They can't impeach him for incapacity. The President can only be impeached for "Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors". Whilst the Constitution doesn't define what classif… (View Post)
Couldn't disagree more with the header. Yes, the Conservatives are likely to move to the right after losing, just as Labour tend to move to the left when they leave government. Both parties eventuall… (View Post)
If the PM loses the election, yes, they must resign and suggest who should succeed them. There will then be a kissing of hands for the incoming PM. However, if the PM wins the election they simply ca… (View Post)
No. The PM remains in office throughout the election campaign and beyond, until they resign. They are not re-appointed after an election, so no kissing of hands. (View Post)
Its application to PFI contracts is limited to preventing either party escaping liability for death or injury caused by negligence. Not particularly helpful in terms of what is being discussed here. … (View Post)