It is almost always possible to charge people under an existing act, but requires a case to be built. But that's expensive and time consuming so (as politicians) you being in some hurried legislation… (View Post)
The 1977 film Damnation Alley was based on the book by Roger Zelazny (which I haven't read but the film scared me witless when I watched it aged 11 or 12, and set me up nicely for Threads 4 years lat… (View Post)
Agree. The dominant narrative was "it was the neoliberalism wot won it" so let's give 'em it full force. Re Jeffrey Sachs: it's an interesting thought experiment to imagine what might have … (View Post)
The attraction of communism is that (in theory) it does offer that responsibility ("from each according to his ability, etc."). In practice it just leads to despotism by whoever seizes the … (View Post)