Trouble is, it "works" in the short term as a revenue raiser - but at a tremendous long term cost, which means more strangling of the productive sector of the economy, and less growth in th… (View Post)
They are actually insane. Taxation should be on consumption, not work. Employers NI is particularly pernicious as it's effectively income tax, but disguised so people don't notice it as much. Effecti… (View Post)
How can you buy votes in a secret ballot? The voters might just take your money, and vote the wrong way, the double-crossing swine. Given than governments of all stripes pretty much everywhere dole o… (View Post)
IMHO what Labour have done on the WFA is fine, although I did note that they have jumped enthusiastically into a bear trap which Gordon Brown manufactured purely in the hope that the Tories would wal… (View Post)
Which burnt despite rooms full of compliance paperwork, the people putting up the insulation being suitably diverse, and the contractors concerned doubtless having their modern slavery policy in orde… (View Post)