Every now and then a week comes along in British politics that is genuinely important and shapes what is to come. Last week was one of them. All of the ingredients pointed to a disaster for Jeremy Corbyn. From allegations that the leadership was ‘bullying’ MPs with farcical ‘consultations’ to a divisive Syria vote and THAT Hilary Benn speech the Labour leader was pummelled from all sides.
That is why in the last half a century the one Labour leader to win a clear majority is regarded as a Red Tory. This is why every Labour government has ran out of money. That is why the far left lashes out at everyone as Tories, why the SNP refer to everyone as Tories. Because we are all at heart Tories now.
Because being a Tory works. Because Conservativism and sound money work.
The problem is that single party government doesn't work forever. Power corrupts and parties get lazy. We have a modern blue Tory party. We need an opposition red or yellow or another colour Tory party. Then we can live our lives happily alternating colour of Toryism and we will all be prosperous and the country won't go bust. There we go Labour moderates, that is what you can be for - it just isn't very inspirational.
Fanatical PB Tory with nothing better to do (suppose that would be "all of above"
On the twelfth day of AV my true love sent to me…
Twelve Minor Parties
Eleven Election Broadcasts
Ten Peers a-Brogating (the Salisbury-Addison Convention)
Nine Spoilt Ballots
Eight Mikes a-Moderating
Seven Snows a-Swinging
Six Nats a-Trolling
Five Scottish Tories
Four Screaming Eagles
Three Coalition Parties
Two Voting Preferences
and a "First" on the AV thread
Enjoy (TSE - Have I succeeded in hyping this up enough for you... titters)
But, clearly, Labour under Corbyn aren't that party.
Well, some of us "PB-Tories" did point this out when the Leadership Election was underway - as Eleanor Roosevelt observed:
Great minds discuss ideas;
average minds discuss events;
small minds discuss people.
The Labour Leadership Contest spent its time on the third, when it should have been the first.
Miliband should have stayed for 6 months...
But anyway, Corbyn is on manoeuvres. By allowing a free vote on the Syria debate, he is encouraging the rebels and revisionists and renegade degenerates to allow a hundred schools of thought contend. For a while - perhaps a few weeks or months in the run-up to the May 23016 elections - he will quietly allow a hundred flowers to bloom. Then, he will strike ruthlessly and remorselessly, without warning, like a thunderbolt resoundingly and clangorously through the four corners of the party. The Bennite-Johnsonite-Beckettite-Cooperite faction will be denounced, purged, correctively re-educated and systematically exterminated. The Red Terror will go sweeping through the Constituency Labour Parties with the Momentum of a broom until the last vestiges of Blairism have been eradicated. Only then will it be possible for the purified party to be obliterated into a cauldron of obscurantism at the hands of the reactionary bourgeois voters in May 2020.
"Corbyn is here to stay and Labour’s moderates have some thinking to do."
If Corbyn is here to stay then Corbyn and Labour's moderates will have some thinking to do on the Opposition benches .... permanently.
Jeremy Corbyn Will Never Be First Lord Of The Treasury.
Indeed lets see how "new" this 'new politics' really is - if it is 'let a thousand flower bloom', McMao will be there to help....
“Labour’s moderates have some thinking to do.”
Best not think for too long then, they’ve already been marginalised from the front bench and senior cabinet positions, intimidated into submission by Momentum and face daily threats of deselection – even if they could come up with some coherent plan for their future, there’ll be very few left by 2020 to implement it.
Of course, the only real winners will be like the ones in the gold rushes, the suppliers of the shovels.
Would show the complete utter disconnect from the electorate within the Labour Party in glorious colour.
Gordon Brown among five 'world-renowned experts' hired by banking giant Pimco for 'economic advice': Former PM will tour offices around the world to 'contribute insights'
Gordon Brown will visit Pimco offices globally and 'contribute insights'
Former PM will be 1 of 5 economic and political experts to advise firm
Ed Balls's brother Andrew is top-ranking executive at US-based Pimco
He will have to give an annual speech to the company’s 'secular forum'
Many, probably most, of the problems of the moderates arise not from the exhaustion of Blairism but the completely wasted years under Miliband. Almost nothing was done about policy development in those years (at least in the leadership where the candidates came from, Blue Labour had some interesting ideas). Hopping from bandwagon to bandwagon and simply opposing the Tories because they are Tories does not a platform make.
If Labour are to become a party of government again and not decline into a city centre, immigrant backed coalition of the dispossessed incapable of winning elections they have some serious work to do. The problem the moderates have got is that as Corbyn secures his hold on the apparatus of the party doing that work and not having it diverted into pointless neo Marxism is going to be increasingly difficult.
All of which is a typically long winded way of saying Labour are f..., not in a good place.
Trump told a rally that “We are losing a lot of people to the Internet. We have to do something. We have to go see Bill Gates and a lot of different people that really understand what's happening.”
“We have to talk to them [about], maybe in certain areas, closing that internet up in some way.”
“Some people will say, 'Freedom of speech, Freedom of speech',” Trump added, before saying “These are foolish people. We have a lot of foolish people.”
Think you're having a bad morning? "The China News Service yesterday accidentally reported Chinese President Xi Jinping as resigning."
How Braithwaite villagers (including JCB bucket rider) saved their village - story from The Times, go buy it https://t.co/kUqp6rx2a5
The Tories are enjoying their time in the sun but in the next couple of years two votes could easily see them in as big a pickle as labour are now. First the EU referendum and the chaos within the party it will create, and secondly the leadership contest when Dave stands down. His popularity among Tories is undeniable, his successor won't enjoy anywhere near as much. For a start he or she will be defending Cameron's record as PM, which beyond "he's good at politics" doesn't amount to a can of beans.
The time for thinking is over; now is the time to act.
I wonder if he will bump into the colleague who described the UK economy as "floating on a lake of liquid nitroglycerin"?
If you're willing to take apart my assertions below fine, if not I'm simply not interested in willy waving contests
Some rightwing Labour MPs are starting to think about the need for a positive vision of their own. Here's Tristram Hunt's current take:
You don't have to agree with it or find it particularly convincing to see what he is trying to do.
An interesting piece but I must disagree with this bit:
"‘Not being Corbyn’ – however desirable – will not be enough just as ‘not being the Tories’ hasn’t been since 2007."
Corbyn's the sort of man who questions shoot to kill for terrorists, who has 'friends' in Hamas and Hezbollah, whose associates absolve terrorists of their murderous crimes because of British foreign policy.
We shouldn't overestimate the appeal of Cameron or the Conservatives. A substantial factor in their 2015 victory was that the electorate was not convinced Miliband was a credible PM. Is a man who refuses to sing the national anthem at a remembrance event more credible?
The labour party has gone back to the eighties, the LDs have disappeared up their own orifice, The Tories will soon be leaderless and Ukip wish they were.
Oh, and the Greens make Jezza look sensible.
If it's mandatory, it'll make it impossible to discuss serious issues because you won't be able to write/publish what you're actually talking about.
If it's just like a red wiggly line (did you mean to write 'all Kuffars must die'?), it'll be ignored.
And that's charitably assuming it could actually be possible to determine what hate speech is. Are Biblical and Quranic quotes against homosexuality to be wiped from the internet? Is a certain Lyndon B. Johnson[sp] quote to disappear forever?
What about Catullus 16? Farewell, the works of Mark Twain, etc etc.
If you try and make the internet suitable for the most delicate and stupid people in the world you're going to make it bloody tedious for everybody else.
"Pakistan’s senior batsman Mohammad Hafeez has turned down a lucrative offer from Chittagong Vikings to play in the Bangladesh Premier League since the franchise had also signed on tainted young pacer Mohammad Amir.
“It is not about individuals or any personality clash. It is about the image of Pakistan cricket. I cannot play with any player who has tarnished and brought a bad name to the country,” Hafeez told the ‘Jang’ newspaper in Dubai."
Today they play on opposing sides... Amir has just got him caught behind 4th ball!
It's most bizarre. And huge fun right now. I'll be concerned if we're still here in 2018.
For me, a moderate, electable Labour party needs to:
1. Have the fight for equality of opportunity at its very core.
2. Always ensure that the most vulnerable and the poorest are not adversely affected by government policy.
3. Be unambivalent in saying the capitalist system is the best lever for achieving its aims. The market is an opportunity, not the enemy.
4. Be clear that the market does not exist in a bubble of its own and that it is not always the answer.
5. See the state as a guarantor of the highest standards of service and service delivery. But not always as a service provider.
6. Be willing to unequivocally make the case for welfare, but be totally intolerant of welfare abuse.
7. Be embedded in middle Britain, not in specific geographies or communities. Celebrate Britain.
8. Make the case for internationalism, not isolation; focus on soft power as a means to ensuring Britain's voice is heard.
9. Be unafraid of making the case for wealth redistribution as something that ultimately benefits everyone; while at the same time embracing aspiration as a very positive force.
It's not a hugely ambitious list. It is a moderate one. It's not hugely exciting, but practical, deliverable politicies rarely are. A lot of it is about competence. Corbynistas will hate it.
Dan is 100% correct. Corbyn is very lucky to have a Labour party membership jam packed with useful idiots to help him achieve it. In the end, they are the real challenge for Sane Labour, not Stop the War. It's the blind eye Nick Palmer and co are happy to turn to Stop the War and other Trotskyist organisations that has to be tackled and defeated.
Interesting piece. I note that Tristam Hunt is this week talking about inequality and moving taxes away from income to wealth. Signs that moderates are starting to think about future policy directions?
Cammo must be tempted to repeal the 5-year Act and hold a snap election as soon as he's won the Referendum, and then hand the Tories (with 400+ out of 600 seats) over to whoever...
It is indeed a bleak prospect for anyone who at least wants some kind of functioning opposition. Hodges notes that 1000s are also leaving the Labour party. Will they eventually join the Liberals?
We know Labour hates Mr and Mrs Rich, but it is far too benevolent to Mr and Mrs Welfare, even to the point where the Welfares do as well, if not better, than the Averages.
Mr and Mrs Average feel as much umbrage, if not more, at the Welfares as the Rich's.
They do not believe all cultures are equal, and they do not believe that equal outcomes should be achieved irrespective of contribution and commitment.
The Averages have an envy deficit compared to the hard left, and have a very different view on fairness and equality.
They do not resent the Rich's wealth if they and their family have worked for it, but they do resent the Welfare's money-for-nothing if they have not.
Labour, under Corbyn, has now managed to position itself on the side of those who do the wrong thing in terms of law and order and personal safety as well.
Corbyn comes across as the kind of man who would find a reason to exonerate a burglar from breaking into your house because it was all your fault because you have accumulated so much wealth through hard work etc.
I'm betting it won't be very good. Jessop's seventh rule of engineering states that things that are ugly will probably not function well, whilst things that are beautiful will. It's surprising how often this turns out to be correct, although there are some notable exceptions.
And the Zumwalt is ugly. Really ugly. The first warship designed with the paper bag already over its head. The first warship to look as though they knocked it up from left-over bits of metal in the workshop on a Friday afternoon. The sort of warship that the other warships will bully in the playground.
And it doesn't look mean. The enemy would probably sink from laughter.
I'm betting it won't be very good. Jessop's seventh rule of engineering states that things that are ugly will probably not function well, whilst things that are beautiful will. It's surprising how often this turns out to be correct, although there are some notable exceptions.
And the Zumwalt is ugly. Really ugly. The first warship designed with the paper bag already over its head. The first warship to look as though they knocked it up from left-over bits of metal in the workshop on a Friday afternoon. The sort of warship that the other warships will bully in the playground.
And it doesn't look mean. The enemy would probably sink from laughter.
Good morning all. The US military has suffered from a severe dose of producer capture. They're only going to build three of these things, at a ruinous unit cost. Similarly, the F35 is probably the last hurrah of the human piloted fighter brigade.
I'm betting it won't be very good. Jessop's seventh rule of engineering states that things that are ugly will probably not function well, whilst things that are beautiful will. It's surprising how often this turns out to be correct, although there are some notable exceptions.
And the Zumwalt is ugly. Really ugly. The first warship designed with the paper bag already over its head. The first warship to look as though they knocked it up from left-over bits of metal in the workshop on a Friday afternoon. The sort of warship that the other warships will bully in the playground.
And it doesn't look mean. The enemy would probably sink from laughter.
"We are going to discuss Twitter abuse, but the words used are offensive so we can't repeat them on air", followed by a solemn 5 minute conversation.
That happened.
Perhaps they have bought a larger building.
I wish I could find it again - it was under another article but eye-watering reading when seen all together. I suspect CCHQ bookmarked it for future reference.
We're wealthier, (and if you base it on lifespan) healthier and better educated than at almost any time in history - most historical monarchs would be envious of the comfort of our lives.
What's left? I'm not sure. Or rather, there's the idea of a larger state based on a greater tax take, with more emphasis on care for the chronically sick and disabled - but that's hardly an inspiring rallying cry.
I think Labour simply have to wait for the Tories to screw up. All the ingredients are already there - Osborne's autumn statement was a combination of a Hail Mary pass and optimistic can-kicking. I think 2020 is going to be a torrid time for Cameron's successor - there may be an opportunity for Labour then.
To be fair, I found it faintly hilarious, but it was still mental.
It's childish. Discuss serious things or don't, but censorship is bullshit.
On a totally unrelated note [well, apart from the dystopian aspect], just seen the new FFVII remake trailer. No date yet, but I'm sticking with my 2018 guess.
Combat seems real-time rather than turn-based. It's also apparently going to be episodic. That doesn't fill me with confidence. I suspect it'll be 3 (matching the discs on the original release), each for either full or around three-quarter the price tag of a regular AAA release. Sadly, Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes showed it was possible to charge a ridiculous sum for an hour or two of gameplay.
Barrett looks like Wesley Snipes. And Wedge's voice is atrocious.
You are Duncan Sandys and I claim my five pounds.
I had to Google your reference, to my eternal shame . I had vaguely heard of him (my father-in-law was Freddie Page, and he didn't have a good word to say about Sandys). I think he had a point, but was probably a little ahead of his time!
The two elements of Southam's list that I'd hesitate over are the meaning of internationalism and the openness to private provision of state services. On the first, we can all agree that international solidarity is important, but if it means military intervention, it's not just Labour members who think we need a pause from that. On the second, I wouldn't disagree in principle, but the privatisation agenda is being driven so far by the Tories that I'm not sure there is any space to adopt policies of accepting it or going even further. Stopping short of total reversal of privatisation (which even Corbyn hasn't promised) and looking at what works is probably where the centrist position needs to be.
Ugh, I'll still buy it though. Maybe I can pick up a cheap second hand console by then.
I'm betting it won't be very good. Jessop's seventh rule of engineering states that things that are ugly will probably not function well, whilst things that are beautiful will. It's surprising how often this turns out to be correct, although there are some notable exceptions.
And the Zumwalt is ugly. Really ugly. The first warship designed with the paper bag already over its head. The first warship to look as though they knocked it up from left-over bits of metal in the workshop on a Friday afternoon. The sort of warship that the other warships will bully in the playground.
And it doesn't look mean. The enemy would probably sink from laughter.
Perhaps it should be renamed Inchmickery.
I'd like to give to the one about tigers - but I don't trust them an inch - all the rest are so crammed with pathos > unintentional bathos that I reach for the remote within a second. The Sally Army one was quite upbeat and such a contrast - I think I'll donate £19 as suggested. They've also attracted no negative comment that I've seen.
Is it just me?
Not played a Final Fantasy since XII, so I can't comment too much on the way the combat mechanics might work, but I'm not necessarily put out by the change.
The episodic announcement is another matter. That smacks of gouging money, as per Harry Potty and the Wallet-Draining.
Undecided if I'll buy it. I may wait a bit (depending on price/timing) and see about getting all parts together. Likewise, I'm intending to wait before getting Mass Effect Andromeda. Unless Laura Bailey is voicing the female protagonist, obviously.
Edited extra bit: Miss Plato, as well as being a poor boy from a poor family, guilt trips arouse contemptuous irritability in me. I've only ever seen one positive charity ad, and only caught a few moments of it (years ago, about helping an African village to thrive).
Edited extra bit 2: ahem, just caught the Potter/Potty typo. But I'm leaving it in.
You can always give to the charity I chair.....
When does the Guardian letter writing campaign start against Donald Trump ?