Newspapers are only interested in revenue from sales or internet advertising. I think the Brexit supporting media is deeply irresponsible and question why they keep adding fuel to the fire as the onl… (View Post)
I welcome the talk of removing BoJo from office very soon. It is a pity that the PM cannot be humilated further before being defenistrated of office by having his PM salary reduced by a vote in the. … (View Post)
Boris Pravda in full flow! :wink: I suspect those who believe the propaganda output from that sorry state of a newspaper is diminishing by the day. Yes, they have tried to target Major in that headli… (View Post)
Boris Johnson should resign as PM! Shame on the Tories if they keep a lawbreaker. In other news I am in Gibraltar! Interesting place. Got talking to some people from the US and we had much in common … (View Post)