The problem with seat projectors is that they were fairly good at working out what happens with a modest Lab/Tory swing, but cannot possibly be well calibrated to the effects of a minor 3rd party sud… (View Post)
Fundamentally that doesn't change the money in vs money out problem the sector has - it just means that the better run institutions will be dragged down by the worse ones. Because of the way student … (View Post)
Have they? I thought one of the major purposes of this bill was to prevent academies having freedom to set pay? Either Kemi is right, or they've done a very screeching u-turn in the last couple of da… (View Post)
That doesn't make it less stupid. It merely tells us that, much like the present Labour government, the last Tory government was also composed of morons. Not that this was exactly news - that's why t… (View Post)