I apologise if you feel slighted, it wasn’t my intention. I’m forced to agree we can’t change the world as quick as the world seems to change. To be fair, in times of “war” or national crisis, Govern… (View Post)
Yes and IF it is seen to be effective, it will become the policy for all Governments of whatever stripe much as privatisation in the 80s and 90s. However, and it’s far too early to tell, IF the impac… (View Post)
Afternoon all from Aotearoa :) The Vance speech was third on last evening’s news. The recognition of increased defence expenditure is there - historically, NZ spent very little on defence - about 1.2… (View Post)
I worked at home periodically for It’s about 3% I believe but out there in the electorate the perception is very different as it is with levels of crime and the number of Muslims in the UK. (View Post)
Afternoon all from Aotearoa :) Those banking on an early spring in the UK should be aware I am due to return at the end of the month and a freezing March is therefore more or less guaranteed. The Van… (View Post)