Somehow in our cut throat capitalist world of evil big pharma companies leaching off the poor and needy, we managed to get a very effective vaccine that was going to be given at cost price to the poo… (View Post)
I've realised that Remainiac is no longer a strong enough word to describe those defending fruit loop Macron's pronouncements. They seem to be a subset of Remainiacs, but it's now a psychosis. I'll h… (View Post)
Just catching up on the last thread. Saw this rubbish "I think what should concern us most now is not that EU leaders have made mistakes, that is clear enough, but that the UK now lives in a sep… (View Post)
Do we imagine that the EU have so spectacularly fucked up this time that they will have learnt their lesson and won't ever do it again? Or do we believe that they're just showing their colours, and w… (View Post)