That would be pretty terrible for sole traders, particularly those providing mostly labour. Say you run a mobile dog groomers out of a van, or do tree surgery - why should you have to charge clients … (View Post)
That's a good idea. Cost will be virtually nothing, whilst I know a lot of small businesses/sole traders who limit their business growth to keep under the threshold. (View Post)
One of the things I don't understand is the modern tendency to trail budgets over the preceding week or two, so by the time it's given everyone knows the content already. Surely it's the perfect oppo… (View Post)
Surely the only real route to productivity gains comes from allowing labour to become more expensive. 10 people chasing 10 jobs - full employment, but also as every employer gets an employee, little … (View Post)
I run my old diesel barge for about 25p/mile all in (not much depreciation on a £500 car). People buying new electric cars and getting hit for more than that on depreciation alone must be completely … (View Post)