Er, it really isn't. I speak as someone with a degree in mathematics, although frankly this is GCSE maths or lower. You have 2 parents, 4 grandparents, 8 great grand parents, etc. Keep going back unt… (View Post)
Exactly. Very well explained. In fact it is essential there are multiple cousin marriages although some might be 100s of times removed so not a cousin in the accepted sense (ie we are all cousins) as… (View Post)
Nope. We are all direct descendants. Do the damn maths. Honestly the fact that you don't understand the really simple power of two problem really does put paid to the hight IQ fallacy. Think of the g… (View Post)
It is difficult to know what point you are trying to make. There is no difference between direct decedent and genealogical ancestor. We are all both. Simply do the maths. 2 to the power of however ma… (View Post)
LOL. World of your own. And your constant references to PB being hysterical from the most hysterical poster ever just shows how detached from reality you are. (View Post)