I just collected a free tree from my library provided by Surrey County Council. I picked a crab apple tree. It is a green project. I think it is a plan to grow your own books and you have to be at th… (View Post)
Absolutely deluded and very much not surprised by the likes you got. Amazing bias. Go on point out where I have ever done that. Never voted Labour in my life and I'm 70! Does it never cross your mind… (View Post)
Picture taken in the freezing hail. How on earth can eating a watermelon and drinking a G&T on a balcony in the warm sunshine compare? Horses for courses. (View Post)
We might have nothing to do, but we do stuff that we don't need to do for fun. I grow fruit and cook, neither of which I need to do, but do it because I enjoy it and get enormous satisfaction. Yester… (View Post)