The picture above was taken at last month’s UKIP conference where there was a great effort to aim at the young. Whether dressing the youngsters up in these t-shirts will have an impact I don’t know but the LEAVE camp is very much aware of where it’s weaknesses is.
Re-inforces, as an OAP, my intention to vote to stay in.
I"n general the younger and more middle class you are the greater the chance that you’ll be in the remain camp. Another big divider is education with graduates far more likely to want to stay in the EU."
King Cole, not all those who are bright or went to university want to stay in.
Off-topic: on the homepage, I got an auto-playing audio clip. If it's possible to opt out of such things, please do so, as they are clearly the work of Satan.
Frankly, I think this is social and about class-signalling: polls like this will reinforce that, because the affluent, well-educated and young won't want to be associated with those 'ignorant bigoted plebs who have their heads stuck in the past'.
There's hope for we spurs fans....
To be honest, there's a correlation doesn't equal causation thing going on here.
It's very easy for Remain supporters to paint themselves into a corner where they convince themselves it's only idiots and the uneducated who want to Leave.
But that misses the point: if you are very well-educated and connected, mass immigration and freedom of movement can work economically very much in your favour. If you are not, it can be tough indeed.
Raw intelligence doesn't come into it. And, even if it did, intelligent people are just as capable of lazy group-think as the non-intelligent.
That said, at this early stage In appear to be winning the cock-up race.
It's a serious mistake for to consider Faragians to be synonymous with sceptics. It'd be a bit like considering Opus Dei to be the whole Catholic Church.
Personally I’ve had a strong antipathy for the name ever since a girl I was very fond of left me for someone of that name.
If anyone deserves it, it's whoever in UKIP thought this was a good idea, worthwhile or would move any dial. "I was pro EU, until I saw that kid in a Nigel T-shirt".
It's an extinction level event.
Dr Palmer is honest and admits that the status quo isn't the aim and never was. I'd be happy if the others Inners were honest and campaigned on their real aims. I don't like being taken for a fool and that's why I'll probably vote Out.
Once bitten ...
It brought back a lot of vintage memories.
Edited extra bit: Fallout Day will, understandably, get far less media attention. But Fallout 4, out next month, will sell a huge number of copies.
I was a 'little' younger and at home nr Cheshunt watching it - I ran around the house screaming and screaming & in tears after the save - the family thought I was having a seizure.
Roberts was my 'first' favourite Spurs player. Only Bale rated higher.
Cubs win world series
Monday was Zama day.
Dr. Prasannan pointed out the Zama date on Monday.
October is a fantabolous day for an Englishman who likes to annoy the French.
Edited extra bit: incidentally, I hope to put up a piece later today which may be of great interest to those who have a completed story in the sci-fi/fantasy [broad definition] genre.
That's the campaign strapline sorted for IN
If In try and say "We're intelligent. Are you intelligent? Because if you disagree with us, you're stupid." that will not go well for them.
[I still think In will win, mind].
Choice, choices!
The more educated you are the less supportive you are of leaving.
A while back a study showed UKIPers had the lowest IQ save for the BNPers.
"Frankly we didn't bother." Great piece by @shelleylphelps on whips and Jeremy Corbyn:
I'm so keen for us to leave that I can't make a rational prediction, no doubt IN is favourite but people talk about direction of travel, the momentum is definitely with OUT.
And IQ doesn't measure intelligence.
#SoNerdy Very interesting but I’ve a Wine Tasting Club meeting this afternoon.
Choice, choices!
If Out are serious, they need to recruit Blair and Miliband (for the In campaign), whilst locking Farage in a shed for the next few years.
Position: Deputy Leader of the Labour Party
Age: 48
Constituency: West Bromwich East
MP since: 2001
"There’s power in our Labour movement that’s centuries old and millions strong; and it will never die. We can mend what is broken in our country. And we will"
"and it will never die.".......... Is he related to Sion Simon
I'm under 35 (just) but as far as I know every graduate from my classes that I'm still in touch with votes every time. When I was at uni in 2001 (aged 19) everyone from my Halls of Residence I spoke to about it said they voted.
Anecdotally I expect it is the uneducated youngsters who don't vote. So if Remain has the educated young then that could be the young that do turn out to vote.
Q What do professors come from the West?
A. Because the Bible says the Wise men came from the East!
No hoverboards or flying cars? Oh well. Here's what critic Barry Norman made of the original #BackToTheFuture film
You've seen this photo then
Besides, my brain is too busy thinking important thoughts to waste energy maintaining a roof garden*.
*Women, of course, are capable of multi-tasking and therefore both thinking and having fine heads of hair at the same time.
So it's 'OLD THICKOS FOR OUT'!. Needs a bit of polishing but there's a logo in there somewhere......
The Daily Wail has already committed a huge budget to winkling out the left-wing bias in the Beeb's anti-left-wing bias programme...
We all understand that the old are more likely to turnout and we need to factor that into predictions.
But are the less educated less likely to turnout? Anecdotally I suspect yes absolutely, which is what is somewhat behind "Lazy Labour" I suspect as I imagine the young, uneducated etc are more likely to Labour supporters too.
If so it is important to understand if you want to make accurate predictions - and making accurate predictions is the key to betting.
It was truly chilling - intv with key players inside the H Block - how they conducted it, their language, justifications, dead fish eyes look. I felt genuine loathing for them/made a big impression. The Corbynista apologism is just even more repellent.
If you're unfamiliar with it
There's the "Disagree with us and you're stupid" possibility on one side and the "Disagree with us and you're unpatriotic" on the other [although I was mildly amused Rose et al. tried to point Out as unpatriotic, so maybe that'll be the same for both sides].
I'm curious to see how Labour voters will vote when Dave declares his hand as IN, I'm convinced tribalism will prevail and they'll want to give him a bloody nose.
Old Labour sorts who are socially conservative are probably most likely to be for Out, but many of those jumped ship to UKIP when Miliband was leader.
It may be that events drive things, especially migration. Speaking of which, 140 or so have landed at a British base in Cyprus.
I am confident that leaving the EU is the right thing to do based on my assessment of the ample available evidence. I'm delighted that so many of Britain's blue collar workers share my view, but it doesn't influence me either way.
I reckon that might swing a not an insignificant amount of voters depending on what he says.
Lest we forget his contribution during the Indyref
My guess is that like in Scotland last year "disagree with us and you're unpatriotic" will be louder.
Not that people who are supporting out are shy of referring to their opponents as being stupid for disagreeing - but that extends to all views on all elections so I suspect is somewhat neutral and the public are more immune to that. Whereas barring Scotland, Northern Ireland, Corbyn and Foot allegations of being unpatriotic are not normal.
Eagles comment is I hope sarcasm, if not then it sums up the smug attitude of the likes of Blair and Mandelson. That would be great news for Out, as no-one trusts smug liars like those two.
Incidentally, why does every Remain scare story begin with a three? Three million jobs, £3,000 per household etc.
I think Out should counteract that with FREE.
Mr. Thompson, I wonder if we could see weird things in Scotland. SNP types might vote Out to try and trigger Referendum 2: Refer Harder, and unionists might vote In to stop that. Northern Ireland should vote In as a potential Scottish vote (and leaving the EU whilst the Republic remains) could be problematic.