Can you list some of these laws? Hint: There isn't one about straight bananas Now I am sure you can find a few marginal ones, but most people won't want to get rid of them. Also distinguish between t… (View Post)
Jeremy Vine tells a good story about Boris. As a guest speaker Boris turns up late, just before he is on, appears hassled, asks who the audience is and asks questions, scribbles stuff on a scrap of p… (View Post)
Yep, that is the big one. I have highlighted it a number of times. if you are taking stuff to Europe and you are bringing it back (in some form or other) it is a nightmare. Been there done that and t… (View Post)
I have also once, I think on my last trip, which felt odd and on most occasions it is pretty quick anyway regardless. I have had to queue a few times for 15 - 30 min while people with EU passports co… (View Post)