Thank goodness the open season on the haggis ends today. The poor creature has been hunted to near extinction. Nigel Farage, at the Glasgow hunt, said it was a British tradition and we should be prou… (View Post)
I am going to have dinner at 'The Unruly Pig' this weekend. By coincidence today the Guardian reviewed it. It is the most glowing review I have ever read finishing with 'this is as good as it gets'. … (View Post)
My first GE was Feb 74. Until 2024 every constituency I have voted in has NOT changed hands and I have never voted for a winning candidate. I broke both those runs in Guildford last year. (View Post)
So you don't have an answer to that then. We have a whole lot of good stuff and a whole lot of bad stuff. The bad stuff followed the good stuff. So the logical thing to do is get rid of the good stuf… (View Post)