''Let others do the bombing? Allow our allies to shoulder all the burden? So we can avoid spending blood and treasure? This position at least has a logic, although it is also spineless, selfish and cowardly.''
This, I sense, is the growing frustration with Osborne. Many tories feel that we should be in a position now to throw the full might of police and armed forces behind a defeat of ISIS.
Instead we are cutting back on both because Osborne does not have the guts to slash the welfare state and tell the howling liberal elite to go f8ck itself.
The welfare state is being slashed. Except in one area. We all know what that is and why the Tories will not slash it.
Pathetic and bigoted comment. Pensions are paid out of contributions as they come in. They do not affect the deficit. The pension age is going up...by 7 years for women. This govt has tackled pension issues that labour ran away from. We spend a massive amount of money on our armed forces.
Entirely coincidentally, public spending on state pensions and other benefits for pensioners has been almost totally unaffected by the cuts imposed on other areas of the welfare budget. Whoever would have thought it
Pensions are not a benefit. They are strangely enough ... A pension. Keep your fingers crossed... You will be old one day. Being old is not a lifestyle choice. You pay NI and taxes all your life for the privilege of becoming old and increasingly infirm and reliant on a fixed income. And on other people to look after you . Of course if you have been say a housewife all your life (as my own mother was) and therefor limited opportunity to save on your own bat, you are even more beholden. There may be many other reasons relating to illness and circumstances that put old people in to penury. It's possible of course that you are too dim to think of them but I had better not go further on pain of being banned. Take care of yourself, it will all come your way one day. However you will have to wait until 68 thanks to this govt.
Uniquely, pensioner benefits have been unaffected by the cuts, even though they account for the vast majority of welfare spending. Can't think why.
SR..Air strikes first.. and lots of them.. weaken the opposition.. then boots
Doesn't necessarily have to be British boots, as long as those that are there are signed up to the same strategy.
Let's not disappoint our troops Mr Herdson, they didn't join up to spend their lives on Salisbury Plain.
There's a great deal of truth in that. Young men are always keen to fight despite all the evidence showing it's a really shitty experience. Must be hard wired into the human brain.
I was being serious, our lads will be itching to get out there. It's unfathomable to 99% of us but they love it.
Then they come back in bits and whinge forever about people not fawning over them.
What an unpleasant man you are.
What an absolute idealistic stupid plank you are. Desperate for idiots to go and either murder other people or get themselves blown to bits. Unpleasant is to much of an accolade for someone like you , living your life vicariously through others deeds whilst you hide behind the sofa cheering.
Drunk by 9:30 - quite an achievement Malc.
You've led a sheltered life.
TUD, I doubt it has a life , low life vermin. Cretins like this are a good reason for euthanasia.
MODS - surely this rather nasty post is worth of him spending some time in the "time out bin" until he calms down / sobers up.
You cannot win a war with air strikes. History teaches us this.. you need boots on the ground .
The US won with two rather large air strikes in '45
Dresden was not the end of the war.. and I don't think the we are going to drop atomic bombs on ISIS. Boots on the ground after degradation will be the only way.
Dresden was totally pointless and had no military purpose, just fanatics of carpet bombing trying to promote their failed strategy.
I see the Nats are rewriting history now
Stick to comics, you are obviously not up to intelligent debate.
Are you this obnoxious in "real life" or is this an Internet persona?
I once read about inadequate young men, wearing tanktops in bed sits, alternating between youporn and message boards.
MalcG is actually the Merry Automatic Language Caricature Generator, an ELIZA programmed by drunken first-year students at the University of the West of Scotland.
You absolutely thick turnip, I am no more socialist than you are intelligent. Just so you understand , if they want to join the army then get on with it , don't come back whinging when the big boys have thumped them yet again and expect Cameron and his millionaire chums to give a toss about the cannon fodder.
PS ... And as remarked up thread, the Nats certainly know nothing of history and Dresden.
What is with your pathetic obsession with the SNP. I am not and never have been connected with the SNP. I give my personal opinion, something you seem lacking in. My opinion is that if anyone joins the army thinking that politicians will care for them or look after them , then they are fools. If they still join then good luck to them but I don't think they are gallant and fighting for me, they have chosen a career and should get on with it, the days of fighting for King and country are well gone , just as stupid people like you are.
''Let others do the bombing? Allow our allies to shoulder all the burden? So we can avoid spending blood and treasure? This position at least has a logic, although it is also spineless, selfish and cowardly.''
This, I sense, is the growing frustration with Osborne. Many tories feel that we should be in a position now to throw the full might of police and armed forces behind a defeat of ISIS.
Instead we are cutting back on both because Osborne does not have the guts to slash the welfare state and tell the howling liberal elite to go f8ck itself.
The welfare state is being slashed. Except in one area. We all know what that is and why the Tories will not slash it.
Pathetic and bigoted comment. Pensions are paid out of contributions as they come in. They do not affect the deficit. The pension age is going up...by 7 years for women. This govt has tackled pension issues that labour ran away from. We spend a massive amount of money on our armed forces.
Entirely coincidentally, public spending on state pensions and other benefits for pensioners has been almost totally unaffected by the cuts imposed on other areas of the welfare budget. Whoever would have thought it
Pensions are not a benefit. They are strangely enough ... A pension. Keep your fingers crossed... You will be old one day. Being old is not a lifestyle choice. You pay NI and taxes all your life for the privilege of becoming old and increasingly infirm and reliant on a fixed income. And on other people to look after you . Of course if you have been say a housewife all your life (as my own mother was) and therefor limited opportunity to save on your own bat, you are even more beholden. There may be many other reasons relating to illness and circumstances that put old people in to penury. It's possible of course that you are too dim to think of them but I had better not go further on pain of being banned. Take care of yourself, it will all come your way one day. However you will have to wait until 68 thanks to this govt.
Uniquely, pensioner benefits have been unaffected by the cuts, even though they account for the vast majority of welfare spending. Can't think why.
Pensions are a benefit for the old, the same way that ESA for those who can't work for illness or disability reasons. There is not longer a significant contributory element: all it currently achieves is something like a residency test. You aren't paying into a pot and earning a return like a private pension.
Or is this one of the big differences between Scotland and England the nationalists like to talk about?
SO, that is pretty pathetic , given racism has always been significantly higher in England as I am sure you well know. It does not really deserve comment other than to say you are scraping the bottom of the barrel, I expect better from you.
SR..Air strikes first.. and lots of them.. weaken the opposition.. then boots
Doesn't necessarily have to be British boots, as long as those that are there are signed up to the same strategy.
Let's not disappoint our troops Mr Herdson, they didn't join up to spend their lives on Salisbury Plain.
There's a great deal of truth in that. Young men are always keen to fight despite all the evidence showing it's a really shitty experience. Must be hard wired into the human brain.
I was being serious, our lads will be itching to get out there. It's unfathomable to 99% of us but they love it.
Then they come back in bits and whinge forever about people not fawning over them.
What an unpleasant man you are.
What an absolute idealistic stupid plank you are. Desperate for idiots to go and either murder other people or get themselves blown to bits. Unpleasant is to much of an accolade for someone like you , living your life vicariously through others deeds whilst you hide behind the sofa cheering.
Drunk by 9:30 - quite an achievement Malc.
You've led a sheltered life.
TUD, I doubt it has a life , low life vermin. Cretins like this are a good reason for euthanasia.
MODS - surely this rather nasty post is worth of him spending some time in the "time out bin" until he calms down / sobers up.
Have a word with yerself. Malc gets a lot of stick on here, with his sobriety questioned, and called names as a matter of course. I like his robust responses. Ban the banners, I say! Damn, have I just banned myself?
I’ve just seen this posted on a Facebook site. Anyone know a) if it’s true and b) where did ISIS get it’s tankers from. "The United States is now taking out your oil tankers without regard for collateral damage; there goes your only revenue."
These are trucks OKC - we have known about this for several days at least.
@SeanT - I agree that if 600 million cannot defeat 2 million then we are fucked. But those numbers alone demonstrate why this is not Autumn 1938. Self-loathing lefties have been a major issue and problem up to now. What we don't need in addition are apocalyptic, defeatist righties. We will win.
I'm far from defeatist, I'm manic depressive. And, also, sometimes, just occasionally, quite prescient.
I've also proposed a sensible way of vanquishing Islamism in the West: we slowly make life intolerable for hardcore, extreme Islam - close Wahhabist mosques, ban burqas, prohibit sharia, shutter madrassas, expel hate preachers, ferociously prosecute FGM/forced marriage/cousin marriage/terror apologetics, and so forth.
In the end the nastier and more dangerous Muslims will simply leave, as they will be unable to practise their faith as they would like.
Indeed I predict that in the end something like this must, eventually, happen across Europe. There is no alternative - unless we are ready to surrender our freedoms and lifestyles as we know them.
Yep - I agree with all of that. The way to victory is entirely within our control. This is not Autumn 1938. We are not dependent on others, on enemy mistakes or even on the weather (see D Day). We hold all the keys to victory. It is a question of resolve - to take meaningful military action, to crackdown on militancy at home, to carry on as normal as far as is possible - nothing more.
Pity we don't have the tools or enough cannon fodder to win on military action.
I’ve just seen this posted on a Facebook site. Anyone know a) if it’s true and b) where did ISIS get it’s tankers from. "The United States is now taking out your oil tankers without regard for collateral damage; there goes your only revenue."
It's not quite true: the US is trying to minimise collateral damage - an hour before bombing and strafing the heck out of a tanker park they dropped leaflets to tell the drivers to stay away.
Ah; so it's road tankers. To where is the oil taken, then, and is the US bombing there?
I’ve just seen this posted on a Facebook site. Anyone know a) if it’s true and b) where did ISIS get it’s tankers from. "The United States is now taking out your oil tankers without regard for collateral damage; there goes your only revenue."
It's not quite true: the US is trying to minimise collateral damage - an hour before bombing and strafing the heck out of a tanker park they dropped leaflets to tell the drivers to stay away.
ISIS gets revenue by extracting taxes on businesses in areas it controls, by ransoming hostages, by raiding banks etc. When it took Mosul it stole a big bank's money.
SR..Air strikes first.. and lots of them.. weaken the opposition.. then boots
Doesn't necessarily have to be British boots, as long as those that are there are signed up to the same strategy.
Let's not disappoint our troops Mr Herdson, they didn't join up to spend their lives on Salisbury Plain.
There's a great deal of truth in that. Young men are always keen to fight despite all the evidence showing it's a really shitty experience. Must be hard wired into the human brain.
I was being serious, our lads will be itching to get out there. It's unfathomable to 99% of us but they love it.
Then they come back in bits and whinge forever about people not fawning over them.
What an unpleasant man you are.
What an absolute idealistic stupid plank you are. Desperate for idiots to go and either murder other people or get themselves blown to bits. Unpleasant is to much of an accolade for someone like you , living your life vicariously through others deeds whilst you hide behind the sofa cheering.
Drunk by 9:30 - quite an achievement Malc.
You've led a sheltered life.
TUD, I doubt it has a life , low life vermin. Cretins like this are a good reason for euthanasia.
MODS - surely this rather nasty post is worth of him spending some time in the "time out bin" until he calms down / sobers up.
Have a word with yerself. Malc gets a lot of stick on here, with his sobriety questioned, and called names as a matter of course. I like his robust responses. Ban the banners, I say! Damn, have I just banned myself?
TFS, thanks, it is a pity a few of these absolute cretins ruin the site. This character is one of the worst , absolutey nothing to add to debate whatsoever. They are brave from behind their keyboards.
Then like the cowards they are they run crying to the MODs. Luckily the site is moderated sensibly.
SR..Air strikes first.. and lots of them.. weaken the opposition.. then boots
Doesn't necessarily have to be British boots, as long as those that are there are signed up to the same strategy.
Let's not disappoint our troops Mr Herdson, they didn't join up to spend their lives on Salisbury Plain.
There's a great deal of truth in that. Young men are always keen to fight despite all the evidence showing it's a really shitty experience. Must be hard wired into the human brain.
I was being serious, our lads will be itching to get out there. It's unfathomable to 99% of us but they love it.
Then they come back in bits and whinge forever about people not fawning over them.
What an unpleasant man you are.
What an absolute idealistic stupid plank you are. Desperate for idiots to go and either murder other people or get themselves blown to bits. Unpleasant is to much of an accolade for someone like you , living your life vicariously through others deeds whilst you hide behind the sofa cheering.
Drunk by 9:30 - quite an achievement Malc.
You've led a sheltered life.
TUD, I doubt it has a life , low life vermin. Cretins like this are a good reason for euthanasia.
MODS - surely this rather nasty post is worth of him spending some time in the "time out bin" until he calms down / sobers up.
Have a word with yerself. Malc gets a lot of stick on here, with his sobriety questioned, and called names as a matter of course. I like his robust responses. Ban the banners, I say! Damn, have I just banned myself?
TFS, thanks, it is a pity a few of these absolute cretins ruin the site. This character is one of the worst , absolutey nothing to add to debate whatsoever. They are brave from behind their keyboards.
Then like the cowards they are they run crying to the MODs. Luckily the site is moderated sensibly.
I was right about the Mark Clarke story having legs. The police have been called in and there are emails proving Tory staff received allegations of his behaviour. There are person(s) who were leaking the allegations to Clarke and it is important that they are rooted out and expelled.
Yesterday the Mail told how the whistleblower said she sent a 2,000-word email spelling out the allegations of sex, drugs and the blackmailing of MPs to Lord Feldman on Monday and also passed it on to the Prime Minister’s office.
But she said last night: ‘The following day a friend of mine received an anonymous call from a man who quoted part of my letter to her, so it had clearly gone straight back to Clarke or one of his henchman. Then he warned: “If you don’t shut her up, we will.” It was a direct threat aimed at silencing me for speaking out.
Tim Shipman @ShippersUnbound Corbyn/McDonnell: "Get a UN resolution" Cameron: "We got a UN resolution." Corbyn/McDonnell: "Not that UN resolution."
Labour leads the world.
No really.
George Eaton ✔ @georgeeaton Corbyn on Syria: "We welcome the involvement of the United Nations in this crisis, for which Labour has consistently argued."
SR..Air strikes first.. and lots of them.. weaken the opposition.. then boots
Doesn't necessarily have to be British boots, as long as those that are there are signed up to the same strategy.
Let's not disappoint our troops Mr Herdson, they didn't join up to spend their lives on Salisbury Plain.
There's a great deal of truth in that. Young men are always keen to fight despite all the evidence showing it's a really shitty experience. Must be hard wired into the human brain.
I was being serious, our lads will be itching to get out there. It's unfathomable to 99% of us but they love it.
Then they come back in bits and whinge forever about people not fawning over them.
What an unpleasant man you are.
What an absolute idealistic stupid plank you are. Desperate for idiots to go and either murder other people or get themselves blown to bits. Unpleasant is to much of an accolade for someone like you , living your life vicariously through others deeds whilst you hide behind the sofa cheering.
Drunk by 9:30 - quite an achievement Malc.
You've led a sheltered life.
TUD, I doubt it has a life , low life vermin. Cretins like this are a good reason for euthanasia.
MODS - surely this rather nasty post is worth of him spending some time in the "time out bin" until he calms down / sobers up.
Have a word with yerself. Malc gets a lot of stick on here, with his sobriety questioned, and called names as a matter of course. I like his robust responses. Ban the banners, I say! Damn, have I just banned myself?
TFS, thanks, it is a pity a few of these absolute cretins ruin the site. This character is one of the worst , absolutey nothing to add to debate whatsoever. They are brave from behind their keyboards.
Then like the cowards they are they run crying to the MODs. Luckily the site is moderated sensibly.
LOL - happy to give you my address malc
Your post defines you perfectly, I need add nothing to your eloquent description of your mentality.
I noticed the other night that there was a complaint that a local (Labour?) party election was being decided by a coin toss. Just to let you know the same happens this side of the pond too - well, not a coin toss but drawing of straws:
I was right about the Mark Clarke story having legs. The police have been called in and there are emails proving Tory staff received allegations of his behaviour. There are person(s) who were leaking the allegations to Clarke and it is important that they are rooted out and expelled.
Yesterday the Mail told how the whistleblower said she sent a 2,000-word email spelling out the allegations of sex, drugs and the blackmailing of MPs to Lord Feldman on Monday and also passed it on to the Prime Minister’s office.
But she said last night: ‘The following day a friend of mine received an anonymous call from a man who quoted part of my letter to her, so it had clearly gone straight back to Clarke or one of his henchman. Then he warned: “If you don’t shut her up, we will.” It was a direct threat aimed at silencing me for speaking out.
What does Tatler Tory mean? Is it a nickname for this one individual, or something wider? Clarke was tipped by Tatler magazine as a future minister so was given the nickname Tatler Tory.
I was right about the Mark Clarke story having legs. The police have been called in and there are emails proving Tory staff received allegations of his behaviour. There are person(s) who were leaking the allegations to Clarke and it is important that they are rooted out and expelled.
Yesterday the Mail told how the whistleblower said she sent a 2,000-word email spelling out the allegations of sex, drugs and the blackmailing of MPs to Lord Feldman on Monday and also passed it on to the Prime Minister’s office.
But she said last night: ‘The following day a friend of mine received an anonymous call from a man who quoted part of my letter to her, so it had clearly gone straight back to Clarke or one of his henchman. Then he warned: “If you don’t shut her up, we will.” It was a direct threat aimed at silencing me for speaking out.
''Let others do the bombing? Allow our allies to shoulder all the burden? So we can avoid spending blood and treasure? This position at least has a logic, although it is also spineless, selfish and cowardly.''
This, I sense, is the growing frustration with Osborne. Many tories feel that we should be in a position now to throw the full might of police and armed forces behind a defeat of ISIS.
Instead we are cutting back on both because Osborne does not have the guts to slash the welfare state and tell the howling liberal elite to go f8ck itself.
The welfare state is being slashed. Except in one area. We all know what that is and why the Tories will not slash it.
Pathetic and bigoted comment. Pensions are paid out of contributions as they come in. They do not affect the deficit. The pension age is going up...by 7 years for women. This govt has tackled pension issues that labour ran away from. We spend a massive amount of money on our armed forces.
Yes, they are paid out of contributions from non-pensioners and go to pensioners. Just like how unemployment benefit goes from working people to non-working people.
You can only get the state pension if you have made sufficient NI contributions. You can also only get contributory JSA, which is paid regardless of savings for 6 months, if you have made sufficient NI contributions too
''Let others do the bombing? Allow our allies to shoulder all the burden? So we can avoid spending blood and treasure? This position at least has a logic, although it is also spineless, selfish and cowardly.''
This, I sense, is the growing frustration with Osborne. Many tories feel that we should be in a position now to throw the full might of police and armed forces behind a defeat of ISIS.
Instead we are cutting back on both because Osborne does not have the guts to slash the welfare state and tell the howling liberal elite to go f8ck itself.
The welfare state is being slashed. Except in one area. We all know what that is and why the Tories will not slash it.
Pathetic and bigoted comment. Pensions are paid out of contributions as they come in. They do not affect the deficit. The pension age is going up...by 7 years for women. This govt has tackled pension issues that labour ran away from. We spend a massive amount of money on our armed forces.
Yes, they are paid out of contributions from non-pensioners and go to pensioners. Just like how unemployment benefit goes from working people to non-working people.
You can only get the state pension if you have made sufficient NI contributions. You can also only get contributory JSA, which is paid regardless of savings for 6 months, if you have made sufficient NI contributions too
Except it isn't. The new state pension will require 10 years "contributions" rather than 35.
An a year's contributions include:
Being on JSA or otherwise seeking work ESA or similar unemployment benefit Statutory sick pay Maternity allowance, or statutory maternity/paternity/parental or similar leave You're a carer, including a foster parent In receipt of working tax credits In education or qualifying training etc. etc.
We've got to wake up and smell the coffee on this one.
i do wonder if current events are, unintentionally, leading to a significant realignment of the institutions of Europe. Schengen is crumbling around the EUs heads, the Euro (despite sustained treatment) is still on life support and a step away from failure, free movement is coming under the microscope in European capitals far more than ever before...
Could we be seeing the start of a move to a different kind of EU (probably post-Merkel, if we are being honest here). Might the UK renegotiation be a catalyst for the start of something bigger?
I’ve just seen this posted on a Facebook site. Anyone know a) if it’s true and b) where did ISIS get it’s tankers from. "The United States is now taking out your oil tankers without regard for collateral damage; there goes your only revenue."
It's not quite true: the US is trying to minimise collateral damage - an hour before bombing and strafing the heck out of a tanker park they dropped leaflets to tell the drivers to stay away.
Ah; so it's road tankers. To where is the oil taken, then, and is the US bombing there?
To neighbouring countries, including Turkey and Iran.
The networks were built up (actually added to) when the sanctions against Saddam started to bite. It wouldn't surprise me if many of the people who are dealing with IS also dealt with Saddam.
But it's more than just oil extraction: it's refinery as well. The Russians hit tankers taking oil from IS-controlled Syria to IS-controlled Iraq for refining.
There's a lot of money in it, in an area where a lot of money can go a long way. Note it is alleged that even the Syrian regime have been buying oil from IS.
''Let others do the bombing? Allow our allies to shoulder all the burden? So we can avoid spending blood and treasure? This position at least has a logic, although it is also spineless, selfish and cowardly.''
This, I sense, is the growing frustration with Osborne. Many tories feel that we should be in a position now to throw the full might of police and armed forces behind a defeat of ISIS.
Instead we are cutting back on both because Osborne does not have the guts to slash the welfare state and tell the howling liberal elite to go f8ck itself.
The welfare state is being slashed. Except in one area. We all know what that is and why the Tories will not slash it.
Pathetic and bigoted comment. Pensions are paid out of contributions as they come in. They do not affect the deficit. The pension age is going up...by 7 years for women. This govt has tackled pension issues that labour ran away from. We spend a massive amount of money on our armed forces.
Yes, they are paid out of contributions from non-pensioners and go to pensioners. Just like how unemployment benefit goes from working people to non-working people.
You can only get the state pension if you have made sufficient NI contributions. You can also only get contributory JSA, which is paid regardless of savings for 6 months, if you have made sufficient NI contributions too
Except it isn't. The new state pension will require 10 years "contributions" rather than 35.
An a year's contributions include:
Being on JSA or otherwise seeking work ESA or similar unemployment benefit Statutory sick pay Maternity allowance, or statutory maternity/paternity/parental or similar leave You're a carer, including a foster parent In receipt of working tax credits In education or qualifying training etc. etc.
We've got to wake up and smell the coffee on this one.
So you will still only be able to get it if you have made sufficient contributions. You cannot get contributory JSA if you have only received income based JSA although they are both paid at the same rate, full entitlement to the state pension also requires contributions of a sufficiently high level
I’ve just seen this posted on a Facebook site. Anyone know a) if it’s true and b) where did ISIS get it’s tankers from. "The United States is now taking out your oil tankers without regard for collateral damage; there goes your only revenue."
It's not quite true: the US is trying to minimise collateral damage - an hour before bombing and strafing the heck out of a tanker park they dropped leaflets to tell the drivers to stay away.
Ah; so it's road tankers. To where is the oil taken, then, and is the US bombing there?
To neighbouring countries, including Turkey and Iran.
The networks were built up (actually added to) when the sanctions against Saddam started to bite. It wouldn't surprise me if many of the people who are dealing with IS also dealt with Saddam.
But it's more than just oil extraction: it's refinery as well. The Russians hit tankers taking oil from IS-controlled Syria to IS-controlled Iraq for refining.
There's a lot of money in it, in an area where a lot of money can go a long way. Note it is alleged that even the Syrian regime have been buying oil from IS.
I’ve just seen this posted on a Facebook site. Anyone know a) if it’s true and b) where did ISIS get it’s tankers from. "The United States is now taking out your oil tankers without regard for collateral damage; there goes your only revenue."
It's not quite true: the US is trying to minimise collateral damage - an hour before bombing and strafing the heck out of a tanker park they dropped leaflets to tell the drivers to stay away.
Ah; so it's road tankers. To where is the oil taken, then, and is the US bombing there?
To neighbouring countries, including Turkey and Iran.
The networks were built up (actually added to) when the sanctions against Saddam started to bite. It wouldn't surprise me if many of the people who are dealing with IS also dealt with Saddam.
But it's more than just oil extraction: it's refinery as well. The Russians hit tankers taking oil from IS-controlled Syria to IS-controlled Iraq for refining.
There's a lot of money in it, in an area where a lot of money can go a long way. Note it is alleged that even the Syrian regime have been buying oil from IS.
''Let others do the bombing? Allow our allies to shoulder all the burden? So we can avoid spending blood and treasure? This position at least has a logic, although it is also spineless, selfish and cowardly.''
This, I sense, is the growing frustration with Osborne. Many tories feel that we should be in a position now to throw the full might of police and armed forces behind a defeat of ISIS.
Instead we are cutting back on both because Osborne does not have the guts to slash the welfare state and tell the howling liberal elite to go f8ck itself.
The welfare state is being slashed. Except in one area. We all know what that is and why the Tories will not slash it.
Pathetic and bigoted comment. Pensions are paid out of contributions as they come in. They do not affect the deficit. The pension age is going up...by 7 years for women. This govt has tackled pension issues that labour ran away from. We spend a massive amount of money on our armed forces.
Yes, they are paid out of contributions from non-pensioners and go to pensioners. Just like how unemployment benefit goes from working people to non-working people.
You can only get the state pension if you have made sufficient NI contributions. You can also only get contributory JSA, which is paid regardless of savings for 6 months, if you have made sufficient NI contributions too
My mother-in-law never worked or paid NI, but she gets the state pension.
''Let others do the bombing? Allow our allies to shoulder all the burden? So we can avoid spending blood and treasure? This position at least has a logic, although it is also spineless, selfish and cowardly.''
This, I sense, is the growing frustration with Osborne. Many tories feel that we should be in a position now to throw the full might of police and armed forces behind a defeat of ISIS.
Instead we are cutting back on both because Osborne does not have the guts to slash the welfare state and tell the howling liberal elite to go f8ck itself.
The welfare state is being slashed. Except in one area. We all know what that is and why the Tories will not slash it.
Pathetic and bigoted comment. Pensions are paid out of contributions as they come in. They do not affect the deficit. The pension age is going up...by 7 years for women. This govt has tackled pension issues that labour ran away from. We spend a massive amount of money on our armed forces.
Yes, they are paid out of contributions from non-pensioners and go to pensioners. Just like how unemployment benefit goes from working people to non-working people.
You can only get the state pension if you have made sufficient NI contributions. You can also only get contributory JSA, which is paid regardless of savings for 6 months, if you have made sufficient NI contributions too
If you are unemployed you receive NHI credits as if you are employed. So you can never work and receive a basic state pension...
''Let others do the bombing? Allow our allies to shoulder all the burden? So we can avoid spending blood and treasure? This position at least has a logic, although it is also spineless, selfish and cowardly.''
This, I sense, is the growing frustration with Osborne. Many tories feel that we should be in a position now to throw the full might of police and armed forces behind a defeat of ISIS.
Instead we are cutting back on both because Osborne does not have the guts to slash the welfare state and tell the howling liberal elite to go f8ck itself.
The welfare state is being slashed. Except in one area. We all know what that is and why the Tories will not slash it.
Pathetic and bigoted comment. Pensions are paid out of contributions as they come in. They do not affect the deficit. The pension age is going up...by 7 years for women. This govt has tackled pension issues that labour ran away from. We spend a massive amount of money on our armed forces.
Yes, they are paid out of contributions from non-pensioners and go to pensioners. Just like how unemployment benefit goes from working people to non-working people.
You can only get the state pension if you have made sufficient NI contributions. You can also only get contributory JSA, which is paid regardless of savings for 6 months, if you have made sufficient NI contributions too
If you are unemployed you receive NHI credits as if you are employed. So you can never work and receive a basic state pension...
''Let others do the bombing? Allow our allies to shoulder all the burden? So we can avoid spending blood and treasure? This position at least has a logic, although it is also spineless, selfish and cowardly.''
This, I sense, is the growing frustration with Osborne. Many tories feel that we should be in a position now to throw the full might of police and armed forces behind a defeat of ISIS.
Instead we are cutting back on both because Osborne does not have the guts to slash the welfare state and tell the howling liberal elite to go f8ck itself.
The welfare state is being slashed. Except in one area. We all know what that is and why the Tories will not slash it.
Pathetic and bigoted comment. Pensions are paid out of contributions as they come in. They do not affect the deficit. The pension age is going up...by 7 years for women. This govt has tackled pension issues that labour ran away from. We spend a massive amount of money on our armed forces.
Yes, they are paid out of contributions from non-pensioners and go to pensioners. Just like how unemployment benefit goes from working people to non-working people.
You can only get the state pension if you have made sufficient NI contributions. You can also only get contributory JSA, which is paid regardless of savings for 6 months, if you have made sufficient NI contributions too
My mother-in-law never worked or paid NI, but she gets the state pension.
She might get pensioner credit unless she got NI credits through claiming child support for 30 years or JSA for 30 years
''Let others do the bombing? Allow our allies to shoulder all the burden? So we can avoid spending blood and treasure? This position at least has a logic, although it is also spineless, selfish and cowardly.''
This, I sense, is the growing frustration with Osborne. Many tories feel that we should be in a position now to throw the full might of police and armed forces behind a defeat of ISIS.
Instead we are cutting back on both because Osborne does not have the guts to slash the welfare state and tell the howling liberal elite to go f8ck itself.
The welfare state is being slashed. Except in one area. We all know what that is and why the Tories will not slash it.
Pathetic and bigoted comment. Pensions are paid out of contributions as they come in. They do not affect the deficit. The pension age is going up...by 7 years for women. This govt has tackled pension issues that labour ran away from. We spend a massive amount of money on our armed forces.
Yes, they are paid out of contributions from non-pensioners and go to pensioners. Just like how unemployment benefit goes from working people to non-working people.
You can only get the state pension if you have made sufficient NI contributions. You can also only get contributory JSA, which is paid regardless of savings for 6 months, if you have made sufficient NI contributions too
If you are unemployed you receive NHI credits as if you are employed. So you can never work and receive a basic state pension...
You have to have claimed it for 30 years and be actively looking for work throughout that time. The biggest problem in terms of pensioners is non contributory benefits like free bus passes and TV licenses and winter fuel payments especially when it is not means tested
All Brussels shopping centres will be closed this afternoon. City2, Westland, Woluwe shopping, Galerie Toison d’or... 11:14 AM - 21 Nov 2015
The comparison is I suppose the slow grinding of tectonic plates which eventually cannot take the strain any more and suddenly shift. Things were allowed to grind slowly in Belgium and now they have shifted.
''Let others do the bombing? Allow our allies to shoulder all the burden? So we can avoid spending blood and treasure? This position at least has a logic, although it is also spineless, selfish and cowardly.''
This, I sense, is the growing frustration with Osborne. Many tories feel that we should be in a position now to throw the full might of police and armed forces behind a defeat of ISIS.
Instead we are cutting back on both because Osborne does not have the guts to slash the welfare state and tell the howling liberal elite to go f8ck itself.
The welfare state is being slashed. Except in one area. We all know what that is and why the Tories will not slash it.
Pathetic and bigoted comment. Pensions are paid out of contributions as they come in. They do not affect the deficit. The pension age is going up...by 7 years for women. This govt has tackled pension issues that labour ran away from. We spend a massive amount of money on our armed forces.
Yes, they are paid out of contributions from non-pensioners and go to pensioners. Just like how unemployment benefit goes from working people to non-working people.
You can only get the state pension if you have made sufficient NI contributions. You can also only get contributory JSA, which is paid regardless of savings for 6 months, if you have made sufficient NI contributions too
If you are unemployed you receive NHI credits as if you are employed. So you can never work and receive a basic state pension...
You have to have claimed it for 30 years and be actively looking for work throughout that time. The biggest problem in terms of pensioners is non contributory benefits like free bus passes and TV licenses and winter fuel payments especially when it is not means tested
As an OAP who is reasonably, although not very, well off .....finances went badly wrong in my forties ...... I wouldn’t mind if my Christmas Bonus (still £10) and Winter Fuel Allowance were taxed, nor the val;ue of my TV licence. I also wouldn’t mind paying a contribution .... say £10 pa ... for my bus pass. Pensioners using bus passes do at least help to keep routes open!
Or is this one of the big differences between Scotland and England the nationalists like to talk about?
Tim Shipman @ShippersUnbound
Corbyn/McDonnell: "Get a UN resolution"
Cameron: "We got a UN resolution."
Corbyn/McDonnell: "Not that UN resolution."
My opinion is that if anyone joins the army thinking that politicians will care for them or look after them , then they are fools. If they still join then good luck to them but I don't think they are gallant and fighting for me, they have chosen a career and should get on with it, the days of fighting for King and country are well gone , just as stupid people like you are.
Ban the banners, I say!
Damn, have I just banned myself?
Then like the cowards they are they run crying to the MODs. Luckily the site is moderated sensibly.
What does Tatler Tory mean? Is it a nickname for this one individual, or something wider?
No really.
George Eaton ✔ @georgeeaton
Corbyn on Syria: "We welcome the involvement of the United Nations in this crisis, for which Labour has consistently argued."
Asap Bennett
As expected, socialism with an owl is storming ahead of its iPad alternative among Twitter. https://t.co/3nDQrFkVLO
Clarke was tipped by Tatler magazine as a future minister so was given the nickname Tatler Tory.
So meaningless then.
An a year's contributions include:
Being on JSA or otherwise seeking work
ESA or similar unemployment benefit
Statutory sick pay
Maternity allowance, or statutory maternity/paternity/parental or similar leave
You're a carer, including a foster parent
In receipt of working tax credits
In education or qualifying training
etc. etc.
We've got to wake up and smell the coffee on this one.
Could we be seeing the start of a move to a different kind of EU (probably post-Merkel, if we are being honest here). Might the UK renegotiation be a catalyst for the start of something bigger?
The networks were built up (actually added to) when the sanctions against Saddam started to bite. It wouldn't surprise me if many of the people who are dealing with IS also dealt with Saddam.
But it's more than just oil extraction: it's refinery as well. The Russians hit tankers taking oil from IS-controlled Syria to IS-controlled Iraq for refining.
There's a lot of money in it, in an area where a lot of money can go a long way. Note it is alleged that even the Syrian regime have been buying oil from IS.
All Brussels shopping centres will be closed this afternoon. City2, Westland, Woluwe shopping, Galerie Toison d’or...
11:14 AM - 21 Nov 2015
If you are unemployed you receive NHI credits as if you are employed. So you can never work and receive a basic state pension...