Every Eggs a winner baby. 🥳 When the commentators and 3 opposition leaders were saying definitely no election I was piling on there will be. For my next moment of genius I am betting the lot on Boris… (View Post)
There is a discussion what happens if Tories haven’t secured an election by the end of this week. At that point there’s only one person snookered. Having promised to die in a ditch on the 31st, on th… (View Post)
I think there is an over tendency for media to go vox popping in big leave areas during day and talking to old people and shop/stall owners to create that feeling. On here yesterday people laughed at… (View Post)
I’m sorry Big G I agree with Gin. See my post below, It’s not what he’s saying his anmendmrnt actually does it’s what it does actually does. Like a false Cuprinol tin. (View Post)