For those Harry Potter fans out there, Johnson has taken an overdose of Felix Felicis........ At least that is what it looked like the day after the referendum! (View Post)
Got to this post late, but feel very strongly about voting systems so I want to comment. STV is highly recommended by the electoral reform society and this country would be governed a lot better if w… (View Post)
Perhaps it's time we stepped back and asked what is wrong with our system that it produces such bad governance? What are the problems with the current incentives and penalties in our system that elev… (View Post)
I'm one of the biggest remainers out there and I have no problem with him voting yes as long as he says that as soon as he is in power he will ask the EU for a better (i.e. closer one). Anyone who th… (View Post)
Brexit could easily kill the Union. Scotland goes and joins the EU. NI goes soon after with Irish unification. England/Wales holds out a little while against the tide then rejoins SM after abject eco… (View Post)