Have you ever tried paying less than your full supermarket bill, explaining that the only TV you watch is the BBC, and therefore you shouldn't have to pay the advertising overheads on the products yo… (View Post)
As a characterisation, of what a liberal should be, that's pretty good. A couple of thoughts: There is tension between the freedom and equality points. What if, for example, the only way to ensure eq… (View Post)
Yes, plus while I disagree with much that she has done (e.g. the hostile environment policy), she clearly (a) is competent, and (b) acts in what she considers to be the best interests of the country.… (View Post)
A polling organisation could settle the question very easily by asking a question such as (I'm sure it could be improved): What is closest to your view of the meaning of the Black Lives Matter "… (View Post)
Excellent comment. (I wish you hadn't mentioned Blair though.) Of course, you do have to take your own people with you, which means that you can't completely avoid giving conservatives "culture … (View Post)