Yes, if it is going to do anything it should be hiring and training more soldiers, and buying things which can be used within a <5 year time frame. The danger is we just hand it all over to BAE to… (View Post)
I think it's about £13bn/year. Ignoring more fundamental tax reforms which need time (but imo would be best solution). Increase council tax on higher value band homes -> £3.5bn Cap or reduce 40% p… (View Post)
Its evidence that competent government with politicians who make decisions rather than blaming the EU/blob/judges whoever can drive policy change. By contrast, the Tories steadily promoted Liz Truss … (View Post)
In fairness help also came with a crack team of economists, Jeff Sachs, Larry Summers etc, whose shock therapy completely messed up Russia and handed it to the oligarchs. (View Post)