EDIT: apologies - mashed up the blockquote at first. Yes, if alternatives are presented, it would help. So here are three: (a) Accept R>1 indefinitely, leading to hundreds of thousands of COVID-19… (View Post)
On topic, my answers to the questions in the article: 1) Whatever fixed amount of time SAGE now recommend. On 21st Sept, they said two or three weeks, but the delay might mean a longer circuit-breake… (View Post)
In theory the + deals witht that, albeit too late. The most common version is LGBT (https://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?content=LGB%2CLGBT%2CLGBTQ%2CLGBTIQ&year_start=1800&year_end=2008&… (View Post)
Yes, that's classical liberalism, closer to libertarianism than what is now called liberalism. I think you've put your finger on a large part of why I am both a liberal and a socialist. I think that … (View Post)