. They'll only do that if they are insane. Obviously the most right-wing choice wins with the membership, so if they've any sense at-all, they'll move heaven and earth to keep that slimeball Jenrick … (View Post)
Which makes her as least as much of a lying scumbag as the previous government. My big gripe is with all the "Broken Britain" memes. I live in a small town that's rapidly being wrecked by e… (View Post)
Isn't it more to do with housing and incomes than anything else? Because the policies of successive governments have created a lack of housing, and because the demand curve for housing is very inelas… (View Post)
Isn't this pretty standard politics? Tell your base how great they are and how much you want to do the stuff they like, then tell other people that you don't really mean to do any of it, and wink and… (View Post)
I'm genuinely interested in your take, as you're someone who gets the joys of working with them. I think it's a very difficult area no matter how one goes at it. My sister did educational stats for t… (View Post)