I agree that the USA might be heading into chaos but there is a significant chance of blow back in the UK. The underlying story that politicians are corrupt and the civil service is useless and self … (View Post)
PB Predictions Competition 2025 Highest share of the vote in 2025 with a BPC registered pollster in a GB wide poll for each of Lab, Con, LD, Reform. LAB – 34%, Con – 28%, LD 14%, Reform 32% Lowest sh… (View Post)
The weakness of running a large trade deficit was seen in COVID and is potentially going to reappear with global trade wars. We assume that we can buy what we need with money but what happens if mone… (View Post)
Carville said: I used to think if there was reincarnation, I wanted to come back as the president or the pope or a .400 baseball hitter. But now I want to come back as the bond market. You can intimi… (View Post)
Was in Belfast yesterday where we have an office. I cannot see a poll before 2030 or even 2040. Sinn Fein popularity seems to have peaked and their stance on immigrants and Gaza has alienated many. T… (View Post)