I've also read it. It's short on slogans ("security and opportunities" is not exactly "get Brexit done"), and I didn't feel inspired by it, but it was an interesting read and I ag… (View Post)
Agreed I voted for Lisa Nandy in the leadership election and think she'd make an excellent PM, and she has certainly demonstrated greater vision than Keir Starmer. However, Starmer is competent, is d… (View Post)
My brother's in-laws have a tradition of going to one of the Battle Proms every year, and I was invited this year. First chance to see everyone since the wedding. I swallowed my pride, though I drew … (View Post)
That's my understanding, at least to be a mullah in Afghanistan. Historically, you could even drop the "study at a religious school and becomed learned in scripture and law" bit outside cit… (View Post)
The national army also offered little resistance in 1878, 1979 and 2001. There was much gloating in 2001 over the silly historians who warned against invasion. Maybe one day westerners will learn tha… (View Post)