Dear Dear David, that is just bollocks. You are down at Scottp levels there, "Scots will realise that the English are just like them". I have seen some lying patronising pish posted but tha… (View Post)
You really are stupid, Darling is a back bench MP, does not ever attend mind you and has made £250K speaking about how duff he is and how you bankrupt a country. You and your Tory pals have no cojone… (View Post)
Fox, I will be busy watching the debate. I have to say that the level on drivel on here is unbelievable ( not aimed at yourself ). The level of debate from posters who claim to be intelligent , ie fo… (View Post)
LOL, now we have the site dummy on expounding wisdom. Desperate times when Tories like you have to depend on failed Labour backbenchers to fight your battles for you and actually try to defend their … (View Post)