Boris Johnson is Helpful Bozza when it comes to handing over his Whatsapp messages and diaries like a good boy, but as Alexander Lebedev gets hit today with a Ukrainian government sanction for his al… (View Post)
Then subtract that number (the probability you'd assign) from 1 to get x, and calculate 1-(1-x)^n where n is a large positive integer. If for example the number is a footling 10% and n is 100, we get… (View Post)
A catfight within the top echelon of the civil service would be hilarious. Simon Case will doubtless have just the right skillset to cool everybody down, given his experience in royal service. (View Post)
I hope you're trolling. But a fun place to visit is what used to be the hoverport at Pegwell Bay near Ramsgate, which is well on its way back to nature: (View Post)
Off-topic, and IQ is a complete load of cobblers (nice to see UCL have denamed Francis Galton) but this article is hilarious regardless:… (View Post)