I do wish people would lay off @HYUFD and the abuse. Yes, he likes to post slightly dogmatic highly traditionalist High Tory views, and then stubbornly digs in when challenged, but that's no reason to be nasty.Apprently the way to reduce divorce is to have less lavish and expensive weddings based on a US study.
I'd say the best way to lower divorce rates would be more marriage courses and marriage counselling.
Marriage is hard and we've had some tough moments. We still hark back to the all weekend marriage course the CofE ran for us before we got hitched in our local church, which we still find useful.
This is absolutely true in my personal experienceI do wish people would lay off @HYUFD and the abuse. Yes, he likes to post slightly dogmatic highly traditionalist High Tory views, and then stubbornly digs in when challenged, but that's no reason to be nasty.Apprently the way to reduce divorce is to have less lavish and expensive weddings based on a US study.
I'd say the best way to lower divorce rates would be more marriage courses and marriage counselling.
Marriage is hard and we've had some tough moments. We still hark back to the all weekend marriage course the CofE ran for us before we got hitched in our local church, which we still find useful.
'According to the data, women who spent more than $20,000 on their wedding were 1.6 times more likely to eventually divorce than women who spent between $5,000 and $10,000'
The logic is apprently twofold, 1 Finances are prominent reason for divorce so starting off with a financial millstone of paying for the wedding and everything around it is not a good start and 2. its been theorised if you are that concerned about impressing everyone else with a lavish do maybe you havent quite got the focus on the relationship itself.
How do you know?I used to prefer margarine a long time ago as it is easier to spread straight from the fridge than butter and for no other reason.margarine tastes like shit
However now that you can get spreadable butter, that is far superior and margarine can go in the bin as far as I'm concerned.
Yes I know you can get things to keep butter out of the fridge. No I don't have one and am not interested in one, I'll stick to spreadable butter thanks.
Um… who was saying they haven’t seen much evidence of Great Replacement Theory cropping up on PB?At 50-60% we could even get Sharia lawWhat do you honestly think will happen if Britain becomes, say, 30% Muslim? Or 40%? Think about it, and be honestI mean a politics that shifts wealth and opportunity in favour of those who are in most need without corruption or financial recklessness or xenophobic obsession with borders and immigration. Nothing like Venezuela.I have seen you suggest this a couple of times and I don't really get it. Left populism would be an utter disaster for all of us (see Venezuela for an obvious example).Yes, things can zig zag. I know that.Evolution is not teleological. Darwin never said it always means "progress or improvement"Darwin got it all wrong. We're regressing.Are international institutions breaking down?If they are, and I fear they may well be, then our descendants are basically fucked. The high point of international cooperation has been and gone, and the future is one of nationalist insanity and environmental destruction.
COP29, which started badly with plenty of no shows, is now on the verge of a complete breakdown, and that's on top of the Commonwealth hustle and FUBAR last month:
Anyway, as I now keep saying to all and sundry, Left Populism is coming. A radical economic offer for the struggling classes without the tacky xenophobic nostalgia that defines the right wing version.
It won't get funded by billionaires (for obvious reasons) but that won't matter once it gets rolling. I'm in. ✊️🕺
(please refrain from the very tedious "lol" if you choose to reply, which you shouldn't feel you have to)
Populism is the enemy of progress, both of the left and right variety, and I think of you as a progressive. What's going on?
Well, in his father's house there are many rooms, so you'd have to imagine he'd be in favour of a large exemption for personal primary residences.Every day I learn something new on PB.Actually his earthly “dad” (whose trade he followed) was a builder. And apparently moderately prosperous. Hence the schooling for the kid. Which would have been paid for.
Today, I learnt that Jesus was a carpenter, and not a welfare claimant.
I'm astonished.
So he was inline to inherit a family business, and privately educated.
Wonder what rate of IHT applied?
Have you considered it's perfectly possible to be pro LGBT rights, women's rights, the rights of minorities, and sincerely desiring a society composed of equality of opportunity - particularly among marginalised groups who might not otherwise enjoy the same opportunities as you and I due to age old discrimination - without being "woke" or "dividing [society] on race and sexuality lines"?Wokeism is ultra pro LGBTQ+, pro division on race and sexuality lines with a particular rejection of white heterosexual male 'privilege' and uber feminist (albeit with some clash with them and the equally woke uber trans).For his day he bloody well was.Rubbish, Jesus was not a communist woke social liberalNot that curious. There's a simple explanation.One of the curiosities of right-populism is how many of its leaders don't reflect the values their rhetoric espouses. There's a definite lack of Corbyn/Livingstone like figures- even when their views were odd/wrong, they did sort of try to live by them.And Giorgia Meloni has had a kid out of wedlock. Not exactly a bastion of religious morality.Wrong.Far from it, Italy has recently elected a government with a more traditional view of women and the family, the US has also just elected a President and Congress with a more traditional view of the family.You represent an argument that was rejected 70 years ago and continues to be rejected since.Yes empathy is only uber liberalism, everyone else is evil and beyond the pale. Marriage, commitment of both parents to raising children, the nation's fertility rate, all irrelevant in comparison to the desires of the self first.1 - People change.If you clearly hated each other you would never have married in the first place. Most kids want both their parents at home with them"Sorry, kids, me and yer dad can't split up, even though we hate each other because some bloke called Jesus, who may or may not have existed 2000 years ago, wouldn't like it and the government don't like it very much, either, so we'll just stay together and make your life a misery until you're old enough to leave home"I have already said I don't oppose divorce on the grounds of adultery, even Jesus did not oppose divorce when one party had committed sexual immorality and cheated on the other.My mother got a divorce in the late 1960's. It was incredibly difficult and took an absolute age, being one of the reasons the Denning Reforms came about. My father was a serial philanderer and he walked out the family home just after my sister was born in 1962. There was no fault on my mother's part. He was finally forced by the courts to pay maintenance in the princely sum of £4 a week. But the marriage still could not be ended for an age longer.My father's parents divorced and it had a negative impact on his teenage years and hit his mother hard while his father remarried.What a naive view.Unless it was an arranged marriage no marriage would be loveless otherwise they would never have got married in the first place.What conceivable benefit would you expect to acru from restricting divorce? Couples stuck in loveless marriages are not likely to bring children into them and if they did it would be for entirely the wrong reasons to the detriment of everyone.I lean in favour of assisted dying, but don't have a strong view.Divorce laws in the UK are too liberal now with no fault divorce. Having a negative effect on the family and fertility rates
Of course, one can take one's stance from our moral leaders - any proposed reform that churches oppose, from ending the burning of witches and heretics to legalising divorce to more or less anything Mrs Thatcher did, is usually an excellent idea.
No marriage is perfect, you work through the downs and arguments as well as the ups
Love sometimes lasts, but love sometimes dies. At which point it becomes loveless.
Go through ups and downs, yes, my wife and I have had ups and downs and we still love each other. That is a healthy marriage.
If you only have downs and the love is gone, then it's not a healthy marriage and it should be terminated.
All my biological grandparents divorced. Both my dad's parents remarried before I was even born and had a happy, healthy second marriage that took them to the end of their lives. Them divorcing and remarrying was the best thing that ever happened to them, and the family as a whole.
I was also lucky enough then to grow up with 5 grandparents (3 biological, 2 not) and am fortunate still have the two non-biological grandparents whom I love as my grandparents every bit as much as the biological ones.
Divorce is simply too easy nowadays, unless there is adultery or domestic violence involved divorce should be an absolute last resort and best avoided
Allowing my mother to escape being trapped in a marriage was no "last resort"; splitting from him was not "best avoided", as for one thing it would have prevented her getting another successful, joyous marriage to my stepfather. The strain of the broken relationship and the attempts to get a divorce caused her to have several nervous breakdowns. No child should have had to endure seeing their parent go through ECT.
Your world view is so constrained. It would result in so much pain for others if rigidly adopted.
That is not the same as supporting no fault divorce though, which I oppose even though it is now legal in the UK
That's right?
2 - Sometimes, especially when young and full of hormones, we make bad decisions
3 - Information that wasn't known beforehand can come to light
Your stance rejects all of the above.
My mother is twice divorced. Anathema to you.
For her first marriage, she fell deeply in love. A year or two down the line, her husband was diagnosed with schizophrenia. They had one daughter by then, but decided to divorce when, in the middle of an episode, he threatened the baby.
For her second marriage, she married "on the rebound." Partly because she was now used to being away from her over-controlling mother. She and my father had very different personalities - which they found out. Unfortunately, after the marriage. After several years of trying their best to make it work (and two children), they agreed to divorce.
To be honest, their divorce was the best thing they could have done for the children (me included). Rather than grow up in an air of mutual resentment and "making the best of it" through clenched teeth, we grew up in a home of love, learning, and laughter. Mum and Dad got on much better after the divorce and when they could live separately and when they didn't have to be in each other's business all the time. I actually think it was that which may have led to my sister and I both being in stable long-term marriages (her for 30 years+ at this point, me approaching 25 years). We didn't have the experience of the resentment we would doubtless have had in that alternate universe.
I reject entirely your didactic and unempathic stance.
Well tough, I represent an argument millions agree with, especially the religious and don't give a shit whether you dislike me making it or not I will continue to do so
The backlash against wokeism and uber liberalism has begun
America has just elected a twice divorced, repeatedly unfaithful adulterer as President.
Not a traditional view of the family.
Neither the leaders nor the voters give the slightest damn about Biblical values. HYUFD shows his contempt for the teaching of Jesus on a daily basis.
All they care about is cherrypicking elements they care about and then telling other people what they can and can't do.
Overturning the money tables and the whole eye of the needle thing. Wanting to feed the hungry, help the poor, heal the sick.
He was incredibly woke for his era.
It is perfectly possible for big corporations to be very woke and many now are and for a poor man to be socially conservative and anti woke. Hence Harris won lots of executives from the former and Trump lots of the latter