Conservatives 4,193,706 votes (27.63%) winning 272 count areas and 25 MEP’s
United Kingdom Independence Party 2,495,782 votes (16.44%) winning 9 count areas and 13 MEP’s
Labour 2,375,361 votes (15.65%) winning 59 count areas and 13 MEP’s
Liberal Democrats 2,078,723 votes (13.70%) winning 11 count areas and 11 MEP’s
Green Party 1,302,705 votes (8.58%) winning 3…
Dumfries and Galloway
Scottish Borders
South Ayrshire
East Renfrewshire
Is this correct? What were the numbers in these and were there any other Scottish areas where the Tories were within 5-10% of the winning party?
Still; they won't grow a pair. Sad, but true....
You are clearly not a Kipper.
Guido Fawkes @GuidoFawkes 6m
Sums Don’t Add Up for Times Front Page UKIP Story
Someones lying through their teeth, and it aint Nigel
If The Independent knew anything about how to sell and market an attractive product, more than one person in a thousand would buy their paper.
You sure they just didn't know how to get the juiciest scoops? Or perhaps they thought the better of going down that particular 'route' for some reason?
Actually, the BBC News tonight (the one that didn't mention the Farage story) ran the Hammond visit in a way that was critical of the No campaign
I know and they weren't the only ones. It would seem that the obvious is finally beginning to sink in for those not hopelessly trapped inside the westminster bubble.
The Conman just needs to offer each Scottish voter £500,sort out his women problem and then seal the deal.....or maybe not.
BBC Scotland News ✔ @BBCScotlandNews
You can watch the BBC Scotland Referendum Debate on BBC Two and online here at 9 and later on the iPlayer #bbcindyref
Peter Bone: Tory MP Investigated Over Expenses... The Tories are just becoming more unelectable every day, this time its only £89,000 FFS
Maybe that will sort the incompetent fop's woman problem out?
The Independent @Independent
If Maria Miller was called Mark Miller, she'd be sacked by now, says Tory MP
Or not.
Once upon a time, The Independent used to be a quality newspaper. We used to have it delivered when I were a lad. However, it became more and more campaigning, more and more left wing, and contained less and less quality journalism (i.e. reporting the events of the day / investigations into matters of interest).
I'll say it again: only about one person in a thousand buys their paper. In political terms, that makes them about as popular as the Natural Law Party.
And going back to the piece you linked to, it was a classic example. It wasn't about keeping the Union together for any better reason than trying to improve the Left's chances of winning elections. Never mind the West Lothian Question, the author simply wanted the 59 Scottish MPs to impose on England social policies he favours but fears couldn't be done without them. The irony is he cites the resentment that was caused by the reverse WLQ instance of the Poll Tax but can't see why the same shouldn't apply the other way round.
One of funniest episodes on Twitter was SNP Defence MP Angus Robertson's Corporal Jones style panicked tweets when the Russian Navy pulled into the Moray Firth to take shelter from a big storm. The panic then turned to outrage and demands that something be done about them fly tipping, I kid you not. I have this vision now of Alex Salmond standing there like Captain Mannering, and claiming that any enemy will rue the day that they try any incursions into an Independent Scotland as the sum total of the SNP Defence policy!
Norman's rather too fond of vulgar racial and national stereotypes for my liking. I'm not surprised that you enjoy his dross.
Michael J Ironside @m_j_Ironside
Better Together event tonight in Stirling. Bearing in mind we have an MSP and an MP on panel.
Thus they will be defending 26 seats, not 25...
'I am therefore opening the comments section for people to ask them what their local area result was in 2009.'
"It would not be the first time a media mughul has channelled funds to a politician via a libel payment. Such unrestricted funds would avoid all sorts of regulatory obstacles."
Or Maria Miller. Bit rich to try and shoot the messenger today given how the PB tories have been pointing at the kippers over the Times amusing 'scoop'. You don't seriously expect Labour to commit the lions share of the resources and actual activists to the campaign on the ground just to please the tories and Cammie do you? They're obviously doing it out of self-interest and we all know they are. You don't need to like their reasons but don't pretend the tories didn't do the precise same thing for the AV vote. That was self-interest too. Which neatly encapsulates Cammie and the coalitions policy on it. Sorry, but you don't get to whine about Labour's obvious reluctance to tackle the WLQ when the McKay commission reported long ago and despite a coalition pledge to tackle it from Clegg and Cammie they've gone VERY quiet on it while hoping the tory backbenchers haven't noticed. If Cammie doesn't want to legislate on it fine, but you can be certain labour will do nothing about it if he doesn't.
@GuidoFawkes: Payback Times: Hack Hits Back at ‘Kipper
Laura Kuenssberg ✔ @bbclaurak
on #newsnight - is Labour having its own cost of living crisis? we talk to @ShabanaMahmood, more from @ggatehouse in Ukraine
Michael J Ironside @m_j_Ironside 2h
Liz Smith MSP and Anne McGuire MP have attracted less than 25 vs over 150 for last night's Yes vs No debate. Its the good weather apparently
In their editorial on Monday, even The Times had to admit that it was “probable” that I have done nothing illegal – I have always said that I will use all legal means to get us out of the EU, and I make absolutely no apologies for using EU money to do it.
We don’t like the Westminster bubble keeping our lawmakers, newspaper editors and commentators living in a different world to the rest of the country. If they are worried about Ukip’s increasing popularity, they need only look in a mirror to see who to blame.
And if they want to continue to kick the underdog they might be surprised by the results."
The Independent @Independent
David Cameron says he is carrying out the work of Jesus and compares himself to a Dyno-rod
AnneFaeGlesga. @AGlesca Apr 11
Im worried about the quality of the champagne in WM Cameron thinks he is Jesus or Dyno rod Robertson talks of "dark forces! #Armageddon oot!
Nat Guest @unfortunatalie
I'm still laughing about David Cameron saying "Think of me as a giant Dyno-Rod". …
I don't need to imagine the incompetent fop said it because he did.
Laura Kuenssberg @bbclaurak 2h
Labour source tells me party's econ policy so far is made up of 'bits + bobs' that aren't going to convince'
A round sum expenses allowance is an allowance which is paid to an employee irrespective of whether he or she spends it or not in a particular way. It is to be contrasted with a reimbursement of expenditure actually incurred by an employee and with a scale rate payment intended to reimburse such expenditure
There are only four theoretical options of equality: (1) a centralised union, as was the case pre-1999 with all MPs voting equally on all parts of the UK. No longer viable due to the attachment to devolution. (2) Federalism - England or regions thereof would need devolution on the same or a similar scale to the rest of the UK. Possible though no great call for it. (3) Different voting rights at Westminster depending on whether it's operating as a UK or English parliament. Possible but messy. (4) Independence for Scotland.
As that fourth option is very definitely on the table, there's not much point considering any of the others until it's decided one way or the other. That said, you're quite right: Labour'll do nothing about it given the opportunity.
I have an English degree and would quite happily challenge either of you arrogant fools to a spelling or grammar contest.
It's apostrophes at dawn.
I nominate Pork as my second.
Signed :
Ed of Grama and Spelyng Auchentennach Akadamne
Sun Politics @Sun_Politics
YouGov/Sun poll tonight - Labour lead down to three points: CON 34%, LAB 37%, LD 10%, UKIP 13%
I enjoy a mickey take as much as the next person, probably more so, but if there are people of any political persuasion that cannot spell or use grammar correctly it's not very clever to make fun of them.
To say nothing about the difficulties of using an iPad together with Vanilla.
Immigrants, BBC, gays, women, luvvies ....
Bloody hell .... Sandi Toksvig is in trouble !!
'I don't need to imagine the incompetent fop said it because he did.'
Automatic EU membership after independence --Everyone now knows was a lie.
Currency Union---Not going to get past rUK voters let alone Westminster.
No Currency Union,no sharing of debt----Guarantees massive queue of lenders. .
No loss of Jobs---a rush of companies registering in England.
Scotland will continue to discriminate against English students via fees---worry about getting back into the EU first,then get a surprise.
SNP guarantees rUK naval ships will be built in Scotland---the longer the campaign the crazier the promises.
The Conman makes Double Glazing Salesmen look good.
Merely a flesh wound.
What shall we sing?
A duet, right?
There are some things that just do not add up.
Why should a well-resourced paper like The Times make a simple mistake about MEP's expenses/allowances - it would be the first thing that would be checked on. Unless it is a mask for a greater revelation.
What would the attitude/voting inclination now of the 2010 LibDems, if Clegg had turned down the offer of a coalition and left the Cons to run a minority government - would they have forgiven him even more for turning down being in government after so many years in the wilderness? Would that have been more forgiveable that being part of the Coalition? Or would they have acted like a dog in a manger anyway.
Clegg had the problem that Cameron might have called another election within 6 months and before Labour were reorganised and achieved his majority partly at the expense of the LibDems and so condemn them to the wilderness again.
HMRC make the distinction in order to determine what might be taxable income (an allowance) and what is otherwise a reimbursement of an expense wholly and necessarily occurred for business purposes.
HMRC's ruling applies only to tax treatment.
We cannot conclude from the ruling that payment of an allowance confers the rights on an employee to spend funds in any way they wish. How an employee spends the allowance will be subject to either an express or implied contract with the provider. In the case of EP allowances there are published guidelines on what monies provided as allowances can legitimately be spent.
EP allowances are funds provided by EU taxpayers. It is therefore reasonable to require that proper account is kept of how such monies are spent even if such accounts are not required by EU authorities to be audited pr submitted for approval. It is also reasonable to assume that monies are only spent as necessary and for proper purpose.
All Farage needs to do to satisfy the inquiring public and media on the allowance provided for his UK office is to state a true and fair record of what he has spent.
Is that too much to ask?
All other nonsense about conspiracies of journalists against UKIP; vendettas fought by dismissed and discredited employees; and the political crusade of Nigel against the EU infidel are entirely irrelevant to the matter in hand.
Can you say you'll vote Conservative, even if you have no intention whatsoever to do so. Some of us have a bet to win with Paddy on it.
Thanks !
Are you advocating that 'arrogant' Tories replace 'shy' Tories?
If so, is this an ethical request?
We don’t like the Westminster bubble keeping our lawmakers, newspaper editors and commentators living in a different world to the rest of the country. If they are worried about Ukip’s increasing popularity, they need only look in a mirror to see who to blame.
And if they want to continue to kick the underdog they might be surprised by the results."
Something else the Times either wilfully ignored or are too thick to understand:
A round sum expenses allowance is an allowance which is paid to an employee irrespective of whether he or she spends it or not in a particular way. It is to be contrasted with a reimbursement of expenditure actually incurred by an employee and with a scale rate payment intended to reimburse such expenditure
HMRC make the distinction in order to determine what might be taxable income (an allowance) and what is otherwise a reimbursement of an expense wholly and necessarily occurred for business purposes.
HMRC's ruling applies only to tax treatment.
We cannot conclude from the ruling that payment of an allowance confers the rights on an employee to spend funds in any way they wish. How an employee spends the allowance will be subject to either an express or implied contract with the provider. In the case of EP allowances there are published guidelines on what monies provided as allowances can legitimately be spent.
EP allowances are funds provided by EU taxpayers. It is therefore reasonable to require that proper account is kept of how such monies are spent even if such accounts are not required by EU authorities to be audited pr submitted for approval. It is also reasonable to assume that monies are only spent as necessary and for proper purpose.
All Farage needs to do to satisfy the inquiring public and media on the allowance provided for his UK office is to state a true and fair record of what he has spent.
Is that too much to ask?
All other nonsense about conspiracies of journalists against UKIP; vendettas fought by dismissed and discredited employees; and the political crusade of Nigel against the EU infidel are entirely irrelevant to the matter in hand.
Perhaps the full details will be declared in the EU's audited accounts. Oh wait a minute.....
Rupert Murdoch Verified account
UKIP,Farage still making progress. Without a deal Cameron will be dead meat after 2015 elections. Prepare for Radical Labour.
This has clearly been seen by The Sun, The Times, and Sky as a call to arms to get Ukip from the boss.Expect more in the Sunday Times.
The other arms of the Tory press,Dacre and the Barclay Bros,don't quite seem to be on Rupert's page.There must be a fair section of their readership who would retract on such criticism of Ukip and sales might suffer.
As in "Our teacher training program has many who consider themselves, if I may break into Turkish, muvaffakiyetsizleştiricileştiriveremeyebileceklerimizdenmişsinizcesine"
Just don't ask me to pronounce it...
I score it one round each, sharp opening by the Times with a solid jab of a headline. Farage landed a couple of counter hooks to the body to take round 2.
Looking forward to round 3.
Slightly distasteful even for privately-educated Times readers and likely - just - to play into the kippers' hands (note apostrophe placement).
Did I misconstrue the studded leather collar?
You don't like UKIP. We get the message.
You overlook the fact that the apostrophe line of attack arose out of an internal dispute between Nigel Farage and UKIP's founder Professor Alan Sked:
It says something about a political party when its founder compares himself to a monster-creating character in a Mary Shelley novel. “I sometimes think of myself as Dr Frankenstein,” says Alan Sked, professor of International History at the London School of Economics. “So far I think ‘it’ can be contained. I attack ‘it’ in the press all the time.”
The “it” Sked refers to is the party he founded some two decades ago, the UK Independence party (Ukip), which campaigns to get the United Kingdom out of the European Union. Originally started by Sked in 1991 as the Anti-Federalist League, ‘it’ was renamed to Ukip in 1993. “We changed the name to the UK Independence party in this room,” he says. “Well there were less books and we sat around the table. After a while we went to the common room at the end. Ukip started here.”
Is Farage a sort of British Ron Paul? “No, I think Ron Paul is more educated,” replies Sked. “Farage never went to university. When he was candidate in the very beginning in the 1990s he used to stick things through letter boxes with stuff he kind of wrote himself. And I used to get these letters from party headquarters: ‘I am very glad your candidate in Salisbury believes in education but until he learns how to spell it I am not voting for him.’ Two or three letters insinuated that Farage’s command of English was not very good. I took him to my office and tried to explain to him English grammar and spelling. For about two hours I tried to tell him the difference between ‘it’s’, with an apostrophe, and ‘its’, without an apostrophe.”
Welcome to PB thatguy.
You are clearly not a Kipper.
Surely that should be: "Your clearly not a Kipper."
So Avery and Topping think it amusing to make fun of Kippers, that's discriminatory is it not?
I accept your challenge to a duel, Nigel.
Why do you think it amusing to poke fun at Kippers, implying we are dim? Do you think we are uneducated because we are not Tories?
I enjoy a mickey take as much as the next person, probably more so, but if there are people of any political persuasion that cannot spell or use grammar correctly it's not very clever to make fun of them.
To say nothing about the difficulties of using an iPad together with Vanilla.
You overlook the fact that the apostrophe line of attack arose out of an internal dispute between Nigel Farage and UKIP's founder Professor Alan Sked:
It says something about a political party when its founder compares himself to a monster-creating character in a Mary Shelley novel. “I sometimes think of myself as Dr Frankenstein,” says Alan Sked, professor of International History at the London School of Economics. “So far I think ‘it’ can be contained. I attack ‘it’ in the press all the time.”
The “it” Sked refers to is the party he founded some two decades ago, the UK Independence party (Ukip), which campaigns to get the United Kingdom out of the European Union. Originally started by Sked in 1991 as the Anti-Federalist League, ‘it’ was renamed to Ukip in 1993. “We changed the name to the UK Independence party in this room,” he says. “Well there were less books and we sat around the table. After a while we went to the common room at the end. Ukip started here.”
Is Farage a sort of British Ron Paul? “No, I think Ron Paul is more educated,” replies Sked. “Farage never went to university. When he was candidate in the very beginning in the 1990s he used to stick things through letter boxes with stuff he kind of wrote himself. And I used to get these letters from party headquarters: ‘I am very glad your candidate in Salisbury believes in education but until he learns how to spell it I am not voting for him.’ Two or three letters insinuated that Farage’s command of English was not very good. I took him to my office and tried to explain to him English grammar and spelling. For about two hours I tried to tell him the difference between ‘it’s’, with an apostrophe, and ‘its’, without an apostrophe.”
Apologies, I did not know that.
As I said I had a sense of humour bypass this evening.
I'm not sure if it'd be legal or not?
Absolutely shocking. What is the world coming to?
What about Saudi Arabia? Mexico? Sudan?
... And the panel say its a positive for Farage & Ukip
Haha brilliant
Keep it coming
Oh dear.
I fear he is returning to his slightly manic 'stuart truth' style persona which gave us so much hilarity when he was incompetently spinning for Romney. Not quite up to his 'Lansley will be PM' levels of comedy spinning yet, but he's certainly getting there.
Apologies, I did not know that.
As I said I had a sense of humour bypass this evening.
No need to apologise, Nigel.
We'll cheer you up tomorrow morning by having a champagne breakfast with 'pouter to celebrate the crossover of wages growth and inflation.
"When one of my British colleagues found himself with a slight surplus, and asked how to return it, he was told it couldn't be done. "
The Sunday Times jails its source
STimes maybe but it's very much the outrider for it's Daily and where the more serious investigations start and generally end up. As Mr Herdson felt so free to lay into the Indy (with some justification as on a general level they have made some pretty big blunders) then it's only fair to point out that they are far from alone. None of the broadsheets have weathered these far more cut-throat years with any aplomb and some have been sailing very close to the wind indeed.
The same people who want to gag the media now want to use it to smear an opponent with ridiculous lies, says it all about the establishment that Farage is fighting against.
Maybe a fair number of those three million voters are now supporting UKIP. It would be interesting if the polling companies could do some research on these voters.