Remembering of course the male haggis has its 3 left legs shorter than it's 3 right legs and the females the other way around so that they run opposite ways around the mountain so they can meet for m… (View Post)
Thank goodness the open season on the haggis ends today. The poor creature has been hunted to near extinction. Nigel Farage, at the Glasgow hunt, said it was a British tradition and we should be prou… (View Post)
I am going to have dinner at 'The Unruly Pig' this weekend. By coincidence today the Guardian reviewed it. It is the most glowing review I have ever read finishing with 'this is as good as it gets'. … (View Post)
My first GE was Feb 74. Until 2024 every constituency I have voted in has NOT changed hands and I have never voted for a winning candidate. I broke both those runs in Guildford last year. (View Post)