That's how it usually is with autocrats and dictators. Trump's interests are no more aligned to America's than Putin's are to Russia's. They're both about satisfying their 'urges' not making life bet… (View Post)
I just think your stuff would be better if you widened your sources beyond far right spaces. There's a lot of lies and misinformation there - and bigotry - and some of it rubs off despite your best e… (View Post)
Re TRIP, before I forget, whilst mooching around Highgate today (athletic gait rather than creative) I wandered into one of those discreet alleyways/courtyards that N6 specialises in and I stumbled a… (View Post)
Betting sentiment on WH28 has moved in the last few days. The Dems have come in from 2.4 to 2.2. With so much uncertainty around Trump, and the election being almost 4 years away, I can't see any com… (View Post)