Like millions of Red-blooded Anglo-Saxon Brits I'm totally puzzled by your idea of negotiating Dave. No Red Lines on things that matter just fuzzy maybes that befit your Europhile agenda. You're more concerned to hoodwink us than deal with the real issues. If we do not ring fence our Fishing, Farming & Financial Markets the unelected Commissars will destroy UK Plc with Diktat and Red Tape, as sure as night follows day. All this blarney about better-off and safer is not good enough Dave, it's the agenda of a Europhile Defeatiist Dave. It sucks.
You need backbone when it comes to standing up for UKPlc and you are making the best case yet for Vote_Leave. Keep it up Dave I know that now our side will win, unless you are trying to be too clever by half and it's Brexit all the way but you lack the guts to Fess-up.