28C at Biggin Hill and Southend. 9.30am If everyone in the UK now turns on the oven and runs a tumble dryer, the record will go COME ON BRITAIN, YOU CAN DO THIS (View Post)
Roger, bless him, is also focusing on the south of France where it will actually top out at an equable 31C today. Entirely tolerable Contrast with Paris, which will be a grisly 41C, or parts of the S… (View Post)
Isn’t curry meant to be good? Encouraging sweat? The government should set up enormous “scorching Vindaloo curry and fresh pots of scalding tea” dispensaries in car parks. Saving thousands of lives (View Post)
I doubt that 50% of us will make it through to Wednesday Bright side: Parking in Sheffield is going to be an absolute breeze for the next few years (View Post)