One of the features where Cameron generally polls very well is on the ability to take tough decisions. A couple of months ago Opinium found 40% thought saying ‘being able to take tough decisions’ best described David Cameron compared to 16% saying the same about Jeremy Corbyn.
Not waiting in a queue, unlike people at Heathrow ...
The more curious part is this: wouldn't Zac resigning his seat have actually helped him win the Mayoralty (assuming he still stood as the Tory candidate?)
No longer a good idea for Lib Dems do wish for byelections, surely...
He'd be relying on Labour splitting in his favour and Corbyn is making negative noises.
But yes - the Lib Dems would be raring to go in Richmond Park, but they may get the chance next summer anyway.
Still Boris Island for me (and close & convert Heathrow when it opens). Looks like that's got about as much chance of happening as PM Corbyn.
How he wishes he still had Clegg as his human shield.
I can't see a UKIP gain, however.
By 2020 the Heathrow decision will be 4 years old
Cameron (has said) he will not be standing
Brown's bottling was over calling a General Election
But apart from that a perfect analogy
This is interesting from July
Boris Island.
Let's show the world we can still do engineering.
Losing Clegg as his human shield has just exposed Cameron for the grubby little spiv he always has been. I am sure the reason that he retains his level of popularity is that, at heart, most of the English like a toff in charge (not that Cameron is even a real toff - his Dad was a stockbroker, for goodness sake.
(Bit grumpy today)
I never make personal remarks about Cameron, which is more than can be said of his fans, I judge him by what he says and does, his type of feeble, vacuous politics is awful.
When I saw the talk of "Bordesley Independent School", it makes you think that the Hugo Parker-Bowles of this world are sending their kids to a knock off Eton. You have to read really carefully to find out what it is really about....
Also registered at that school...Al-Tahawi Institute.
On their facebook page, they hiliriously claim this...
Please note: Al-Tahawi Institute is located at the above address only during class times. At all other times it is an Independent school.
And this is what Ofsted said..
"Sir Michael said more than 800 pupils were found to be in premises where there was evidence of segregation, with separate classrooms for boys and girls and where students were being taught a narrow curriculum “that was failing to prepare them for life in modern Britain”.
Sir Michael wrote: “Following each previous visit, [inspectors] reported the serious concerns they had for the welfare of the children being educated in this unregistered school. At the most recent visit, inspectors were intentionally obstructed from entering the premises for an hour.
Of course from the BBC report, it dedicates one sentence to any hint of what is going on.
Whatever Cameron decides to do will be judged by many to be wrong, so why not wait and do it whilst EUref debate is in full swing. Adonis also did his bit by saying that Cameron's further, slight delay wouldn't impact on need for project implementation, not that that will cut much ice with Labour and Jehadi Jez.
Again it is Birmingham, like the Trojan Horse Scandal.
That's a lot worse than delaying 6 months.
Far better to delay (and pocket the political advantages) and do the necessary studies on environmental issues.
And reform the ability for pressure groups to judicially review every decision the government makes.
Some of my cousins were stockbrokers (we don't talk to that side of the family - but for entirely different reasons).
The voters voted for him to the extent that he won the election so as to be able to enact his policies.
You see? In one sentence I have managed, clumsily, to link those previously disparate ideas together.
That you don't like his policies is neither here nor there, sadly.
'But yes - the Lib Dems would be raring to go in Richmond Park, but they may get the chance next summer anyway.'
Be careful what you wish for,how long is it since the Lib Dems won a by-election ?
As a London MP and a Mayoral candidate, Zac's priority must be to deliver the greatest benefit to Londoners, and therefore any business case should be defined by outbound traffic - e.g. what airport developments will be best for us, not best for visitors. He's quite right to rail against what is contrary to his constituents interests.
It would indeed be worrying if he /didn't/ have a different set of interests and priorities than central government. Airport choice is a big issue for an area the size of Greater London plus the home counties and shouldn't be overlooked.
It's not a much of a muchness situation. For example, London City is very convenient for me. Gatwick isn't too bad to get too. Heathrow is a pain, and Stansted/Luton are absolute nightmares. For people living in Ealing or St Albans or Walthamstow, the picture will be different, but there is a collective need for multiple options, and few would benefit from Frankfurterisation.
Cameron on the other hand is being politically astute and just moving a decision further down the line. He'll make the decision in the end, Brown never made a decent decision in his life unless it was the cowardly one.
HS2 will go direct to Birmingham airport (38 mins) and Manchester airport (1hr) - both have loads of spare capacity and expansion options.
Best let Heathrow wither & die.
'As a London MP and a Mayoral candidate, Zac's priority must be to deliver the greatest benefit to Londoners, and therefore any business case should be defined by outbound traffic - e.g. what airport developments will be best for us, not best for visitors. He's quite right to rail against what is contrary to his constituents interests.'
Agree, any decision to go ahead with Heathrow should be subject to a referendum of Greater London voters who will be affected in different ways.
'2 years, Eastleigh. Or last night, depending on your sense of perspective'
And before Eastleigh which was defending your existing seat ?
Bogus analogy – Brown bottled a general election he may have won and thus legitimised being PM, - Cameron on the other hand has already won two and will not stand for a third.
FPT, Mr Meeks gave a far more plausible reason for the postponement.
FPT: Mr. Slade, I believe there will be a second series.
Whilst the Conservatives face a leader who writes letters of support for someone alleged to have defrauded pensioners of their savings which may have been used to fund terrorism, the Conservatives won't get hit hard by something like this.
As we've seen so far with the bullying story. If Labour didn't have people like Ken 'the 7/7 bombers are absolved of responsibility because of Blair' Livingstone, Mao and Corbyn at the top, that could've massively hit the blues. Instead it's a sideshow to the nonsense of Labour.
Zac is not bluffing.
'If voters got a say in every major infrastructure project (particularly those that were geographically close to it) that was designed to address the greater good, rather than solving local problems, nothing would ever get done.'
How often are 8 million voters affected by noise, pollution and massive congestion due to a single infrastructure project ?
By the way, 'the greater good' of whom ,overseas visitors ?
Presumably stand as an independent on an anti-3rdrunway ticket?
I should point out that there was no value judgement placed on my observation - I'd vote no to pretty much everything I reckon. They're going to build a by-pass round my village meaning that instead of on a busy main road I'll live in a quiet conservation area hamlet - but I'm very suspicious about that and I'd vote no given the chance!
Here's a solution to the Heathrow debacle ...
Move Government offices to Brum and Manchester. Relocate as much of the financial sector as possible too - with grants. Mean what Osbo says.
Expand Manchester airport and Brum.
Allow London to declare independence.
Job done.
Leo Barasi @leobarasi · 2h2 hours ago
3 months since Corbyn took office, Labour's poll score unchanged. Here's the comparison with past leaders.
Qiute an interesting account from the inside of the Oldham West by-election:
I asked if the Forth Road Bridge situation made him more or less likely to vote SNP in 2016 and he offered "no effect". His reasoning being that while the fucked up the maintenance they were building a second bridge.
Combined with my earlier research 7/1 on NOM looks like a mug punt.
But they will be cited as evidence by the Heathrow protestors who have already threatened to sue
Living in the West Midlands, Heathrow is by far the best option for expansion. It is much easier to get to and from than any of the other current airports. Local residents will just have to take one for the team.
The point I was trying to make about Cameron is that his dad was a stockbroker and stockbrokers, even rich and successful ones, were not de facto toffs. Might I suggest that, when you boil it down, the reason you don't talk to the side of your family that were stockbrokers is that the nice side of the family don't like spivs.
leaving aside your temporary grumpiness (as shown by your uncharacteristic comments about Cameron), I just thought I'd say I've been having a play with Elite Horizons, which is (sort of) working for me after Beta-4.
And it's fun. Really fun. It's another dimension to the game.
Passport control is a doddle for UK citizens now, though an American friend took an hour to get through and was asked all kinds of inquisitive questions about the purpose of her holiday (it's a holiday, duh): a driver waiting with me at the exit said this was now standard for US visitors. Odd - are we practicing for keeping Mr Trump out? By contrast, Russian passport control, which I remember as a nightmare a couple of years ago, was over in a flash this time.