Burgon Baiting much like hare coursing. Going into the playground and picking on the weakest link not the toughest, not your best moment Mr Kirk. Have I missed something, the promised review into Isl… (View Post)
No it wasn’t the racism that played so well and got the result over the line, it was the leavers suggesting that deindustrialisation, globalisation, and the various crisis such as in social care (cau… (View Post)
I have to politely disagree on where this is heading. As voters wake up to what a naff piece of haphazard democracy or downright sneaky politicking achieved brexit, they will feel like they’ve been h… (View Post)
Yes. A culture thing. We share more of a culture with continent today than 1975. We share more of a culture with continent today than yesterday. With each day now we will feel more culturally closer … (View Post)