"International law" is a misnomer because everyone's framing for this comes from domestic criminal law. It's much more like contract law, where you absolutely can breach a contract, and doi… (View Post)
Yes, but at that point we're beyond what is normally considered to be "law". I don't follow the law because I want to retain the good will of my local police force or a good reputation with… (View Post)
Where Philip is right, though, is that nobody cares about international law. The argument that Boris hasn't a clue what he's doing is much more relevant. Having supported then opposed Theresa May's d… (View Post)
The problem is that Boris fought the general election on the basis of a deal that he now wants to break. He was given precisely the authority that he asked for, and signed a legally-binding deal. He … (View Post)
My understanding is different. Privilege in this system is defined relatively. We're not trying to measure an absolute scale of priviliege out of 100, with say Jeff Bezos or the Duke of Westminster i… (View Post)