"Foreseeable". Let's be concrete. Will you offer me a price of 10^6:1 (stake £1) for Britain rejoining before the end of 2039? Cromwell's rule. (View Post)
Those values matter to most of us. It's good that they matter to you, but that doesn't make you special. The question was why do you feel that you have a duty to vote Conservative? This is even thoug… (View Post)
Well the king has told his carer, J Dimbleby, to blame the archbishop for the king's own decision to call for a mass loyalty oath. The archbishop has said it was a collective decision for which no si… (View Post)
I almost forgot falling real incomes, widespread expectations of further falls, and foodbanks and stuff, when I saw those luscious photographs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmInkxbvlCs (View Post)