I disagree he needs to use the best new talent like the shadow home Secretary Nick Thomas Symonds. He does not need to make it Milliband mark 2 which did not win. The public in the main do not care a… (View Post)
I think the article by Alistair Meeks is excellent . The Iraq war each death was major news and rightly so. However if the numbers were as high as co vid 19, or as high as the USA in Vietnam it would… (View Post)
I agree, as I do over your Scottish referendum position. I know you get a lot of stick over your comments. However I think you are more thoughtfull than many give you credit for, (View Post)
I do not think Harold Wilson was portrayed as patriotic by the opposition at the time. He was accused of been a spy for the soviet Union. Also as anti American for not sending in troops to Vietnam to… (View Post)
I have just been informed that Sir Captain Tom Moore family took him on holiday to the Caribbean at Christmas. Which seemed to me a quite dangerous thing to do in a pandemic, with a vulnerable 100 ye… (View Post)