said Marvin Barth of Barclays.
"In that environment, Scottish voters could be even less inclined to leave the relative safety of the UK for an increasingly uncertain EU, further reversing sterling's appreciation." "
I actually laid off quite a bit of Bloomberg at between 31/1 & 55/1, then got cold feet and rebacked at 59/1-89/1
Who knows what the current odds should be, but if it's looking like sanders vs trump or cruz by March I think he'll jump into the race. That looks like a ~9/1 scenario to me.
Against Sanders/Trump or Cruz, he'd be a ~4/1 shot.
4/1 x 9/1= 50/1
Princess Leia: "I'd just as soon as kiss a "Workie"!"
Han Solo: "I can arrange that! You could use a good kiss!"
"Steady at 0.7%" (Aug 2015)
So 0.2% is the difference between steady and negative